Fagor America LFA-45X User manual

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Safety Information
Operating Instructions
Control Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Dishwasher Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Wash Cycle Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Detergent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Rinse Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Using an all in
one . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loading the Dishwasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Cutlery Basket .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Filtering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Caring for the Dishwasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .......... . .2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . 1
Troubleshooting Tips
Dishwasher Features
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model: LFA-45X
Instruction Manual
43 Moonachie Rd.
Hackensack, NJ 07601
For technical support or repairs call: 1.877.743.2467
For general information or inquiries call: 1.800.207.0806
ErrorAla rm
Er rorc ode son th ed ispl ay w ill in for my o u o f
p ro bl e ms wit h th e d is hw as h er.
St ainl ess St eelTub
TheStainlessSteeltubofthe dishwasher is
madeof toughanddurablesteel that is
RinseAid Warning Indicator
Wh en t h e ri ns e ai ds in the m ac hin e be gin to
ru n l ow, an al e rt on t he pa ne l wi ll be c lea rl y
displayedinforming you torefillthem.
This w ill ens ur e th e uni t w ill o pe rat e a t
optimum performance.
Time Delay feature
This allows thestartof the to be
between3/6/9/12 hours,
program delayed
Th e T ime D e l ay featu r e
convenienc e,savingyou time andmoney.
The manufacturer may make modifications without
giving prior notice.
The F agor Model LFA-45X has seve ral characteristics which separat eit f rom the competi tion.
TheseAre :
6 Dishwashing Programs
Depending onyourcleaning needs, youca n
choose any ofthe 6 pre-programmedc ycles to
better clean yourdishes.ChoosefromAll in 1,
Heavy, Normal,Light, Rinseand Speed.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event
of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will
reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a
path of less resistance
T his appli ance is equipped with an
equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding
plug.The plug must be plugged into an appropriate
outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance
with all local codes and ordinances.
to the electrical currents.
Improper connection of the equipment-
grounding conductor can result in a risk
of electric shock. Check witha qualified
electrician or service represent ative
the appliance is properl y grounded.
Do not modif y the plug provided with the
to ensure
If the plug does not fit the outlet,
contact a qualified el ectrician to install a proper
Keep child away f rom
child away from the open door of the dishwasher ,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
detergents and rinse aids. Keep
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not touch theheating element during or
immediately after use.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe. For plastic
check the manufactur recommendatio ns.
items not marked,
Useonlydetergentand rinseadditivesdesigned
foran au tom ati c dishwas her. Nev eru se s oa p,
laundry deterge ntor han dwa shin gd etergent
inyourdishwasher.Keepthese products out of
reach of c hil dren .
During installation, the powersupplymustnot
bee xce ssiv ely o rd ange rously be nto rf la ttened.
The d oo rshould n ot be l eft i n th eo pe n p osit i on
sincethiscould present atrippinghazard.
Do not tamperwith int ernalcontrols.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the
door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating,
the re is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects or stand on the door
when it is open as this could damage the door and
cause the appliance to tip forward.
Whenloading items tobe washed:
1)L ocate sh arp i tem s so t hat they ar e not like ly to
dama ge the door sea l.
2)L oad sharp kn ives wit h the handles up t ore duce
the risk ofinjuries.
When us ing y our dishw ash er,
heat ing e leme nt.
make sureno plastic
item scomein contact with the
If th e cord is damag ed, i tmust b e
repl aced by servic eag ent or a similarl y
qualified person.
power s upp ly
a qual ified
Plea se d ispose of pack ingm aterials properl y.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
When disposing of an old dishwasher, be sure to
remove the door before discarding.
Th e appl ian ceis not inte nde d for use by y oung
chi ldre n or in firm person swit hout sup er vision.
Dishwasher dete rge ntsa res tronglya lkal ine, they
can be e xtremely da ngerous i fsw allo wed.Avoid
con tact wit h ski n and eye s andkeepchild ren awa y
from the dishwasherwhenthedoor isopen.
Be sure to keep children away from the d ishwasher.
Checkth at the detergent recepta ble isemptyafter
completionofthewash cycle.
Toget the best p erforma nce from y ourdish wash er,read all o per ating ins tructions bef oreusi ng
itfor the first time.
Spr ayArms
Low er Rack
Water So f t e ner
Detergent Dispenser
Cutlery B asket
Cup Sh e lf
R inseA id Dispen se r
Coarse Filter
Ju nction Bo x
On/ Off Indic ator:Letsyouknowwhenthe
dishwasher is on or off.
