WILSON AUDIO Watch Surround 2 Series, WATCH Surround Series 2 Owner's manual

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WATCH Surround Series 2 Owner’s Manual
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
Wilson Audio® is a registered trademark of Wilson Audio Specialties, Inc.
Sophia®, WATT/Puppy®, MAXX®, X-1 Grand SLAMM®, and Alexandria® are regis-
tered trademarks of Wilson Audio Specialties, Inc.
WilsonGloss™, WATCH® Center, WATCH® Surround, and WATCH® Dog are trade-
marks of Wilson Audio Specialties, Inc. The Wilson Audio Duette is also a product of
W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s , I n c .
This manual was produced by the Wilson Audio Engineering and the Sales and Mar-
keting Departments. The information contained herein is subject to change without
notice. Current Revision 3.0. If you are in need of a more recent manual, please
contact your dealer.
The information in this manual is the sole property of Wilson Audio Specialties, Inc.
Any reproduction, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
Wilson Audio Specialties, Inc., is prohibited. No material contained herein may be
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without the express written permission of Wilson Audio Specialties, Inc.
Wilson Audio Specialties
T A b l e o f Co n T e n T S
S e c t i o n 1 – in t r o d u c t i o n ������������������������������������������������� 9
S e c t i o n 1�1 – WAtcH Sy S t e m in t r o d u c t i o n �������������������� 11
e s i g n Co n s i D e r a t i o n s ������������������������������������������� 11
p p l i C a t i o n s ������������������������������������������������������� 12
e c t i o n 1�2 – WAtcH PA c k A g e ������������������������������������ 12
e n t e r se r i e s 2 ���������������������������������������� 12
o g pa s s i v e su b W o o f e r ������������������������������� 13
o n t r o l l e r ���������������������������������������������� 13
WatCH s
u r r o u n D se r i e s 2 ������������������������������������� 14
o n C l u s i o n �������������������������������������������������������� 15
S e c t i o n 2 – un c r A t i n g y o u r WAtcH Su r r o u n d �������������������� 17
S e c t i o n 2�1 – un c r A t i n g t H e WAtcH Su r r o u n d ��������������� 19
nitial CH e C k ������������������������������������������������������ 19
n p a C k i n g t H e WatCH su r r o u n D ������������������������������ 19
e c t i o n 2�2 – cr A t e co n t e n t cH e c k l i S t ������������������������� 20
u r r o u n D Cr a t e ��������������������������������������������������� 20
S e c t i o n 3 – in yo u r ro o m ���������������������������������������������� 23
s e C t i o n 3�1 – tH e Wi l s o n au D i o se t u p pr o C e D u r e ��������� 25
i n a l li s t e n i n g ro o m se t u p (vo i C i n g ) ������������������������� 25
o n e o f ne u t r a l i t y : ma i n le f t a n D ri g H t CH a n n e l s �������� 25
o n e o f ne u t r a l i t y : WatCH su r r o u n D CH a n n e l s ����������� 27
e c t i o n 3�2 – ro o m Ac o u S t i c S ������������������������������������� 28
l a p eC H o ���������������������������������������������������������� 28
t a n D i n g Wa v e s ��������������������������������������������������� 30
o m b fi l t e r ef f e C t ����������������������������������������������� 32
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
S e c t i o n 3�3 – re S o n A n c e S ������������������������������������������ 32
t r u C t u r a l re s o n a n C e ������������������������������������������� 33
o l u m e re s o n a n C e ������������������������������������������������ 33
e c t i o n 3�4 – yo u r ro o m ������������������������������������������� 34
o o m sH a p e s ������������������������������������������������������ 34
WatCH s
y s t e m in a De D i C a t e D Ho m e tH e a t e r ���������������� 35
p e a k e r pl a C e m e n t ve r s u s li s t e n i n g po s i t i o n �������������� 36
p e a k e r orientation ��������������������������������������������� 36
e n t e r CH a n n e l ����������������������������������������� 37
WatCH s
u r r o u n D CH a n n e l ������������������������������������� 38
o g pa s s i v e su b W o o f e r ������������������������������� 39
S e c t i o n 4 – mo u n t i n g t H e WAtcH Su r r o u n d ����������������������� 41
S e c t i o n 4�1 – mo u n t i n g t H e Su r r o u n d ��������������������������� 43
e c t i o n 4�2 – SA f e t y WA r n i n g ������������������������������������� 43
o u n t i n g su r f a C e ev a l u a t i o n ���������������������������������� 44
e c t i o n 4�3 – mo u n t i n g t H e WA l l Br A c k e t ��������������������� 44
a r k i n g lo C a t i o n ������������������������������������������������� 44
