Lionel Union Pacific Gold Coast 0-8-0 Owner's manual

Owner's manual
Union Pacific Gold Coast
0-8-0 Freight Set
Owner’s Manual
Union Pacific Gold Coast
0-8-0 Freight Set
Owner’s Manual
Table of contents
Running your train
Running your train set 3
Coupling 4
Reverse unit procedure 5
Operating the RailSounds sound system 6
Adjusting the volume 6
Silencing the steam sound system 7
Installing a 9 Volt Battery in your 0-8-0 7
Adding smoke fluid to your locomotive's smoke generator 8
Maintaining and servicing your set
Lubricating your locomotive 9
Replacing your locomotive’s traction tire 10
Replacing your locomotive’s lamps 10
Replacing your square window caboose's lamp 11
Lionel Limited Warranty Policy & Service 12
The following Lionel marks are used throughout this Owner’s Manual and are protected under
law. All rights reserved.
Lionel®, LionChief, LionChief Plus, LEGACY, FasTrack®, TrainMaster®, Odyssey®, RailSounds®,
CrewTalk, TowerCom, DynaChuff, StationSounds, Pullmor®, ElectroCoupler, Magne-
Traction®, CAB-1® Remote Controller, American Flyer®, Lionel ZW®, ZW®, MagniVision®, TMCC®,
Lionelville®, Wireless Tether, Powerhouse, LionMaster®, Conventional Classics, Postwar
Celebration Series, TruRail, PH-1 Powerhouse®, Powermaster®, Powerstation-Powerhouse®,
Accessory Motor Controller, AMC, Accessory Switch Controller, ASC, Action Recorder
Controller, ARC, Track Power Controller 300, TPC 300, Track Power Controller 400, TPC
400, Block Power Controller, BPC, Operating Track Controller, OTC, FatBoy, Lionel
Lines®, Joshua Lionel Cowen Series, Lockon®, TrainSounds, MultiHorn, MultiWhistle,
Choo-Choo, SensorTrack
Running your train
Running your train set
With track power off, place your train set on the track.
Refer to page 4 for information on coupling the cars.
Power up your locomotive with your transformer.
Your locomotive is designed to operate on 5-18 volts alternating cur-
rent. Virtually all Lionel and Lionel-compatible alternating-current transformers
are suitable.
Do not power your locomotive with direct-current (DC) transformers.
The locomotive was designed for use with alternating-current (AC)
transformers only.
Move ‘em out!
Get your locomotive moving. Your locomotive goes through a repeating pattern
of operations: forward, neutral, reverse, neutral, and so on. To sequence the reverse
unit, press the DIRECTION button on your transformer, or briefly bring the throttle
all the way back to the OFF position and then forward, for one to four seconds. When
track power is interrupted, the locomotive advances to the next operational state.
Adjust track voltage until your locomotive moves at your desired speed.
Connect the drawbar between the locomotive and tender.
See Figure 1.
If the smoke unit switch is in the ON position, add smoke fluid to your
locomotive’s stack to prevent damage to the smoke unit. Refer to
page 9 for additional information.
Figure 1. Drawbar connection
Running your train
When coupling your cars, at least one of the mating couplers must be open as shown at the left
in Figure 2. Press down on the lock release to open the coupler, then push the cars toward
each other until they lock together.
Keep in mind that it’s easier to couple cars on a straight stretch of track.
Lock release
Figure 2. Coupler operation
Running your train
Reverse unit procedure
The electronic reverse unit inside your Lionel locomotive acts like the transmission in a car. When
you apply power to the track, the locomotive moves in the direction specified by the reverse
unit—or it sits in neutral, awaiting another power interruption. Power interruptions are the signal
that tells the reverse unit to sequence to the next operational state.
To interrupt power and sequence the locomotive’s reverse unit, press the direction control
button or briefly bring the throttle lever all the way back to the OFF position. The reverse unit
alternates between three states: forward, neutral, and reverse.