: This butt on s tarts the
sele cted cycle. I tcan also be use dto pause a
cycl ein process.
War n i ng Ligh t
: This i ndi cator wil l signal w hen
therinse aid n eedsto be refilled.
: Turns the syst em on and off.
Pro gram S el ector: U se th is button to select
whic h w ashi ng prog ram yo u wan tt o us e.
Pro gram I ndicat ors
: Theselights show which
washingprogramis in use.
set y o ur t im e del a y.
Tim eDe lay /Washing P hase Sta tu s
us i ng the t i me d ela y fun ct ion, th e indi cator
light willshowtheamountoftime selected.
Sim ilarly w hen th e sy ste m is in useth i sw il l
showwhich portion of the cycleis in operation .
Error inthetemperaturesensoror malfunction
o f th e he ati n g elem ent i tself .
Possible wirin ge rror/shortcircuit ortemperature
s ens ori s inop erative.
Incomple tee lectrical circu itor temperature
s ens ori s inop erative.
reachi ng ne cessary te mperature
Temperature sensor not working
Temperature sensor not working
Water is no tf lowing fast e noug h
Valvesare closed ,inl etpipemaybeblocked or
notconnected,home waterpressureistoo low.
Fo r loads
such as ,
and lig htly soiledpans.
normal ho u s e h ol d
plates, glasses
For lightlysoiled loadssuch
as and
lightly soiledpans.
plat es, glasses, b owl s
For t he hea viest
loads suchas p ots, pans,
thathavebeen sitting w it h
driedfood on the mfor a
whi le.
or mostsoiled
Ashorter washfor lightly
s o il e d lo a ds tha t d o n o t
need dr ying.
Pre-wash (50 )
Was h (5 3 )
Rinse (65 )
Dryin g
Was h (5 3 )
Rinse (67 )
Dryin g
Was h (5 0 )
Dryin g
(60 )
Was h
Rinse (55 )
Dryin g
(5 0 )℃
2.7 5
For rinsingp artial l oads that
wil lb e wa shed lat er. Do not
use detergentwith this cycle.
This cycle doesnotinclude
0:25 1.9
For allsoiled loads s uch as
and dish e st h at h ave been
sitti ngw ithd riedf oo d on
them for a w hile.
pots , pa ns, cas serole
Pre- wash
Pre- wash
wa sh 53 )
Ri nse (67 )
Dryi ng .
Spee d
When w illd isplay err orc odes t owar nyou:malfun ctionoc cur, the d ishwash er
The S peed ligh t
fl ick e rs
light flick er
Th e an d Ri nse light
fl ick e r
Ligh t li ght
The , R inse l ight
and Speed l ight f licker
Ligh t li ght
Please keepdishwashing liquidout of the
reach of childrenas it isvery dangerous
fo r them t o cons ume.
To remove hard water ,
Ru nd ishe sthroug ha n or mal w ash pro gram.
fr o m th e dishw ash e r.
P our tw o cup s of into a bow l and set the b owl f a c e
up on t he l owe rrac kof the dish was he r.
stains try thefollow ings tepsin this order:
whit e vin egar
U se o nly det ergen tsp ecificall ym a de f or u se in dis hwa sher s.
Keep yourd etergent f resh and dry.
Plea se d onotst ore
detergen t in d ispe nse run til ready to us e.
The ri nse aid i srel eas edd uring t he final ri ns e to prev ent
wate r f ro m fo rming dropl ets on you r dishes t hatc anl eave
spots and streaks.Italsoimproves dryingby allowing
water to"sheet"offthedishes.
Your dis hwas hers are desig ned tou sel iquid rins eaid s.
The ri nse aid di spe nser is loca tedi nside the doo rnex tt o
the d etergent dispense r.To fill thed isp enser, op enth e
capandpourtherinseaidintothedispenseruntilthe level
indic ator t urn s comple tely bl ac k.The di spense r holds
about of liquid rinse aid.
Bec areful no tt oo verfi ll th e dispe nser, cause
over Wipe aw ay any
spill swith a damp cloth.Don'tforget to replacethe
befo re you cl ose t he dish was herd oor.
as th is can
sud sing of the
dispe n ser cap
If your house hold wat eri ss oft , you may not need add itional
r ins e agents i n yo u r water a s i t may caus e a wh i te fi lm
around your d ishe s.
de ter gent in the unit.
