Sony DSC-W50 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

To reduce fire or shock hazard, do
not expose the unit to rain or
aOnor _E_OVaCOVE_{O_BaCK_.
This symbol is intended to
alert lhe user to tile plvsence
of uninsulated "dangerous
voltage" within the product's
enclosure lhal may be of
sufficient magnitude to
conslilule a risk of eleclric
shock to persons.
This symbol is intended 1o
alert the user to the plvsence
of imporlant operating and
maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the lilerature
accompanying lhe applilmce.
For your protection, please read these safety
instructions completely before operaling
the appliance, attd keep this tnauual for
future reference.
Carefully observe all warnings, precautiotts
and ittstructions on the appliance, or the otte
described iu the operating instructions and
adhere to them.
This set should be operated only fi'onl tile type ol
power source indicated on tile marking label. It
you are not sure oI tile type of electrical power
supplied to your boule, consult your dealer or
Iocld power con_pany. For those sets designed to
operate fi'Olll battery power, or other sources, l'el_r
to tile operiding instruclions,
This set may be equipped with a polmized ac
power cord phlg (a plug Ila_ing one blade wkler
than file olher).
This plug will fil inlo the power outlet only one
way. This is a salcty lcature. If you are unable 1o
insert tile plug hdly inlo file oulleI, 11_'reversing
tile plug. If tile plug should still lail to fit, conlact
your electrician to have a suilable outlet installed.
Do nol dellrat the salely purpose of the polarized
plug by k)rcing it ill,
Do not o'_'erload wall outlets, extension cords or
comenience receptacles beyond their capacity,
since Ibis can result in fire or electric shock.
Never push objects of any kind into tile set
tln'ough openings _Jsthey may touch dangerous
_ olklge poinls or short o/it pilrts tllzlt could result
in a fire or electric shock. Never spill lklukl of any
kind on lhe set.
Do Hot use ilttilcbnlelllS nol rcCOllllllended by the
manulhcturer, as they may cause hazards,
Unplug tile _t fi'om tile wall outlet belorc
cle_ming or polishing it. Do not use liquid cleaners
or aerosol cleaners. Use a cloth lightly dampened
with w;lter for cle_llling tile exterior ol tile .set.
Water and Moisture
Do not use power-line operilled sets neilr wiaer
Ior example, near a bathtub, wasllbowl, kitchen
sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a
swimming pool. etc.
Roule tile power cord so tllat il is Hot likely to be
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or
againsl tllem, paying particular altention to the
plugs, receptacles, and the point where the cord
exils fiom tile appliance.
Do not plaice the sel Oll all/instilble cart, stand,
tripod, bracket, or table, Tile set may lall. causing
selious injuly to a child or an adult, and serious
dalnage to tile set. Use ()lily glCill'[,stiuld, tripod,
bracket, or lable reconmlended by file
Tile slots mid openings in tile cabinet m'c prmided
lor necessary ventilation. To ensure reliable
operation ol tile set, and to protect it h'oll/
o_.erbeating, these slots alld openhlgs nl/isI never
be blocked or covered.
Never cover the slots mid openings with a clodl
or other nlateriids,
Never block the slots and openings by placing
the set on a bed, solh, rug, or other similar
Never place the sel in a confined space, such as
a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper
venlilation is provided.
Do not place llle set near or over a radiator or
heat register, or wllerc il is expo_d to direct
For _ldded protectkm lfir this set during a ligbming
storm, or when it is lefi un_ttended and unused lfir
long periods ol lime, unplug it h'om tile w_dl
oullel and disconnecl the nntenna or cnble system.
This will prevent dmnage to tile set due to
lightning and power-line surges.
Upon completion of any ser_ ice or repairs to the
set, ask the service technician to l_erfimn routine
safi:ty cllecks (as specified by the manufi_cturcr)
to determine lfial tile set is ill sate operating
Unplug the set fiom the wall outlet and relcr
sel_ icing to qualified service personnel under the
following conditions:
When tile power cord or plug is damaged or
If liquid has been spilled or objects have fiiIlen
into file set.
