Before attempting any adjustments, set the four
potentiometer adjustment screws to their initial val-
ues. All four screws are 25 turn potentiometers. You
will hear a click every turn when you reach the clock-
wise or counter-clockwise end of the potentiometer.
Set ‘MAXIMUM SPEED’ full clockwise.
Set ‘REFERENCE OUT’ full clockwise.
Set ‘SPEED SENSE RELAY’ full clockwise.
Set ‘TORQUE LIMIT’ full counter-clockwise.
An adjustment of the maximum speed potentiometer is
used to match the tachometer generator, located in the
drive, to the control. The potentiometer is located on
the SCRB-68 unit and is labeled “Maximum Speed” and
is located first from the left when viewing the control.
The potentiometer is accessible through an opening on
the front panel. (Refer to Figure 4.)
Once properly adjusted, normally no further attention
need be given this item. Improper adjustment of the
maximum speed potentiometer may result in one of the
1. Drive reaches full speed before operator's speed
control selector is set to maximum. This situation
results in the control running wide open in an attempt
to increase the speed of the drive, but full rated
speed is already being attained, and further speed
increase is not possible. While the control is rated
sufficiently to provide full output continuously, it must
be recognized that this condition is abnormal, and
that control life will be less than it would were proper
operation followed. Normal output voltage of the
control to the coupling will not exceed 60 volts D.C.
at full rated load and speed of drive even though this
output voltage may be 90 volts D.C. during drive
acceleration. It should be noted that this abnormal
condition reflects little, if any, additional load on the
A.C. drive motor itself, due to the nature of the drive.
When the control reacts in the manner just
described, a counterclockwise adjustment of the
maximum speed potentiometer is needed.
2. The drive does not reach full speed even with the
operator's speed control set to maximum. This con-
dition is the result of too much tachometer voltage
being applied and can be corrected by turning the
maximum speed potentiometer adjustment screw in
the clockwise direction. Turning adjustment screw in
this direction will insert additional resistance in the
tachometer circuit.
NOTE: The maximum speed potentiometer will in no
way increase the maximum speed capabilities
of the drive. It will not affect trip out of motor
overload relays, nor will it assist in getting an
inoperative control working. This potentiometer
should not be used as a “Stop” to reduce max-
imum speed capabilities, since better arrange-
ments are available for this purpose.
Required Equipment: A.C. Voltmeter with 0 - 75 or 0 -
100 V.A.C. range.
With flywheel only running, set operator's speed control
to the position for maximum speed. Presses with pre-
set starting speeds will not respond to the operator's
speed control under these circumstances, since this
control is not effective until the press clutch is engaged.
In this situation, the preset potentiometer itself may be
temporarily adjusted fully clockwise to run drive to full
speed. More than one preset speed may exist, in which
case it will be necessary to use the proper one depend-
ing on selector switch setting. For example, if selector
switch is set on “INCH”, and an “Inch Speed” preset
potentiometer exists, then this one must be used to
obtain temporary full speed. If a low speed maximum
limit exists on the preset speed controls, remove the
wire connected to terminal 9 (R signal) of the SCRB-68
control and temporarily jumper terminals 9 (R signal)
and 8 (P1 signal). This will give the effect of full refer-
ence speed applied to the control.
Once full speed is obtained from the drive, with fly-
wheel only running, connect the A.C. voltmeter probes
to terminals 7 (G1 signal) and 12 (G2 signal) (tachome-
ter generator leads). Reading should be at least 40
volts A.C. with a 1700 RPM drive.
NOTE: Allow enough time when adjusting the Maxi-
mum Speed Potentiometer for the drive to
reach a stable speed. This potentiometer
requires 25 turns of the adjustment screw for
full range of adjustment.
The Maximum Speed Potentiometer adjustment screw
should now be turned clockwise until no further
increase in measured voltage occurs. Read this volt-
age accurately. Multiply the voltage so obtained by .95
and adjust the Maximum Speed Potentiometer coun-
terclockwise until the calculated, or 95% value, is indi-
cated on the voltmeter.
As a further reference, with flywheel only running, the
coupling coil voltage measured between terminals 5
(C2 signal) and 7 (G1 signal) should be about 5 to 10
volts D.C. - (Continue to next page.)