To op en t h e dis pe ns er, tu rn th e ca p to t he " ope n" ( left )
ar row and lif t
Po urth erin se a id in tot hed ispe nse r,be ing care ful
not tooverfill.
the cap by inser ting ital ignedw ith "open "
arrow a nd t urni ngit to t hec lose d(r ight)
cap u pun tilop en.
Re turn
arr ow pos itio n.
Dispen ser cap
A djustable sett ing
Adjustable setting
Note: Please use on ly the r ecommenced amount ofdi shwashing l iquid when w ash ingy ou rdi shes.
The d etergent d ispe nsermu stbe refi lled before the s tarto f each w ash cyc le .Pleas efo llow the manual instr uct ions
pro vided i n the" Wash C ycle Tabl e" o npage 4 .
As a rul eof thumb, y ou g ene ra lly only nee do ne tablespoo nof dish was hing de tergent for a no rmal h ousehol dwa sh
load. F orm ore heavil ys oiled items p leas ere fer to t he instruct ions on y our deterge nt p ackaging .Please make sure
to a ddt he d eter gentj ustbe fo re st art ingt he dishwa sher.
Plea sef ollo w the instruct ion s on the b ack ofth ed eterg en t pack agi ngfor th epro per amount of d et er gent t ou sefo rt he
t yp e of lo ad you h ave. The amo u nt o f d et er ge nt c an var y de pe ndi ng o n the hardn ess of y our wa te r. To d ete rmine you r
waterconsistency,please contactyourlocalwater company.Generally,the harder thewater, themoredetergentyou
wil l need to u se.
Am easu red amo unt of ri nse aidi s release ddu ring the final r inse to ass isti n rinsing dishes
prop erly, k eeping the mresi due an dstr eak free.As wit hde tergent, the am ounto f rinsea id
needed for y our dishes dep ends on th ehar dness of the wate ri n yo urar ea. I f you hav eve ry
soft ho useho ld w ater, y ou ma y ne edto dilut eor omit the ri nse aid.
The ri ns e aid dis penseri sd esigned w ithf our set ting s. Please begin your wash cycles wit h
the dispense rset on se tt ing2 . If s pot sa nd str eaks a re evi dent, incr ease the amoun tof
rinse a id dispen sed in the mac hin eby removi ng th e dispen ser lid a ndr otati ngthe di al to set ting
3. If the dishes still are n otdryi ng properly or a res potted , in crease th edial t o sett ing 4.
Detergent Usage
As t he ri ns e ai d dim i nishes , t he s ize o f t h eblack dot on t he r i n se
aid level indic at o r changes, a s illust rat ed b el ow.
1/ 4full-Shouldrefillto eliminatespotting
When t he dis hwa sher beg inst oru nou to f rinse aid ,the rins eai d dis penser i ndic ato r will show a decre ase in t hes ize o f
t he b la ck dot.A s the r inse aid int hedi spenser diminish esthe size o fthe bl ack dot d iminishes. Yo us hould nev er let the
rinseaid getbelow1/4full.
UsinganAll-in-One detergent pod
TheA ll-in- One wash p ro gramcan be use dw hen usi ng an all -in-one d etergen t pod in stead of s ep arate de te rgents.
Th is pro gr ams hould be u sed onlyw henu sing ana ll-in-one det er gent p od. Using al l-in -o ne dete rgen t
podson otherprograms maycauseinconsistentresults.
1. Plac ethe all in on et ablet cont ain er in the upper ba sket as show nbel ow.
2. Rotateth eup per spray arma ndchang ethe locatio nof thecontainer toensureflow ofwater from the uppera rm
is no t blo cked.
3. Inse rt the t ab let i nt ot hec ontainer, t he n in itiate the progr am .
The u pper r ack is d esig ned t ohold more d elic at e and li ghter dis hware suc has gl asses, plates, small b owls a nd
shall owpan s(asl ong as the yare n ott oo dir ty).
Posit ion the di shes an dco okware so that t hey do not g etmove db yt hespray of w ater.
The h eigh tof the upper rack can be chan ged by pla cing di fferent siz ed w heels o nthe rai ls.
Pots, serving b owls, et c., must al waysb ep lac ed
Deep pots s ho uld be s lanted to allow wat ert o fl owout .
Theb ottom rack
facing do wn.
featur es
Serving bowl
Fruit bowl
Dinner pl ates
Breadand butter p lates
Serving plate
Wer ecommend t hat yo up lac e larg eite mswhic har em ost di ffi cult to cl eanon the l owerr ack: pots ,pans, li ds,
serving di shes and bow ls ; ass hown in the f ig ureto the r ight.
