AVALON_Navi_U (L/O 0508)
2006 AVALON Navigation from Aug. ’05 Prod. (OM41416U)
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Yukon Territory
You can find your destination using vari-
ous methods. See pages 7 through 22
for the detailed steps.
1. By “Address”: You can input the
house number and the street address
by using the input keys. See page 7
for the detailed steps.
2. By “POI” (Point of Interest): You can
select one of the many points of inter-
est that have been already stored in
the system’s database. There are 54
categories to choose from including
restaurants, hotels and so on. See
page 11 for the detailed steps.
3. By “Marked points”: You can select
your own favorite destinations as
“Marked points”. The system allows
you to store up 100 marked points.
See page 17 for the detailed steps.
4. By “Previous destination”: You can
select a destination from any of the
last 20 previously set destinations. See
page 18 for the detailed steps.
5. By “Emergency”: You can select one
of the three points of emergency ser-
vice points that have been already
stored in the system’s database. See
page 18 for the detailed steps.
6. By “Intersection”: You can enter the
names of two intersecting streets. This
is helpful if you do not know the spe-
cific street address of your destination
but know the general vicinity. See page
19 for the detailed steps.
7. By “Prev. start point”: You can enter
a point where the system has started
to guide last time. See page 21 for the
detailed steps.
8. By “Freeway Ent./Exit”: You can enter
the name of the freeway (interstate)
entrance or exit. See page 20 for the
detailed steps.
9. By Map Selection: You can select a
destination simply by selecting the
location on the displayed map. See
page 22 for the detailed steps.
10. By Preset Destination (
switches on the “Destination”
screen): You can choose the destina-
tion by selecting one of the preset des-
tination switch. In this case, it is nec-
essary to register your desired
destination beforehand. See page 22
for the detailed steps.
11. By Home (
switch on the “Des-
tination” screen): You can select your
own home without entering the address
each time. In this case, it is necessary
to register your home beforehand. See
page 22 for the detailed steps.