Security Reference Guide — Doc. 9417A TST-1080 • 8
By default, NTP is enabled and is configured to get the time from The device supports
using up to three NTP servers, including authentication servers. Issue the following command to
configure custom NTPservers for time synchronization:
sntp [start|stop|sync|delete {server|server2|server3}|server {args}|server2
{args}|server3 {args}]
lstart - Starts synchronization
lstop - Stops synchronization
lsync - Forces synchronization one time
ldelete {server|server2|server3} - Deletes configuration for NTP server1, server2, or server3
lserver:{address} [optional args] - Address of primary NTP server with optional arguments
lserver2:{address} [optional args] - Address of secondary NTP server to synchronize with
optional arguments
lserver3:{address} [optional args] - Address of secondary NTP server to synchronize with
optional arguments
loptional args:
oport:{1-65535} - NTP port (default 123)
oauth:{mac} - Secured NTP MAC authentication
okeytype:{md5(less secured)|sha1|sha256} - Key type for MAC authentication only
(default sha1)
NOTE: md5 is not allowed when FIPSMODE is on.
okey:{shared key} - Preshared key between NTP client and server (MAC authentication
okeyid:{1-65535} - Preshared key index between NTP client and server (MAC
authentication only)
lNo parameter - Displays the current settings
Example: SNTP AUTH:mac KEYID:1
NOTE:NTPservers are configured into a particular slot. The server configured into the SERVERslot
will be the primary server used for time synchronization. The servers configured into the SERVER2
and SERVER3 slots will be used as secondary servers.
Disable Auto Discovery
All devices support an auto discovery feature which allows them to be detected, report basic
information, and do some basic configuration remotely. This feature is not protected by any type of
authentication. Disable auto discovery with the following command:
autodiscovery off