Preferred Instruments
Div. of Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corp.
Phone (203) 743-6741, Fax (203) 798-7313
Installation and Operation Manual JC-22-PL2-1006 rev. 6 6-5-17 Page 5 of 12
The JC-22-PL2-1006 is a state-of-the-art microcomputer based linear actuator that is used as a
draft controller, with a solid state pressure sensor. The JC-22-PL2-1006 interfaces to any
commercialized flame safeguard in the industry or any dedicated burner management system.
The actuator travel range is 6” and travel time 60 seconds. The actuator has 150 lbs thrust
The JC-22-PL2-1006 actuator provides automatic modulation for any balanced negative or
positive furnace pressure application.
The pressure sensing element is a linear solid state pressure transducer that is temperature
compensated that generates a low drift signal. The sensor has two inlets: one for positive
pressure and the other for negative pressure. The pressure is sampled via a ¼” NPT female
fitting through a 1/8” flexible tube connected to one of the transducer port.
There are also four miniature dials for adjusting the set point, proportional band, damping and
dead band. Base on the inputs, the microcomputer activates two solid state relays, one for
opening the damper and the other for closing the damper.
The actuator is equipped with a relay module that includes a toggle switch for selecting between
Automatic and Fully open operations. The Open Mode allows soot-blowing operation without
firing interruption and also allows the burner to fire in the “Open” damper mode under
emergency conditions.
Open and Closed end switches shut off the power to the motor whenever the arm is fully
extended or fully retracted. There is a third auxiliary switch that indicates when the damper is
fully open. This auxiliary switch is used as High Fire Switch Indicator.
The actuator is self-locked when power is lost.
A 10-point terminal strip is used for external connections. See Wiring section.
The draft controller is provided in a single compact enclosure with a removable cover and is
offered as a direct replacement for Hays Cleveland model 9502-1012-B-12, facilitating field
Preferred offers a Draft Cut Off Switch model JC22-HDPCO-8 that is a direct replacement to
Hays AFS-952-55 for forced draft burners. Model JC-22-LDPCO-8 is for natural draft burners.