If the set has been exposed to rain or water.
If the set has been subject to excessive shock by
being drol3ped, or the cabinet has been
If tile set does not operale normally when
following the operating instructions. A(ljust
only tllose controls Illat are specified in the
operating instructions. Improper adjustment of
other controls may result in damage and will
olten require extensive work by a qualified
technician to restore the set to nornlal operation.
When the set exlfibits a distinct change in
perlormance this indicales a need lor service.
Do not attelnpl to sel'_ ice tile sel yoursell as
opening or rClllO_,illg coxers may expose you to
dangerous voltage or other hazards.
Relcr all selwicing to qualified selwicc personnel.
When repl_lccnlent parts are required, be sure tile
serx ice lechniciml has used repl_lccment pmts
specified by the manulacturer that ha_e the same
characteristics as the original parts.
Unauthorized substitutions may rcsull ill fire,
electric shock, or other hazards.
Readthis first
Replace the battery with the specified type
only. Otherwise, fire or ittjury may result.
Lithiuln-lon batteries are
_)LI can help preserve our
environment by returning your
used rechargeable baueries to
the collection and _cycling
]ocaIioll nearest you.
For more infornlation regarding recycling of
_chaJ_eable batteries, call toll _e
1-800-822-8837, or visit hup://
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking
Lithiuln-lon batteries.
iiilli i i !ii!ii!ii ! i l !i i i ill jililI ii i i iliU !i!!! ! ii! i iiiiiiiiiiii i!ililililililililililiiiiiill
If you have any questions about tiffs product, you
may call:
Sony C'llSlOll/er InR)rlllation Services Cellter
1-8110-222-SONY 17669)
The number below is lot the FCC related mauers
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model No.:DSC-W30, DSC-W40
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo,
San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone No.: 858-942-223t)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the lollowing
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harnalul interlPmncc, and (2) this device nmst
accept any interl?rence received, including
interl?mnce thai may cau_ undesired
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model No.:DSC-W51)
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo,
San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.
Tdephone No.: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of tile FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the tollowing
two conditions: (1) This device may not camse
hamltul interl?rence, and (2) this device musl
accept any interlcrence received, including
interlPrence thal nlay cause undesired
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model No.:DSC-W71)
Responsible Parly: SoW Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo,
San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone No.: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of tile FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the lollowing
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmhd interli:rence, and (2) this device must
accept any interlcrence received, including
interlPrence thai may cause undesired
You are cmltioned that any changes or
modilicafions not expressly approved m this
manual could void your mHhority to operate this
This equipment has been tested and lbund to
comply with the limits lor a Clnss B digital
device, lmrsuant to Part 15 ol tile FCC Rules,
These limits are designed tit provide reasonnble
protectkm ag+dnst harmlul interllrrence in a
residenti+d installation. This equipment generates,
uses, and can r+tdiaterndio hequency energy and,
il not installed and used ill accordance with tile
instructions, may cause harmlul interli:rcnce to
radio COlllnlunicatiolls. Howe_ er, there is no
guarantee that Jnt_rlcrence v_i]]not occur in it
particular installation. If this equipment does
cruise harmflfl interlerencc to r+_dioor television
reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment oil +tndon, tile user is encour+_ged to
try 1o correcl the illterl_rence by one or nlore o1
tile lollowing nlcasures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna,
Increase the sepmatJonbetv_een file
equipment and _ceiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
cite/dr diftcrcnt h'olll that lit which the
receiver is connected.
Consult tile dealer or an experiem.vd radio/TV
technician lor help.
The supplied interlace cable must be used witll tile
equipmem in order to comply with file limits lot a
digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 ol
FCC Rules.
This product has been tested and %und compliant
with the limits set oul in tile EMC Directive lot
using connection cables shorter than 3 meters (9.8
The electrom+_gnetic lields +_ttile specilic
lrequencies may influence the picture and sound
of this camera,
If static electricity or electronlilgnelisnl cn/ises
data translPr to discontinue mklway (fidl), restart
tile application or disconnect and connect the
comumnication cable (USB, etc.) again.
