The running belt has been properly adjusted at the
factory before it was shipped. At times the belt can
moveoff-center during shipment.
CAUTION:Running belt should NOTbe moving during
tensioning. Over-tightening the running belt can
cause excessivewear on the treadmill as well as its
components.Neverover-tightenthe belt.
If youcan feela slipping sensationwhenrunning onthe
treadmill, the running belt must betightened.In most
cases, the belt has stretched from use, causing the
belt to slip. Thisis a normal and commonadjustment.
Toeliminate this slipping, TURNTHETREADMILLOFF
supplied Allen wrench,turning them 1/4 TURNto the
right as shown. Turnthe treadmill on and check for
slipping. Repeat if necessary,but NEVERTURNthe
roller boltsmorethan 1/4 turn at a time. Beltis properly
tensionedwhenthe slipping sensationisgone.
Therunning belt hasbeenproperlyadjustedat the
factorybeforeit wasshipped.At timesthe beltcan
moveoff-center during shipment.Beforeoperatingthe
treadmill, makesurethe belt is centeredand remains
centeredtomaintain smoothoperation.
CAUTION:Donot run belt faster than 1/2 mph while
centering.Keepfingers, hair and clothingawayfrom
beltat all times.
If the running belt is too far to the right side:
Withthe treadmill running at 1/2 mph, turn the right
adjustment bolt clockwise 1/4 TURNat a time (using
the suppliedAllen wrench).Checkthe belt alignment.
Allowbelttoruna fullcycletogaugeif moreadjustment
is needed.Repeatif necessary,until the belt remains
centeredduring use.
If the running belt is too far to the left side:
Withthe treadmill running at 1/2 mph, turn the right
adjustment bolt counter-clockwise1/4 TURNat a time
(using the supplied Allen wrench). Check the belt
alignment.Allowbelttoruna full cycletogaugeif more
adjustment is needed.Repeatif necessary,until the
beltremainscenteredduring use.