Also, the locomotive can be “locked” into a certain mode of operation by sliding the reverse
unit switch located under the cab of the locomotive (see Figure 3). To lock your locomotive
into a specific operational state, sequence the locomotive into the desired state and reduce
track power without com pletely powering down the locomotive, then slide the switch to the
OFF position. The DIRECTION but ton will then have no affect on the direction of the locomo-
tive. If you would like to resume forward-neutral-reverse operation, simply slide the reverse
unit switch back to the ON position.
Additionally, this reverse unit has a “power-up reset” feature. If the locomotive sits without
power for a short period of time, the reverse unit will automatically reset and start in the for-
ward direction when the transformer is turned on or “powered up,” regardless of the reverse
unit switch position. If the switch is in the OFF position, the locomotive will start in the for-
ward direction and be “locked” there.
Figure 3. Switch location
Reverse unit ON/
OFF switch
Smoke unit ON/OFF
switch (see page 9 )
Running your train
Operating the RailSounds sound system
When you power up the locomotive on the track, you will hear the sounds of the idling
steam locomotive. The chuffing intensity will increase proportionally with the locomo-
tive’s speed.
Press the WHISTLE button on your transformer to sound the whistle. The sound will play for as
long as you hold the button.
Press the BELL button on your transformer to activate the bell sound. Press BELL again to dis-
continue the sound.
Crew dialog
Crew dialogue can be activated when the locomotive is sitting at idle with power on and also
when in motion.
Crew dialogue can be triggered by a short (1 second or less) whistle blast. Press the WHISTLE
button on your transformer and as soon as you hear the whistle begin to play immediately
release the WHISTLE button. The dialogue below is activated based upon the listed criteria.
The locomotive must be powered up on the track for the dialog to play. Do not turn
off track power
Press the WHISTLE button Diaglogue
"Please stand by";
Engine recently stopped (less than 15 seconds).
"Good to go"; Engine stopped (more than 15 seconds).
"Train in motion"; Engine moving (less than 7 seconds).
"Clear ahead" Engine moving (longer than 7 seconds).
"Caution Speed"; (Bell must be ringing, engine must
be in motion).
Adjusting the volume
Use the volume control potentiometer accessed from the underside of the tender. Use a
small flat blade screwdriver to access the volume potentiometer. Turning it clockwise will
increase the volume, counterclockwise will lower the volume.
Running your train
Silencing the steam sound system
To turn the sounds in this locomotive off simply turn the volume potentiometer all the way
counterclockwise and the sounds from the locomotive will not be heard. (This will also
affect the whistle and bell, these sounds will be silenced as well.)
Installing a 9 Volt Battery in your 0-8-0
Your 0-8-0's Railsounds system will allow you to install a 9 Volt battery to prevent the
sounds from dropping out between directional state changes and to keep the sounds alive
during the shut down process, when power is removed from the track.
You will need to remove the shell from the tender by using a Phillips head screwdriver and
removing the 4 screws that hold the shell to the frame. Once the screws are removed carefully
lift the shell upwards from the tender frame.
Once the shell is removed locate the 9-Volt battery harness and remove the 9-Volt battery
protective cover and install a standard Alkaline 9-Volt Battery to the connector. Seat the 9-Volt
battery into the battery holder and replace the shell. Reinstall the 4 body mount screws.
There is no recharging circuit incorporated in the Railsounds electronics. As such, should
your sounds begin to cut out during directional state changes in the future it will be a signal
that the battery needs to be replaced.
If you remove the battery and do not intend to replace it be certain you cover the
exposed leads on the 9-Volt battery connector so they do not short out against the
stamped metal frame of the tender! Otherwise serious damage can occur to the
internal electronics.