DisposalofOldElectrical& Electronic
EuropeanUnionand otherEuropean
countrieswith separate collection
This symbol on the product or on its packaging
indicates that fllis product shall not be treated as
household waste. Instead it shall be handed over
to the applicable collection point lor the recycling
of electrical and electronic equipmenL By
ensuring tiffs product is dispo_d of correctly, you
will help plvvent potential negative con_quences
lot tile environment and Imman health, which
could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste
handling of this product. The recycling ol
nlaterials will help to conselwe natural resources.
For more detailed inlormatkm about recycling of
this product, please contact your local Civic
Olfice, your hou_hold waste disposal service or
tile shop where you purchased the product.
A moulded plug complying with BS 1363 is fitted
lit this equipment lor your salcty and convenience.
Should the fuse in the plug supplied need tit be
replaced, a filse of the same rating as the supplied
one and approved by ASTA or BSI to BS 1362.
(i.e., marked with an @ or _ mark) must be
If the plug supplied with this equipmem has a
detachable luse cover, be sure to attach file luse
cover after you change the fuse. Never use file
plug without the filse cover. If you should lose the
Itlse cover, please contact your nearest Sony
service station.
Typesof "Memory Stick" that canbe
The IC recording mediutn used b_ this
camera is a "Memory Stick Duo". There are
two types of "Memory Stick".
"Memory StickDuo": youcanuse a
"Memory StickDuo" with your
"Memory Stick":youcannotuse a
"Memory Stick" withyourcamera.
Other memorycardscannothe used.
• For delails on "Memory Slick Duo", see
page 95.
Whenusing a "Memory StickDuo"
with "Memory Stick" compatible
You can use tile "Memory Stick Duo" by
inserting it into the Memory Stick Duo
Adaptor (not suppliedh
Memory Stick Duo Adaptor
Notes onthe batterypack
• Charge the battery pack (supplied) belore using
tile camera for tile fir',t time. (_ _ep 1 in "Read
Thi_ Fi_t")
• Tile battery pack call be charged e_,en if it is nol
completely discharged. Also. even if the bauery
pack is not fully charged, you can use the
partially charged capacity of the bauery pack as
• If you do not intend to u_ the battery pack lot a
long time, use up the existing charge and
rclnove il Iiom your camer_l, then slorc it in a
cool, dly place. This is to maintain tile bauery
pack hmctions (page 97).
• For details on the usable bauel T pack, see
page 97.
This camera is equipped with :1Carl Zeiss
letts which is capable of reproducing sharp
images with excellent contrast.
The lens lk_r this camera has been produced
under a quality assurattce system certified
by Carl Zeiss itt accordance with the quality
standards of Carl Zeiss fit Germaoy.
No compensationfor contentsofthe
• The colUents of tile recording cannot be
conlpensated Ior if recording or playback is not
possible dtle to tl InillItlnctioll oI yotlr canlera or
recording media, etc.
Internal memoryand "Memory Stick
• Do not turn oll lhe canlera or l_:nlo_ e tile baltel3g
pack or "Menlo D' Slick Duo' while tile access
lamp is lighted, as the inlernal nlcmory data or
"Menlory Stick Duo" data may be destroyed.
Always protect your dala by making a back up
copy. See page 26 lor lhe dala back up method.
Notes onrecording/playback
• This camera is neither dusl-prooI, nor splash-
prooI, nor watel"-prooI. Read "Precautions"
(page 99) betore operating the camera.
• Belore you record one-tin/e events, make a trkd
recording to nlake stlre lhat the camera is
working correclly.
• Be careflll not to get file camera wet. Waler
entering lhe inside of the camera may cause
malfimcfions which in some cases may not be
• Do not aim the canlera at tile sun or ()tiler bright
light. This may cause irrecoverable damage to
your eyes. Or it may cause tile malflmction of
your camera.
• Do not use tile camera near a Iocatk)n thal
generates strong radio wi/ves or enlits radiation.
