Xen Mail CTI Conversation Guide
Doc. No. 8558 - Release 1.0
June 2004
Prompts by text T A B L E • 1 –15
I'll deliver this fax to your usual fax machine. FM025 PH_FaxCk_HandsFreeOfferUsualNum
I'll record your message at the tone. FB004 PH_Fax_WontHoldSoTakeMsg
I'll record your message at the tone. When you are
finished, hang up or stay on the line for further options.
MB006 PH_Box_WillRecordMessageNow
I'll record your message at the tone. When you are
finished, please stay on the line to be transferred to a fax
MB022 PH_Fax_AnnotateFollowup
I'll transfer you to a fax machine now. When you hear the
fax tone, press the start button on your fax machine.
FB013 PH_Fax_EnterStart
I'm sorry I can't access the next message right now. SL075 PH_Leave_CantAccessMessage
I'm sorry I can't access this message right now. SL074 PH_Leave_CantAccessMessage
I'm sorry the line is no longer busy, but now it doesn't
HD022 PH_Hold_NoLongerBusy
I'm sorry, all lines are busy. HD001 PH_Hold_AllStillBusy
I'm sorry, all lines are still busy. HD002 PH_Hold_AllStillBusy
I'm sorry, directory assistance could not be completed. DR007 PH_Dir_AssistanceCouldNot
I'm sorry, document... FX009 PH_Fax_SorryDocument
I'm sorry, I cannot page now. MB028 PH_Box_CanNotPageNow
I'm sorry, I cannot presently change this group. GR012 PH_Group_SorryCantChangeGroup
I'm sorry, I cannot understand your voice. Use your
telephone to enter the extension number now, otherwise I
will transfer you to the operator.
SC005 PH_Spr_CouldNotRecognize
I'm sorry, I can't deliver a fax at this time. FB015 PH_Fax_SystemDown
I'm sorry, I can't presently access... GL014 PH_Chk_CantAccess
I'm sorry, I can't receive a fax at this time. FB014 PH_Fax_SystemDown
I'm sorry, I can't take a message now, but thanks for
GL012 PH_Box_SorryCantTakeMessage
I'm sorry, I can't talk to you now; please call back. GL015 PH_Box_SorryCantTalkNow
I'm sorry, I did not hear you. SC006 PH_Spr_DidNotRecRepeat
I'm sorry, I did not hear you. Would you like to be
transfered to the operator?
SC008 PH_Spr_DidNotRecGotoOperator
I'm sorry, I did not hear your selection. Please reenter your
selection now.
SY005 PH_SysMgr_SorryDidntHear
I'm sorry, I did not hear your selection. Please reenter your
selection now.
MB001 PH_Box_BadIDorPassword
I'm sorry, I did not recognize the date you entered. SY049 PH_SysMgr_ValueNotValid
I'm sorry, I did not recognize the date you entered. DS023 PH_Spdl_NotRecognizeDate
I'm sorry, I did not recognize the days you entered. SY047 PH_SysMgr_DaysNotValid
I'm sorry, I did not recognize the days you entered. DS024 PH_Dlv_NotRecognizeDays
Prompts by text Prompt Phrases containing prompt