We r ecommend pl acing se rvingd ishes and lids on the si de of the racks i nor derto avoi db lock ing t he r otation
of the top spraya rm.
fold ov ert inerow st hat can be used on la rger pot sand pa ns.
Cutle ry c ut le ry
hor i zon t ally
sho uld b e p la ce d i n the bas ket with h an d les a tt he b ot t om . E s pecial ly l ong ut en sils s hou ld be p laced
atthe frontof the upp er rack.A ll knives andsharputensilsshould be placedintothecutlery basket with
blades facin gdownso as to avoid injury.
Sl ightly ope nth e dishw asher door to stop th ewa shing
cyc le.
Once th ew ashing s pray arm ss topm ovi ng,yo uca no pen
Add a dditiona ldis hes ,gla ss es or cook ware on toth e
dishwash ing r ack .
Close t he di shwasher door, the washer w ill con tinue
its cy cle after 10 seco nds.
M ake sure the p lug is inserte d in t o theofthe dishwas her properwall o utlet.
Ma k es u re th at th e wat er su p ply i st ur ne d on t o ful l p ress u re.
Close the door, presstheON/OFFbutton,the ON/OFFlight will turnon.
ss the"Prog.button" to select the"WashCycle" (See
the sectionentitled "Wash. Cy c l e Tabl e ") .
O pen the door, pr es s " Prog "
(S ee t he sec tion ent itled " Start ing a Wash Cy cle " ).
and h old the but ton fo r3 s eco nds to can cel th eru nning cyc le. O nce the cu rren twas hcy cle
has be enf ully de programmed, refill your deterge ntdi spens er, close t he door a nd se lect your new wa shc yc le
P ress the b u t ton, t he washin g w ill s ta rt afte r t en sec ond s.START/PAU SE
Soup s poons
Salad Forks
Serving spoon
Kni ves
Dinner forks
Ple ase make sur esi lve rware doe snot s ti ck
out ofth eba ske t as i tca nca use harm
whe nun loa ding .
Load d ish es, b owl s,gl asse san d/o r pots into the dis hwasher.Ple ase see t he "Lo a di ng Dis hwa she r"
secti onin t hem an ualf orlo adingan da rrangeme nt d etail s.
Po ur i nsu gges ted amount of d eterg ent ( se e De terg ent a nd R ins eAid section sf or sug ges tions ).
O nce the d is hwash er has beg unit s cycle, i t can only be cha nge d if th ed ishwash ingd ete rgent ha sno tyet been releas ed.
I fith as b een released , fol low t heb elow instruc tion s.
Once t h e w a shi n g cy cl e is complete and the dis h w as her has st opped, a n alar m will go o ff for a bout 8 s ec on ds i nfor m ing
y ouo f cy clec ompletio n.A ttha t mo ment, th ed ishwashe r wi ll go into stan d-b y mo de, inwh ich the unit is st illon with no
pr og ra mrunni ng. We r ec o mme nd that you man uall ysh utth e uni toff and wai t about 1 5m inut esb efor e unload ingy our
dish es, givin g t ime for th e dishes to cool off a n d fully d ry.
You can eas ily ad da dish to the was hin gcycle anyti me be fore the deter gent cup opens t o relea sethe deter gent. P lease
Pleas et ake c au tion w hen opening the dish wa sher while in w ashing mode,t hew ater isex tremely hot and may bur nyou.
Pleas eke ep k ids away fro mth edishw asher wh ile in wa shin gm ode.
Coa rse fil te r
Larg eri tems,s uch a sp ieces of b one or gl ass, t hatco uldcl og the d rain are t rapped
in t h e co ar se f il te r. To re mo ve a n i tem caught i n this fi lt er, gently s q uee ze t h e t abs
ont op o ft his filte ran dl iftit out .
F or yo ur c on veni ence, we ha ve p la ced the drain pu mp and filte ri ng s yst e m wi thi n e as y re ach in si de the tu b.
Th er eare thr eec omp one nt so f the filt ering sy stem : the ma infi lter, the coar sefi lter, and the fine filter.
Fine filter
This filter hol dss oilr esidu ein the sump area it f rom bein gred eposited
onto t hed ish esd uring a c ycle.
Food partic lest rapp ed b yt hisf ilter a re by a special j et on the l ower
spr ay a rm a ndwash edd own t he drai n.