Tile camera may not be able to record or play
back properly.
• Using tile camera in sandy or dusty locations
nlay cause lnalltlncflons.
• If inoistllrc condensation occurs, remove it
before using tile calnera (page 99).
• Do not shake or strike the camera. In addition to
malfunctions and an inability to record images.
this may rcnder the recording mediuln unusable,
or cau_ image data blvakdown, danlage or loss.
• Clean the flash surlacc belore use. The heat of
flash emission may cause dirt on the flash
surluce 1o become discolored or 1o stick to lhe
flash surlace, resulting in insullicient light
Notes onthe LCDscreenand lens
• Tbe LCD screen is lnanul,tctured using
extremely high-precision technology so over
99.99% ol the pixels are operational lor
ellbcti_e use. Howe_er, their may be solnc tiny
black points raM/or bright points (white, red,
bhle or green in color) that constantly appear on
the LCD screen. These points are normal in tile
manul_cml'ing process anddo not afl_ct tile
recording in any way.
blue and green
• Exposing tile LCD scrcen or tile lens to direct
sunlight lot long periods may camse
malfunctions. Be camfifl when placing the
camera near a window or outdoors.
• Do not press against file LCD Sclven. Tbe screen
may be discolored and thai may cause a
• Images may trail across on lhe LCD screen in a
cold location. This is not a mallflncflon.
• This camera is equipped with a power zoom
lens. Be careflfl not to bump the lens, and be
careful not to aplfly Iorce to it.
• This camera conlorlns with DE'F (Design rule
lot Camera File system) universal standard
established by JEITA (Japan Electronics and
Inlol'maflon Technology Industries
• Playback of images recorded with your camera
on other equiplnent and playback of images
recorded or ediled wilh other equil)ment on your
calrlera arc not guaranteed.
Television programs, films, videotapes, mid odler
matel%ls may be copyrighted. Unmltholized
recording of such lnaterials may be contraly to the
Ipro_isions ol the COlpyrighl laws.
The pictures usedinthis manual
Tile photographs used as examples ol pictures in
this manual air reproduced images, mid are not
actual images shot using this camera.
Illustrations used in this manual arc ol tile
DSC-W70 unless noted otherwise.
Forfull useof the digital still camera
Get more friendly with your camera
• Shoot with your f_Jvorite settings (Program auto shooting)
page 28
• E_\ioy various shooting/playback using the menu _ page 31)
• Change tile default settings _ page 46
Table ot contents
Read this first ............................................................................................ 5
Notes on using your camera ..................................................................... 7
Basic techniques for better images ......................................................... 13
Focus Focusing on a subject successfully ................................................... 13
Exposure Adjusting the light intensity ........................................................... 14
Color On the effects of lighting ..................................................................... 15
Quality On "image quality" and "image size". .............................................. 15
Identifying parts ...................................................................................... 17
Indicators on the screen .......................................................................... 19
Changing the screen display ................................................................... 23
Number of still images and recording time of movies ............................. 24
When you do not have a "Memory Stick Duo" (Recording with the internal
memory) .................................................................................................. 26
Battery life and number of images that can be recorded/viewed ............ 27
Using the mode dial ................................................................................ 28
Using menu items ..............................................................................30
Menu items ..........................................................................................31
Shooting menu ........................................................................................ 32
COLOR (Color Mode)
E:_ (Focus)
[] (Metering Mode)
WB (White Bal)
'_i- (PQuality)
Mode (RE(: Mode)
[_ (hlterval)
,_± (Flash Lc'_el)
(_ d:kmtrast )
[] (Sharpness)
Viewing menu .......................................................................................... 39
_-I (Folder)
o-m (Prolecl)
€I_ (Print)
---_ (Resize)
_:_: (Rol ile/
Using Setup items .............................................................................. 46
a Camera .............................................................................................. 47
AF Mode
Digit d Zoom
Function Guide