r i l l i n g pi l o t Ho l e s ��������������������������������������������� 46
e c t i o n 4�3 – Pl A c i n g Su r r o u n d ���������������������������������� 47
l a C i n g su r r o u n D o n br a C k e t ��������������������������������� 47
e c t i o n 4�4 – co n n e c t i n g SP e A k e r t o Am P l i f i e r ��������������� 49
p e a k e r Ca b l e s ��������������������������������������������������� 50
p a D e lu g s ��������������������������������������������������������� 50
e c t i o n 4�5 – Su r r o u n d Se t u P co m P l e t e d ���������������������� 51
S e c t i o n 5 – fi n A l Sy S t e m tu n i n g A n d Vo i c i n g ���������������������� 53
S e c t i o n 5 – fi n A l Sy S t e m tu n i n g A n d Vo i c i n g ������������������ 55
Wilson Audio Specialties
T A b l e o f Co n T e n T S
S e c t i o n 5�1 – le f t A n d ri g H t cH A n n e l S ������������������������� 56
e t e r m i n i n g fr o n t t o ba C k Di s t a n C e ������������������������� 56
e t e r m i n i n g si D e t o si D e Di s t a n C e ���������������������������� 57
e c t i o n 5�2 – in t e g r A t i n g t H e WAtcH Sy S t e m ����������������� 58
n t e g r a t i n g t H e WatCH Ce n t e r �������������������������������� 58
m a g e He i g H t ������������������������������������������������������� 59
e n t e r ro t a t i o n �������������������������������������������������� 59
e s e t t i n g t H e pr o p a g a t i o n De l a y Co n t r o l (pDC) ���������� 59
n t e g r a t i n g t H e su r r o u n D CH a n n e l s �������������������������� 60
n t e g r a t i n g t H e WatCH Do g ����������������������������������� 60
e c t i o n 5�3 – tW o -cH A n n e l fi n A l Se t u P Pr o c e d u r e ���������� 61
S e c t i o n 6 – cA r e o f t H e fi n i S H ���������������������������������������� 63
S e c t i o n 6�1 – cA r e o f t H e fi n i S H ��������������������������������� 65
u s t i n g t H e WatCH su r r o u n D ��������������������������������� 65
a r e o f t H e gr i l l e s ���������������������������������������������� 65
r e a k - i n pe r i o D ��������������������������������������������������� 66
e c t i o n 6�2 – en c l o S u r e te c H n o l o g y ���������������������������� 66
a t e r i a l s ���������������������������������������������������������� 66
D H e s i v e ������������������������������������������������������������ 67
e c t i o n 6�3 – de P t H o f de S i g n ������������������������������������ 67
S e c t i o n 7 – tr o u B l e S H o o t i n g ������������������������������������������ 69
e c t i o n 8 – re P A i r S ������������������������������������������������������ 75
S e c t i o n 8�1 – re P A i r Pr o c e d u r e S ��������������������������������� 77
e p l a C i n g a bl o W n re s i s t o r ������������������������������������ 77
e p l a C i n g a ba D Dr i v e r ����������������������������������������� 77
S e c t i o n 9 – SP e c i f i c A t i o n S ��������������������������������������������� 81
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
S e c t i o n 9 – WAtcH Su r r o u n d SP e c i f i c A t i o n S ������������������ 83
e a s u r e m e n t s : ���������������������������������������������������� 83
i m e n s i o n s : �������������������������������������������������������� 83
e i g H t un C r a t e D : ������������������������������������������������� 83
H i p p i n g We i g H t (a p p r o x i m a t e ): �������������������������������� 83
u r r o u n D Di m e n s i o n s il l u s t r a t e D ������������������������������ 84
m p e D a n C e Cu r v e �������������������������������������������������� 85
S e c t i o n 10 – WA r r A n t y in f o r m A t i o n ���������������������������������� 87
S e c t i o n 10�1 – WA r r A n t y in f o r m A t i o n ��������������������������� 89
imiteD Wa r r a n t y ������������������������������������������������� 89
o n D i t i o n s ��������������������������������������������������������� 89
e m e D y �������������������������������������������������������������� 90
a r r a n t y limiteD t o original pu r C H a s e r �������������������� 90
e m o n s t r a t i o n eq u i p m e n t ��������������������������������������� 91
i s C e l l a n e o u s ����������������������������������������������������� 91
Wilson Audio Specialties
T A b l e o f Co n T e n T S
Wilson Audio Specialties
Section 1 – Introduction
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
Wilson Audio Specialties
S e C T i o n 1 – in T r o d u C T i o n
Section 1.1 – WATCH System Introduction
If your passion is home theater, and you have sought the full sensory experience
created as your eyes absorb the vision and your skin awakens to the power of the
sound, Wilson Audio has your answer. Introducing WATCH – Wilson Audio Theater
Comes Home.
