If the problems still persist even after the following proper countermeasures have been taken,stop using the product immediately to avoid
any unforeseen damage or injury.Disconnect the power plug from the main outlet socket and consult the authorised the sales agent.Do not
attempt to repair or midify the equipment at home.
Possible Cause Solution
The buttons on cont ro ll er
cannot work.
The power supply ma in s wi tch is not turned on; The controller d oe s
not connected wit h el ec tric cabinet thro ug h in terface.
The power supply pl ug i s de tached or the fuse is bu rn ed out.
So me n oi se, such as squeak, i s he ar d du ri ng
ma ss ag e.
The sound is caused b ym as sage roller rubbi ng a ga inst the internal
cloth material.
Other noise is hear d du ri ng knocking massa ge
and kneading mass ag e.
Voice of knock is hear d wh en k neading and
knocking functi on s ar e replaced.
The sound “Bi Bi” is he ar d du ring air pressure
The sound is made whe n ma ch ine is working; It is n ot m ac hine fault.
Massage roller st op s wo rking.
Some buttons on con tr ol ler cannot work.
The Massage Chair s to ps w orking
automatically d ur in g massage.
If abnormal phenomenon still exists after above measures have been taken to the Massage Chair, please contact our company or
designated maintenance center for repair.
The sound is made whe n ai rb ag exhausts air.
Over pressure is ex er te d on backrest, so rol le r is
forced to stop work in g.
The fixed working t im e is o ver or power is off .
The chair is over tem pe ra ture due to using for a l on g ti me; So the
automatic prote ct io n device is started u p.
Disturbed by exte rn al p ower supply.
It is invalid under c ur re nt working mode.
The controller di re ct ly contacts forei gn m at ter.
Tur n on p ower supply main swit ch ; Properlyconnect t he
controller with e le ct ric cabinet throu gh i nt erface.
Insert the power pl ug i nt o the socket firmly, or replace a new
fuse with the same mo de .
It is normal sound, n ot a ffecting pr od uc t's
performance and l if et ime.
When reduce the pre ss ur e, the massage roll er w il l resume work
Restart up chair, ch ec k po wer socket, and ens ur e po wer
supply is connect ed w el l.
Tur n off power suppl y, restart up the Ma ss ag e Chair when its
internal temper at ur e returns to normal .
Tur n off power suppl y, restart up the Ma ss ag e Chair.
It i s a no rm al p henomenon.
Tur n off power suppl y, clean up contro l pa ne l, and then turn
on power supply aga in .
Before cleaning, please ensure that the power supply main switch has already been turned off, and power plug has been disconnected
from socket.
Wipe off dust, keep Massage Chair clean, and do not put it in damp place.
If the Massage Chair does not be used for a long period of time, please cover it with a dustproof cover.
Wipe the Massage Chair with wet towel dipped with neutral detergent or leather dedicated cleaner, then wipe the detergent or cleaner
with soft dry towel.
Wipe controller with soft dry towel, and forbid to wash the controller with water, to avoid leading to malfunction.
Please do not use corrosive cleaning agents like bananaoil, benzene to clean the Massage Chair, to avoid causing leather or plastic
decoloration, aging, or crazing.
Please do not place the Massage Chair exposed to strong sunlight or high temperature as this may cause leather decoloration.
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