Red Eye Reduclion
AF llluminalor
Aulo Review
Internal Memory Tool ......................................................................... 50
rr_ Memory Stick Tool ............................................................................. 51
Create RE(:. Folder
Change REC. Folder
Setup 1 ............................................................................................... 53
LCD Backlight (DSC-W50/W70 only)
Setup 2 ............................................................................................... 54
File Number
USB Connecl
Vide() Out
Clock Sel
Enjoying your Windows computer ........................................................... 56
Installing the software (supplied) ............................................................ 58
Copying images to your computer .......................................................... 59
Viewing image files stored on a computer with your camera (using a
"Memory Stick Duo") ............................................................................... 65
Using the "Cyber-shot Viewer" (supplied) ............................................... 66
Using your Macintosh computer ............................................................. 70
How to print still images .......................................................................... 72
Printing images directly using a PictBridge compliant printer ................. 73
Printing at a shop .................................................................................... 76
Viewing images on a TV screen ............................................................. 78
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 80
Warning indicators and messages .......................................................... 92
On the "Memory Stick". ........................................................................... 9,5
On the battery pack ................................................................................ 97
On the battery charger ............................................................................ 98
Precautions ............................................................................................. 99
Specifications ........................................................................................ 101
Basictechniquesfor better images
This section describes the basics so you can
enjoy your camera. Ittells you how to use
various career i functions such aS the mode
dial (page 28), the menus (page 30), and so
Press the shutter Press lhe shutter AE/AF lock indicator Then press the
button ILl]]}' down bull(ill halfway Flashing _ lit/beeps shuuer bllUOll
straight away, down, hilly down,
To shool a slill image difficult Io focus on _ [Focus] (page 33)
If lhe image looks blurred even after focusing, it may be because of camera shake. _ See
"Hinls for preventing blur" (as follows).
Hints for preventing blur
Hohl the c:unera steadily, keeping your arms at your side. Also. you can stabilize the
camera by leaning against a tree or a building beside you. Using the 2-second delay self-
timer or a tripod may be effective. Also. using the flash in dark places is also
Shutter speed = Length of time the camera receives
Aperture = Size of the opening allowing light to pass
-- ISO = Recording sensitivity
= too nmch light
Whitish image
Correct exposure
= too little light
Darker image
Tile exposure is automatically set to the
proper wflue in tile auto adjustn/eut mode.
However. you can adjust it manually using
tile l)mctious below.
Adjusting EV:
Allows you to adjust the exposure that has
been determiued by the camera.
--+ sru_ 5 in "Read This First"
Metering Mode:
Allows _ou to oh:rage tile part of tile
subject to be measured to determine the
exposure. -_ page 34
IS() is unit of measurement (sensitivity), estimating how much light an image pickup device
/equivalent to photo fihns) receives. Even when the exposure is the same. images differ
depending on the ISO sensitivity.
To a<ljust the ISO sensitivity -...+page 35
High ISO sensitivity
Records abright image even when shooting in a dark location.
However_the image tends to become noisy.
Low ISO sensitivity
Records asmoother image.
Howexer, when the exposure is insufficient, the image may become darker.
Onthe effectsoflighting
ject is alfecled by the lighting conditions.
Example:The color of an imageaffectedby light sources
Daylight Cloudy Fluorescent Incandescent
W'hilc (sHtndal"d) Bluish Blueqinged Reddish
The color lenes are at[jusled autenmtically in the auto adjustmenl mode.
However, you can ad.just color tones manually with [While Ball (page 35).
and the image is displayed in fine detail. "hnage size" is showrJ by the number of pixels.
Although you cannot see the differences on the screen of the c_tmera, the fine delail and data
processing time differ when the image is printed or displayed on a computer screen.