Figure 4. Installing a 9 Volt Battery in your locomotive
Running your train
Adding smoke fluid to your locomotive’s smoke generator
our locomotive is equipped with a smoke generator that produces safe, clean white smoke during
operation if the smoke unit switch is in the ON position. Refer to Figure 3 on page 5 for the loca-
tion of the switch.
The smoke generator requires the periodic addition of Lionel smoke fluid in order to func-
tion. We recommend you only use Lionel Premium Smoke Fluid (6-37841, available from
your local Authorized Lionel Dealer). Add about 4-6 drops of fluid directly into the locomo-
tive’s stack. Smoke production commences momentarily. When smoke production decreases,
add more fluid (about four drops). An idle locomotive will not smoke.
Power to the smoke element is off when the locomotive is at idel. Power is restored to the
element when the locomotive begins moving again. If the locomotive has been idle for a
minute or longer it will likely take 20-30 seconds for smoke to be visible once the locomotive
begins moving from the idle position.
Caution! When the smoke unit switch is in the ON position, always keep a small amount
of smoke fluid in the locomotive’s smoke generator; the generator’s element
can become damaged if operated without smoke fluid.
If you prefer to operate the locomotive without smoke or you do not want to add
smoke fluid, slide the smoke unit switch to the OFF position.
Maintaining and servicing your set
Figure 5. Lubrication points
Lubricating your locomotive
elp your steam locomotive lead a long and productive life on your railroad by maintain-
ing it properly.
We recommend that you purchase a Lionel Lubrication and Maintenance Kit (6-62927),
available from your Lionel dealer. Two basic rules to keep in mind: never over-lubricate (a
small amount will do) and avoid getting grease or oil on the locomotive’s wheels, contact roll-
ers, or your track.
You’ll know your locomotive requires lubrication when visual inspection reveals dryness on
the parts indicated in Figure 5. Remove accumulated dirt and dust before lubricating, and
always lubricate any locomotive emerging from prolonged storage.
Lubricate axle ends
with Lionel oil
sparingly Lubricate axle ends
with Lionel oil sparingly
Maintaining and servicing your set
Replacing your locomotive’s traction tire
One of the locomotive’s drive wheels is fitted with a rubber traction tire to enhance tractive
effort, allowing your locomotive to pull many cars at once.
To replace the traction tire, simply unscrew the drive rod screw from the wheel using a 3/16”
nut driver. Refer to Figure 6. Remove the old traction tire from under the drive rod and slip on
the replacement, Lionel part no. 6308661206. Replace the spacer, retighten the drive rod screw,
and you’r e ready to pull that long freight back to the yard.
Replacing your locomotive’s headlamp
Your locomotive is equipped with an LED style headlight for longer life. Please contact
your local Factory Trained Authorized Service Station or contact Lionel Customer Service
in Concord, NC if this needs replacing.
Figure 6. Traction tire replacement
Lionel part no. 6308661206
Drive rod screw
Maintaining and servicing your set
During the course of normal operation, the lamp inside your caboose may require replacement.
Follow these steps and refer to Figure 7.
1. Lift off the roof from the window shell and body.
2. Pull out the end frame tab from the slot formed by the caboose body and roof. The end frames are
hinged at the platform to swing outward, away from the body.
3. Remove the window shell. To remove the window shell, carefully bend the sides of the caboose out-
ward while pulling up on the window shell until the tabs are released from the windows.
4. Pull the lamp straight up and out of the socket. Replace it with Lionel lamp no. 6308352311, avail-
able at your local Factory Trained Authorized Service Station or Lionel Service in Concord, NC.
5. Lower the window shell back into the body, making sure that the tabs snap into the windows.
6. Reposition the roof above the window shell and body, fit the tabs on the end frames into the corre-
sponding slots in the body, and press down the roof to secure the end frame tabs.