While all Wilson speakers are designed to take full advantage of today’s popular
multi-channel formats, WATCH is the first Wilson system designed from the ground up
to excel specifically at home theater performance. Best of all, it comes in a package as
small or as large as you desire.
The fact is, you haven’t truly experienced home theater until you’ve felt the im-
pact, power, and passion of a film score the way the director intended it, and no com-
pany will deliver this passion like Wilson Audio. That’s why, in the past decade, more
blockbuster hits have been mixed, composed, or recorded using Wilson Audio than any
other loudspeaker.
Design Considerations
Your WATCH System has been designed to perform all of the specific functions of
a high performance home theater system. This was a difficult task because of the many
interactions that occur in a home theater environment. Because the WATCH system was
designed in-house and voiced with a variety of Wilson speakers, you can be sure that
the driver blend will be excellent whether your system includes Sophia Series 2 or the
X-2 Alexandrias. Wilson Audio loudspeakers have set the standard for performance in
a wide variety of two-channel audio and multi-channel home theater applications. The
WATCH Surround ensures the most seamless integration with your Wilson Audio loud-
speakers. The WATCH Surround is the only surround channel designed specifically to
match the inherent quality of the Sophia, WATT/Puppy, MAXX, and, in many instances,
the Alexandria X-2.
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
One of Wilson Audio’s most important criteria in speaker development is that a
speaker meets the accuracy and dynamic demands of studio monitoring, analytical
hardware and software evaluation, and of course, critical music and theater soundtrack
listening. The WATCH Surround has been designed to deliver all of the speed, dynam-
ics, and musical accuracy to satisfy even the most demanding music lovers.
The WATCH Surround has been engineered to take full advantage of today’s multi-
channel surround formats, including the latest AC-3 (Dolby Digital) and DTS (Digital
Theater Systems) formats.
It will provide years of satisfaction whether listening to two-channel audio, multi-
channel audio, or the latest movie sound track.
Section 1.2 – WATCH Package
WATCH Center Series 2
Specifically designed to excel at
center channel functions, WATCH Center
is extremely dynamic with high sensitiv-
ity and robust power handling. Unlike
most center channels, it provides listen-
ers not only with optimal on-axis re-
sponse, but also smooth, linear, off-axis
performance. This is, in part, a result of
Wilson PDC (Propagation Delay Correc-
tion) technology first developed for the
and X-1 Grand SLAMM
tems and later applied to the rest of the
Fi g u r e 1 – WATCH Ce n T e r CH A n n e l Se r i e S 2
Wilson Audio Specialties
Wilson Line. PDC allows for optimal tuning of a loudspeaker for various listening dis-
tances and heights and gives listeners much greater control over their sound.
The WATCH Center was designed from the ground up as a center channel. It is not
merely a standard speaker that was tipped onto its side. The Center channel was voiced
and optimized to truly represent dialogue for movies as well as music and vocals when
used in a multi-channel audio setup.
Of course, WATCH Center Series 2 lives up to Wilson’s high standards of cutting
edge design, superior build quality, and stunning sonic performance. The WATCH Cen-
ter Series 2 is available with a matching stand.
WATCH Dog Passive Subwoofer
The WATCH Dog Passive Subwoofer
is the culmination of over twenty years of
experience at Wilson Audio in building
high output, ultra-low distortion woofer
and subwoofer products. It was designed
to further extend and enhance the bottom
octave performance of music and theater
systems without compromising speed,
tonal accuracy, or phase coherency. The
WATCH Dog will seamlessly and coher-
ently integrate with any loudspeaker,
whether you are augmenting a two-channel system or using the Dog as the LFE channel
in a surround system.