Description of the pixels and the image size
,_ 3072
(!) Image size: 7M (DSC-W70)
i! 3072 pixels x 2304 pixels = 7,077,888 pixels
(_) hnage size: 6M (DSC-W30/W40/W50)
2816 pixels x 2112 pixels = 5,947,392 pixels
@ hnage size: VGA
640 pixels x 480 pixels = 307,200 pixels
Selectingthe image size foruse(--* step 4 in "Read This First")
Many pixels (Fine
image quality and Example: Printing in
large lile size) up to A3 size
Few pixels (Rough
image quality but Example: An attached
small file size) image 1o be sent by'e-
7M 13072x2304) IDSC-W70 the delimit
3:2 I) 13072x2048) (DSC-W70)
6M (2816x2112) IDSC-W30/W40/W50 the
defauh setting)
3:2) i 12816x 1872) (DSC-W30/W40/W50)
5M 12592x 1944) (DSC-W70)
3M (2(,_8x 1536)
2M (1632xl224)
VGA 1640x480)
16:92)11920x 1080)
Up to A3/1 lxlT'prinl
Larger Match 3:2 Aspect Ratio
_ Up to A4/Sxl0"prinl
Match 3:2 Aspect Ratio
! [ Up to A4/Sxl0"print
Smaller Up to 13xlScm/5xT'prim
Up to I0x 15cm/4×6"print
For E-mail
Display On 16:9 HDTV 3)
1) hnages are recorded in tile same 3:2 aspect ratio as photograph printing paper or postcards, etc.
2) Bolll edges of the image lnz_ybe Cllloll when printing (page 89).
3) By using a Memory Stick slot or USB connection, you can e_ioy higher quality images.
The default settings are marked with ,_.
640(Fine) (640x480) Approx. 30 Display on TV (high quality)
6401Standard) (640x480) Approx. 17 Display on TV (standard)
160 ( 160x I 12) Approx. 8 For E-mail
• The larger tile image size. the higher tile quality is.
• Tbe more fl'ames per second you played back, lhe smoother playback can be.
Selecting the image quality (compressionratio) in combination (page 36)
You c:m select the compression ratio "_xhen digital images are saved. When you select a high
compression ratio, the image lacks the fineness of detail, but has a smaller file size.
See Ihe pages in parentheses for details of
[] Shutter button (_ swp 5 in "Read TIIis
[] For shooting: Zoom/W/T) lever
(4 step 5 in "Read This First")
For viewing: (_/_ (Playback zoom)
lever/[_ (Index) lever (_ step 6 in
"Read This First")
[] Finder window
[] Lens
[] POWER button/POWER lamp (4 step
2 in "Read This First")
[] Microphone
[] Flash (_ step 5 in "Read This First")
[] Self-timer lamp (_ step 5 in "Read This
First")/AF illuminator (49)
[] AE/AF lock lamp/Self-timer lamp
(green) (_ step 5 in "Read This First"
[] Flash charging lamp/Record lamp
(orange) (4 step 5 in "Read This
[] Speaker
[] Finder (_ step 5 in "Read This First"
[] LCD screen (23)
[] I[-'II (Screen display switch) button (23)
[] MENU button 130)
[] [] (Playback) button/_ step 6 in
"Read This First")
[] DC IN jack
When using an AC-LS5K AC Adaptor
/not supplied)
For details, ruler to the operatiuu
manual supplied with tile AC adaptur.
@ To DC IN jack
@ To wall
@ @ToDC
IN jack
• If you connecl lhe AC-LSSK AC Adaptor,
you cannot charge lhe baue O' pack. For
baueJ T charging, use the battery chargel:
vtq_ 1 in "Read Thiv l:i_vt"
[] DC IN.jack cover
[] Mode dial (28)
[] Huok for wrist (neck) strap/_ "Read
This First %
[] Control button
Menu on: A/V/41/_'/e (_ step 2 in
"Read This Filwt")
Menu off: {r/4e..)l_/_ (_ Sn'l) 5 in
"Read This Firs't")
[] [RI/'_ (Image Size/Delete) button
(_ step 4 and 6 in "Read This First")
[] Tripod receptacle (bottom)
• Use a tripod with a screw length of less than
5,5 mm (7/32 inch), You will be unable to
firmly secure the camera m tripods having
screws longer than 55 mm (7/32 inch), and
may dalnage the calnera.
