Silver Silent Guard
Quality Underlayment for Laminate
Engineered Wood & Floating Hardwood Flooring
Installation Options & Instructions:
Be sure the subfloor is solid, clean and dry. A moisture test is recommended before all
flooring installations.
For SUSPENDED ON GRADE or BELOW GRADE floors: Roll Silver Silent Guard
underlayment over subfloor, moisture barrier down.
For SUSPENDED ON GRADE, Silver Silent Guard can be installed moisture barrier up
as a spill guard protector.
For ON GRADE or BELOW GRADE where moisture is a concern install Silver Silent
Guard moisture barrier down. Recommend taping seams underneath against subfloor.
Seams need to be butted together flush; do not overlap the pad. Tape seams with water
and tear resistant utility-grade polycoated tape that has an aggressive adhesive.
Install flooring according to manufacturer’s installation instructions.