D450 Software
upgrade procedure
2- Turn the unit ON.
3- Open the Software upgrade application.
"D450-Download Tool 0.2"
4- Press "Connect" button, then the unit will beep to
confirm the connection.
1- With the unit turned OFF connect the
upgrade cable to the PC.
D450 Software
upgrade procedure
5- Press "Manage Mapping" button.
6-Press "Load Currency" and open the Firmware within the
ADP_File, then press "Open"
9-Turn the unit OFF and disconnect the upgrade cable.
Finally turn the unit ON and test the programming
8-When the download is complete press "Close" button.
7-Press "Upload to D450". The firmware will start downloading.
Go to the "Software Update Tool" file and
download it, then save, open and unzip the file
on your computer. NOTE: If you don't have
WinRAr or WinZip softwares installed you can
download it from this link for free.