• Alt_2r ilse, renlove the calnera lroI/l Ihe
[] Battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover (_
snq) ] and 3 in "Read This First")
[] Access lamp (_ snT) 4 in "Read This
[] "Memory Stick Duo" slot
(_ step 3 in "Read This Firs'[')
[] Battery insertion slot
(_ step 1 in "Read This First")
[] Battery eject lever
(_ step 1 in "Read Thi,r First")
[] Multi connector (bottum) (DSC-W50/
[] A/V OUT jack (DSC-W30/W40)
[] Jack cover (DSC-W30/W4t))
[] _/USB) jack (DSC-W30/W40)
Indicatorsonthe screen
See the pages in parentheses for details of
Whenshootingstill images
p _ @ _ va0" 400
("",l_a',/ [,so400
=_ STBY 0 [00;28:25]
_ C:32:00
,:_ Battery remaining (_ step
1 in "Read This First")
• AE/AF lock (_ step 5 in
"Read This First')
1_ 1_ _ Recording mode (2& 36)
_WB@,-=_ White balance (35)
STBY Standby/Recording a movie
REC (_ step 5 in "Read This
Fii:st ')
,.) .L-_ Mode dial (Scene
'_ [] Selection) (_ step 5 in
• o "Read This Fii:st')
p Mode dial (Program auto
shooting) (28)
Camera mode (--+ ._,'_7)5 in
"Read This First')
,_SL @ Flash mode (_ step 5 in
"Read Tllis Fii:st' )
Flash charging
w,::x:z:_T Zoom scaling (_ 47, st_7) 5
X1.3 in "Read This Fii:st")
(_ Red-eye reduction (48)
[] Sharpness (38)
(_ Contrast (38)
D_ON AF ilhmfinator (49)
[] [] Metering mode (34)
RICH Color mode (32)
_ Macro (_ ,step 5 in "Read
This First')
8 AF [VlAF AF mode (47)
_ E! AF range finder flame
indicalor (33)
1.0m Focus preset dislance (33)
_,_B,_,,,o_(E_ Ev Exlx)Stlre valtle sca]e bar
'i ," (_ ,step 5 in "Read This
o:. ." First')
_=: ._; •The display is changed,
depending on the position
ol the mode dial (shown
TDarker ABrighter Exposure value guide (_
st@' 5 in "Read This First'
N_ _[N IZI_
Image size (_ sw 1)4 irl
"Read This First")
• 1_7M and _'_sttarc displayed
only Ior the DSC-W70.
is displayed only lor
the DSC-W30/W40/W50.
• I_11_ais displayed only when
the Mulli Bursl is aclivaled.
hnage quality (36)
Recording folder (51)
• This does not appear when
using internal memory.
Remaining internal
memory capacily (24)
Remaining "Memory
Stick" capacity (24)
Recording time [maximum
rt-,cordable time] (25)
Multi Burst interval (38)
Remaining number of
recordable images (24)
Self-timer (_ st{,p 5 irl
"Read This First')
Self-diagnosis display (92)
ISO number (35)
'r,_,l_ Vibration warning (13)
• lndicatcs vibratkm may
prevent you flom shooting
clear images due lo
insullicient lighling. Even if
the vibration warning
appears, you can still shoot
Jlllages. However, we
recomlncnd thal you u_ the
flash lot better lighting or
using a lripod or other
means to stabilize the
r\_ Low battery warning (27,
+ Spot metering cross hair
" " AF range finder frame (33)
Histogram (23)
(not displayed
on tilt., screen
on the previous
NR slow shutter
• When using certain slmlter
speeds'-, the NR slow
shutter function activates
aulomaticully 1(5reduce tile
picture noise.
* When [ISOI is set 1o
[Auto] or less than [2001:
file sllutler speed is equal
1(5(51"slower than 1/6
When [ISO] is sel 1o
more than [40ttl or the
mode dial is set to
(High _nsitivity mode):
lhe slmtter speed is equal
1(5(51"slower than 1/25
Shutter speed
Apemlre value
Exposure Value (_ step5 in
"Read This Fii:_t' )
Menu (30)
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Sony DSC-W50 Owner's manual

Owner's manual
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