Introduction ........................................................... 3
Notice for This Monitor ............................................ 3
To Use the Monitor Comfortably ............................ 4
Protecting Your Eyes When Using the Monitor
... 4
Cleaning .......................................................... 4
CONTENTS ............................................................. 5
Chapter 1 Product Features .............................. 7
1-1. Product Features .......................................... 7
1-2. Controls and Functions ............................... 8
Front ................................................................ 8
Rear ................................................................. 9
1-3. Color Adjustment Software ........................10
G-Ignition .......................................................10
G-Ignition Mobile ............................................11
1-4. Basic Operations and Functions ...............12
Basic Operation of the Setting Menu .............12
Functions ........................................................14
Chapter 2 Connecting ...................................... 16
2-1. Connecting the Monitor to a Smartphone
via Bluetooth ................................................16
Checking the Connection Information ...........17
2-2. Connecting Multiple External Devices ......18
Switching Input Signals ..................................18
2-3. Connecting External Speakers ..................19
Making Use of USB (Universal Serial Bus)
Required System Environment ......................19
Connection Procedure
(Setup of USB Function)................................ 20
Chapter 3 Setting Screens .............................. 21
3-1. Compatible Resolutions/Formats ..............21
DisplayPort Signal Input .................................21
HDMI (PC signal), DVI-D Signal Input ...........21
HDMI (video signal) Input .............................. 22
Audio Signal .................................................. 22
3-2. Screen Size Changing ................................ 23
DisplayPort Signal Input, DVI-D Signal
Input, HDMI (PC signal) Input ....................... 23
HDMI (video signal) Input ...............................24
3-3. To Change the Orientation of the Setting
Menu ............................................................. 24
Chapter 4 Adjusting Color ............................... 25
To Select the Display Mode (Color Mode)
... 25
4-2. To Perform Advanced Adjustments ......... 26
Adjustable Settings in Each Mode ................ 26
4-3. To Adjust Brightness .................................. 27
4-4. To Adjust Contrast ...................................... 27
4-5. To Adjust Color Temperature .................... 28
4-6. To Adjust Gamma ........................................ 28
4-7. To Adjust Hue .............................................. 29
4-8. To Adjust the Color Saturation .................. 29
4-9. To Adjust Gain ............................................. 30
4-10. To Adjust Black Level ................................. 30
4-11. To Reduce Motion Blur ................................31
4-12. To Set the Enhancement Ratio of
Contrast Enhancer .......................................31
4-13. To Set Overdrive Intensity ......................... 32
4-14. To Reset the Color Adjustments ............... 32
4-15. Setting Color Format .................................. 33
4-16. Setting Grayscale Tones ............................ 34
To Select How to Display Interlaced Signal ...
Chapter 5 Setting Monitor ............................... 35
5-1. Identifying Input Signal Automatically ..... 35
5-2. ExcludingaSpecicInputSignalfrom
Selection ...................................................... 35
5-3. ExcludingaSpecicColorModefrom
Selection ...................................................... 36
5-4. Switching Sound Sources ......................... 36
5-5. Adjusting Volume.........................................37
5-6. To Adjust the Sound Level ..........................37
5-7. Setting the Brightness of Indicators ........ 38
5-8. Setting Language ........................................ 38
5-9. Resetting the Monitor to the Default
Settings ........................................................ 39
5-10. Checking Monitor Information .................. 39
5-11. ConguringAdministratorSettings ......... 40
Basic Operation of the Administrator
Settings Menu ............................................... 40
Showing and Hiding the EIZO Logo .............. 40
Locking Operation Buttons ........................... 40
Switching Signal Formats ..............................41
Using Compatibility Mode ..............................41
Chapter 6 Using Smart Function .................... 42
6-1. Adjustable Settings in Each Mode ............ 42
6-2. Setting the Automatic Correction of
Perceived Resolution ................................. 42
6-3. Setting the Automatic Brightness
Correction .................................................... 43
6-4. Checking the Setting Status ...................... 43
Chapter 7 Power Saving Functions ................ 44
7-1. Setting Power Saving ................................. 44
Monitor .......................................................... 44
7-2. Enabling/Disabling Automatic
Brightness Adjustment .............................. 45