WATCH Controller
Like other WATCH products, along with music system applications, the WATCH Dog
was designed to take advantage of today’s multi-channel formats. The unique tuneability
e C T i o n 1 – in T r o d u C T i o n
Fi g u r e 2 – WATCH Do g PA S S i v e Su b W o o F e r
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
of the WATCH Dog
is greatly enhanced
when used with the
Wilson Controller
active crossover. The
controller’s compre-
hensive control al-
lows the WATCH Dog to be optimized for both music and multi-channel applications,
even within the same system. The Controller’s adjustments allow critical setup, ensur-
ing the best possible performance in a wide range of rooms and with a variety of speak-
WATCH Surround Series 2
The WATCH Surround Series 2 is a
perfect example of performance dispro-
portionate to size. With strong power
handling capacity and low end frequency
response reaching 40 Hz, this speaker
will take your surround sound to new
heights. Unlike most surround speakers,
WATCH Surround is more than a noise-
maker. It brings accuracy, dynamics, and
emotion to your theater, and with its gor-
geous WilsonGloss finish, it looks right
at home on your wall.
The greatest challenge for any wall-
mount loudspeaker is accounting for the
Fi g u r e 4 – WATCH Su r r o u n D Se r i e S 2
Fi g u r e 3 – WATCH Co n T r o l l e r
Wilson Audio Specialties
deleterious interaction with the wall and ceiling, as well as degradation caused by the
mount itself. This causes frequency nonlinearities accentuating some frequencies and
effectively masking others. WATCH Surround minimizes wall/ceiling resonant interac-
tions through its advanced mounting system. Using state-of-the-art materials technology
first developed for the X-1 Grand SLAMM, WATCH Surround provides stunning results.
The Surround is mounted to its bracket by strategically located spikes, further
reducing wall interaction and resonance. The Surround can also be rotated towards the
listening position, offering improved integration with the front speakers and better im-
Finally, a home theater, designed from the ground up as multi-channel, that is tru-
ly high-end. Combine the structural and design considerations with the superior sonic
quality and finish, and you find what makes Wilson Audio the leader in the industry.
Wilson Audio delivers a product that maintains the strictest structural tolerances, du-
rability and reliability. You will have consistent, repeatable performance, unaffected
by the climatic conditions, anywhere in the world. You are about to experience multi-
channel audio/home theater like you never thought possible, except from Wilson ....
e C T i o n 1 – in T r o d u C T i o n
Wilson Audio Specialties
Section 2 – Uncrating your WATCH Surround
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
Wilson Audio Specialties
Section 2.1 – Uncrating the WATCH Surround
Initial Check
The WATCH Surround Series 2and its mounting bracket are shipped in a wooden
crate. Upon receiving the crates, please check their condition. If there is any damage,
please report it to the shipping company immediately for insurance verification.
The following items are recommended for this procedure:
• Suppliedhardwarekit
• Tapemeasure
• Knownlisteningposition
• Electricscrewdriver/drill
• Phillipsheaddrivebit
Unpacking the WATCH Surround
Gently lift the Surround channel out of the crate. Remove the plastic outer bag by
tilting the Surround channel over on one side and opening the bag at the base of the
Surround channel. Slide the bag off the loudspeaker. Do not remove the protective film
until you are ready to place the Surrounds onto the mounting bracket.
Note: Do not cut the bags off of the Surround channels. By using scissors or a knife,
you could unintentionally mark the cabinet or damage a driving element. Keep the
bags in case you need to repackage the Surround channels. Likewise, save your ship-
ping crates and all packing materials. They are specifically designed to prevent harm
from coming to your WATCH Surrounds.
Move the Surround channel into the desired location.
Note: Be careful not to touch the driving elements when you are moving your Surround.
e C T i o n 2 – un C r A T i n g y o u r WATCH Su r r o u o n d
WATCH Su r r o u n d Se r i e S 2 oW n e r S MA n u A l
Wilson Audio Specialties
Section 2.2 – Crate Content Checklist
Now that you have unpacked your WATCH Surround, you can inventory all the ad-
ditional items in the crate. With each pair of Surrounds, you will receive the following:
Surround Crate
1 - Owner’s Manual
1 - Warranty Registration
1 - Template Guide
2 - Mounting Brackets
2 - Grills
8 - 1/4 x 2 1/2” Lag Bolt
8 - 1/4 x 1 3/3” Rawl Bolt
8 - 5/16 x 3/4 Stainless Steel Flat Washer
4 - B Spike
2 - #4 Spike
1 - 5/16 Socket
1 - 7/16 Socket
1 - 1/4” Rachet
1 - 3” Masonry Bit
1 - 3/16 x 3” Drill Bit
1 - 5/32 Allen Wrench