Step Turn thefilterin andlift itup.:1 c oun terc lockwise
St ep Li f tth e Mai n filt erup:
Step LifttheFinef ilterup:
Please f ollow ste ps1 t hrough 3 in orde rt oremove the filter syst em.
In ord ert oreinst all, p lease per form the st epsi nrev erseo rder.
ProtectingAgainst Frozen Pump Damage
1. Cut o ffth eelectr ica l pow ert o the di shwashe r.
2.Turnoffthewatersupplyanddisconnect thewaterinletpipefromthe watervalve.
3. Dr ain the water from the i nl et pi pe and wate rval ve.( Usea pan to c atch t he wate r)
4. Reco nnectt he w ater inle tpi peto the wat erv alve .
5.Removethefilteratthebottomofthetubanduseaspongetosoakupwaterin thesump.
I tis im portant top rotect your p umpsfr omf rozen w ater dam age c aused by th e d rop of interna lhom ete mp eratu re.
I fyour home tem perat ure goes below 34 for a long perio dof time, you can ha veice build in the lines and arou nd
t he motors. Have you rpl umbe rfol low theb elow ste psi f you w aterpi pes fre eze.
Cleaning the SprayArms
I fyour dis hwasher workb ecaus eo fice,does not
pl ease con tact professi onal ser vice person s.
It i s neces s ary to clean t h e sp r ay a rms reg ular l y
in ord er to prevent th e
c lo gg ing o f t h e j et s and bearings from har d w a ter c hemica l s.
Toremovetheupper sprayarm,turnthenutclockwise and removethe arm.
To remove the l ower spray arm, pull it upw ard.
Wash th earms insoapywarm wateranduse a softbrushto
cleanthejets.Replacethem afterrinsing themthoroughly.
Neveruse aspray cleanerto cleant hedoorpanel it coulddamage the doorlockand electricalcomponents.as
Tocle an t he a s oft, dam p ra gedges of the dishwasher door,
to w ipe ar ou n d the unit.
Be sureto into thedoorandontoanyof theelectrical
components.It is bestnotto usespraycleaners onthe dishwasher. Itis alsobest
nottouse abrasive cleaners orscouring pads onthe outer surfac eof thedishwash
eras theytendto scratch andleave marks.
preventthewater from seeping
After ev er y wash, leav ethe doo rsl ightl yaja r so
moi st ure an dod or sare not trap ped
insideth e
was he r
Priortoany cleaningormaintenancetothe
dishw ash er, i ti sr ecomme nced tha tyo udis connect
the unit fr om the e lectrical soc ke t for saf ety.
followthebelow proc eduretokeeptheunitinitsbest
shap e. R un
out let.
awash cycle with the dishwasherempty
and t he n remov e t h e pl ug fro m the Tur n of f th e
water su pply and leave t he do or o f th e appl ia nce
slightlyajar.Thiswill helpthesealslast longerand
prevent odo rs fro mf ormi ngw ithin the appl iance.
If the be moved, try tokeep
i nthe vert ica l position. If a bso lute lyn ecessary,
dish wa sher nee dsto i t
One of th emany factors w hi ch can
seals of th e
di s hwa she r.
cause odorsto form
inthedishwasher is food trappedinthe
Periodic clea ning wit ha d amp spo nge will
pr e ven t t hi s fro m occu rrin g.
This dishwa sher is des igne d for o peration o n an ade quately wire dindi vidual 1 20VAC,60Hz .Use
copper w ire only. Tim ed elay fuses or c ircuit provide
circuit s er ving on ly this app liance.
r ecom mend ed 15
amp fu ses and are r ecom mended a sthey as epa rate
When in stallin gt he di shwasher, be sure not t o insta llit di re ctl y in f ront o ft he
outlet it wi ll b ep lug ged into as this willb lo ckacc ess to it. P le ase re fer to the i nstallation manua l.
After makingsure thevoltageandthe frequencyvaluesforthe currentinthehome
cor respo nd to those on t he rating plate a ndthat the electr ica l syst em i ssi zed t or the
ma ximu mv olta ge on the r ating plate ,i nsertt he p lug into
If the el ectrical the plu g,r epl acet he usin g
a a dapt ors as th eyc ould ca useoverhe ating and bu rn s.
a proper lyg rounded elect rical
out let. outlet is not s uited f or outlet ins teado f
W hen cle anin g
werecommendthatyoudonot use
the exterior and rubbe rpar tso f the
dishwasher, use
s o lve nts or abra siv e cl eani ng p roducts. Rat h er, use
onlya clothandwarm soapywater.