Window shell
End frame tab
End frame
Lamp no. 6308352311
Replacing your square window caboose's lamp
Figure 7. Caboose lamp replacement
©2014 LIONEL L.L.C., CONCORD, NC 28027
Lionel Limited Warranty Policy & Service
his Lionel product, including all mechanical and electrical components, moving parts, motors and structural components, with the
exception of LIGHT BULBS, LED’s & TRACTION TIRES are warranted to the original owner-purchaser for a period of one
year from the original date of purchase against original defects in materials or workmanship when purchased through a Lionel
Authorized Retailer*.
This warranty does NOT cover the following:
• Normal wear and tear
• Light bulbs or LED’s
• Defects appearing in the course of commercial use
• Damage resulting from abuse/misuse of the product
Transfer of this product by the original owner-purchaser to another person voids this warranty in its entirety. Modification of this product in
any way; visually, mechanically or electronically, voids the warranty in its entirety.
Any warranted product which is defective in original materials or workmanship and is delivered by the original owner-purchaser
(this warranty is non-transferrable) to Lionel LLC or any Lionel Authorized Service Station MUST be accompanied by the original receipt for
purchase (or copy) from an Authorized Lionel Retailer*, will at the discretion of Lionel LLC, be repaired or replaced, without charge for
parts or labor. In the event the defective product cannot be repaired, and a suitable replacement is not available, Lionel will offer to replace the
product with a comparable model (determined by Lionel LLC), if available. In the event a comparable model is not available the customer
will be refunded the original purchase price (requires proof of purchase from the Authorized Lionel Retailer* it was originally purchased).
Any products on which warranty service is sought must be sent freight or postage prepaid (Lionel will refuse any package when postage is due).
Transportation and shipping charges are not covered as part of this warranty.
NOTE: Products that require service that do not have a receipt from an LIONEL AUTHORIZED RETAILER* will be
required to pay for all parts required to repair the product (labor will not incur a charge) providing the product is
not older than 3 years from date of manufacture and is within 1 year from date of purchase. A copy of the original
sales receipt is required.
In no event shall Lionel LLC be held liable for incidental or consequential damages.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.
Instructions for Obtaining Service
If service for this Lionel LLC product is required; bring the item, along with your DATED sales receipt and completed warranty information
(at the bottom of this page) to the nearest Lionel Authorized Service Station. Your nearest Lionel Service Station can be found by calling
1-800-4-LIONEL or by accessing the website at
If you prefer to send your Lionel product directly to Lionel, for repair you must FIRST call 586-949-4100 extension 2 or write to Lionel
Customer Service, 6000 Victory Lane, Concord, NC 28027. Please have the 6-digit Lionel product number, the date of original purchase, the
dealer where the item was purchased and what seems to be the problem. You will receive a return authorization (RA) number to ensure your
merchandise will be properly tracked and handled upon receipt at Lionel LLC.
Once you have your Return Authorization (RA) number, make sure the item is packed in its original Styrofoam inner container which is
placed inside the original outer display box (this will help prevent damage during shipping and handling). This shipment MUST be prepaid and
we recommend that it be insured with the carrier of your choice.
Please make sure you have followed all of the above instructions carefully before returning any merchandise for service. You may choose to
have your product repaired by one of Lionel LLC’s Authorized Service Stations after its warranty has expired. A reasonable service fee should be
expected once the product warranty has expired.
Warranty Information
Please complete the information below and keep it, along with your DATED ORIGINAL SALES RECEIPT. You MUST present this form
AND your DATED SALES RECEIPT when requesting warranty service.
*A complete listing of Lionel Authorized retailers can be found by calling 1-800-4-LIONEL or by visiting our website at
Products that are more than 3 years old, from date of manufacture, are not applicable for warranty coverage, even if they have never been
sold prior to this date. (Under no circumstance shall any components or labor be provided free of charge.)
Name _________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________
Place of Purchase _________________________________________________________________
Date of Purchase __________________________________________________________________
Product Number __________________________________________________________________
Product Description ________________________________________________________________
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Lionel Union Pacific Gold Coast 0-8-0 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

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