nap a
halk Line
• Add 1/2" to your border plank width and snap a chalk line across the
racks at that distance from front wall.
Cut First Row of Border Plank
• Familiarize yourself with the plank edges and face before you begin
cutting your fi rst plank.
illus. D)
• Trim fi rst plank to the calculated border plank width, face up with a
sharp utility knife. Do not cut off fl ange sides of plank.
ut off tongue on narrow edge of the fi rst plank for a tight fi t.
• Each plank
or the
rst row will be cut to the border plank width.
Install First Row of Planks
illus. E
• Snap a clip on every track with teeth facin
away from the front wall
• Push clips
ush against the wall
• Push
rst plank
rmly into corner, thereby embedding clips into cut edge.
• Snap new clips on every other track and push them over the plank fl an
o secure the fl an
e side of the plank
• Lightly tap clips with hammer to seat plank tightly to
ront wall. Make
sure the plank
ange edge is aligned with chalk line
• Complete fi rst row of cut planks. Cut last plank to len
th that leaves a
ap at the opposite side wall.
illus. F on pa
e 3
Install Rema
ng Planks (
llus. F)
• When startin
the second row, cut some len
th from the fi rst plank in
order to sta
er the seams. To maintain sta
ered seams from row to
row, use the remaining piece of material cut from the last plank in the
ous row to start t
e next row.
• Place a clip on every other track to secure the plank fl anges.
lips must
alternate tracks on ever
row and not be
urther than 24" a
• Snap a clip onto each track before inserting the last row of planks, and
ush with the end wall.
• Cut the last row of planks 1/2" short of the end wall. Measure and cut
ace o
the plank.
er p
s an
use a screw
ver next to t
e wa
embed the clip into the cut edge of the plank.
illus. G)
Cut Line
Remove this tongue on
first plank for a tighter fit.
illus. D
How to install your Mineral Fiber Planks
using the Easy Up
Installation System
or Adhesive
Clips along wall.
Chalk Line
1st plank
Second plank
goes here.
Clips along flanges.
. E
Side Wall
Side Wall
1/2" Gap
Clips must alternate across
the ceiling
llus. F