To remove spotso r st ainsf rom the surface oft he
i n terior,u s e a clo th damp en ed with wa t er a n d a l ittle
w hite vine gar, or a cleanin gpr oductm ade spe cific ally
for di shwashe rs.
Blown fuseor circuit
br eak er cut of f
Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker. any other
appliances sharing the same circuit with the dishwasher
Noise can be crea ted b y th e spray a rms sprayin g wa ter,
dishes movi ng ort hed eter gen tcup opening .
Utensils are not secure
in the baskets or
something small has
dropped into the basket
M ake sure ever yt hing isse cure di nt he dishwasher.
Motor hum
Dishwasher has not beenusedregularly. If you do not use
that you run the
shortest wash program once every week. This will keep the
seal moist avoid the motor from making noises.
your dishwasher often, we recommend
and help
Improper detergent
Spilled rinse agent Always wipe up rinse agent spills immediately.
Detergent with
colorant was used
Make sure that the detergent colorant .do es not contain
Rinse agent dispenser
is e mpty
Make sure that the rinse agent is filled.dispenser
Improper pro gram
Improper rack loading Make sure that the detergent dispenser and spr a y arms
are not blocked by large dishware.
3 Overloading the
4 Improper loading
5 Old or damp powder
6 Empty rinse agent
7 Too little detergent
To remove spots from glassware:
1 Take a ll metal utensils out of the dishwasher.
2 Do not add detergent.
3 Choose the longest cycle.
4 Turn your dishwasher on and begin your washin g cycle.
It takes about 18 to 22 minutes for th e cycle to enter into
its heaviest wash (the main wash ). This is the best time
to add the detergent.
Some sounds are normal
Make sure the dishwasher is turned on and the door is
closed securely.
Check that the water supply is connected properly and
the water is turned on .
Make sure the power cord is properly plugged into the
wall socket.
Power supply is not
turned on
Water pressure is low
Select stronger program.
O nly use av oid an
overa ccumulation and ov erflowing of s oap
and star t the was h
dish washer det ergen tto
suds. If t his
occu rs, open t hedi shwasher a nd let su ds e vap orat e.
Add1 gallon ofcold water to thetub.Close the
dishw ash er cyc leto drain ou tt he
w ater.R epeat if nece ssary.
5 Open the to pour 2 cups of white vin eg ar
into the bottom of the dishwasher.
6 Close the a nd let the dishwasher complete
the cycle. If the vinegar does not work, repeat
above, 1/4 cup (60 ml) of citric acid
crystals instead of vinegar .
dishwasher door
dishwasher door
the steps using
Before you call for service
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Cloudiness on
Combination of soft
water and too much
This cloudiness is known as etching and can become
permanent on your glassware. To prevent this from
happening, use
less detergent if you have soft water and
select the shortest cycle to wash glassware.
Yellow o r b rown f ilm
on inside surfaces
of your cups.
Tea or coffee stains Remove the stains by hand, using a solution of 1/2 cup of
bleach and 3 cups warm water
Iron deposits in water
can cause film
A water softening filter should be installed. These can be
purchased at most hardware stores and installed by a
qualified plumber.
White film on inside
surfaces of
Hard water minerals To clean the , use a damp sponge with dishwasher
detergent and wear rubber gloves.
Do not use any type of
cleanser other than dishwasher detergent as it may cause
foaming or sudsing.
Dial is not in the OFF
Turn the Dial to OFF position and slide the door latch to the
Detergent left in
Dishes block detergent
Re-load the dishes properly.
Normal result of drying
There is some steam coming through the vent by the door
latch during drying and water draining.
Black or gray
marks on dishes
Aluminum utensils have
rubbed against dishes
Use a mild abrasive cleaner to those marks.erase
Detergent cap
won t latch
Water standing in
This is normal A small amount of clean water at the back of the tub
keeps the water seal lubricated.
the bottom of the tub
Dishwasher leaks
Be careful not to overfill the rinse aid dispenser.
Spilled rinse aid could cause
Wipe away any spills with
a damp cloth.
overaccumulation and
overflowing of soap suds.
Make sure the dishwasher is leveled.
Rinse aid dispenser or
detergent dispenser
are overfilled
Dishwasher isn t leveled
Before cleaning the interior wait at least 20 minutes after
a cycle for the temperature to cool down. Failure to do
may result in burns or injury.