7. Select/Scroll Encoder: If you are entered into one of the Display’s Edit menus, turn this knob to
change settings/parameters and press the knob to confirm a selection.
If you are not viewing any of the edit menus, turning the Encoder and pressing the Encoder will each
function as separate MIDI controls. When operating with a DAW, the assigned controls will be
predetermined. When operating with a preset or the User DAW selected, the controls can be edited.
When NOTE REPEAT is active, the Encoder is used for selecting the NOTE REPEAT and ARP time
division settings.
8. Back Button: If entered into one of the Display’s Edit menus, press this button to go back to the main
Display screen.
If you are not viewing one of the Edit menus, this button will be assigned to a control. When operating
with a DAW, the assigned control will be predetermined. When operating with a preset or the User
DAW selected, the control can be edited. When editing a Preset or DAW name press the SHIFT button
and the Back button to delete a letter.
9. SHIFT Button: Hold the SHIFT Button while moving or pressing controls or buttons on the keyboard to
access their secondary functions. This button can also access secondary functions in DAWs
10. << Button: Depending on what screen is selected in your DAW, this button will either rewind the open
song or move down in the active window. Some DAWs may require pressing the SHIFT button and <<
Button to move down in the active window.
11. >> Button: Depending on what screen is selected in your DAW, this button will either fast forward the
open song or move up in the active window. Some DAWs may require pressing the SHIFT button and
>> Button to move up in the active window.
12. Loop Button: Press this button to activate/deactivate the loop function in your DAW.
13. Stop Button: Press this button to stop the open song in your DAW. Double-press this button to stop
the open song and return the playhead to the beginning of the song. Press SHIFT and this button to
send a MIDI panic message to turn off all Note messages and return all controls to zero.
14. Play Button: Press this button to play the song in your DAW.
15. Record Button: Press this button to activate recording in your DAW.
16. Bank Buttons: If operating in DAW Mode or one of the custom presets, use these buttons to switch
the currently selected bank for the Fader, Knobs, Pads, and Function Buttons. There are four banks
for these controls, giving you the equivalent of 4 Faders, 32 knobs, and 64 pads. Pressing SHIFT and
the Bank < button lock on the SHIFT modifier ARP Knob controls. This is useful for changing ARP
parameters during a live performance. Pressing SHIFT and the Bank > button lock the SHIFT modifier
Pad controls. This is useful for making edits while mixing a song. To return the knobs or pads to their
normal mode, press the SHIFT button and the Bank < or Bank > button.
17. Tempo Button: Tap this button to set Oxygen Pro 25’s tempo, or press and hold this button to pull up
the Tempo Edit menu on the Display. When the Temp Edit Menu is open, you can use the
Select/Scroll Encoder to manually enter the tempo and choose to sync Oxygen Pro 25’s tempo with
your DAW. The tempo setting affects the keyboard’s arpeggiator and note repeat functions.
Hold SHIFT and press this button to turn your DAW’s metronome on/off.
18. Note Repeat Button: Press this button to activate the note repeat function for the Pads. To latch the
note repeat function, hold SHIFT and then press this button. While Note Repeat is active the
Select/Scroll Encoder can be used to change the current Time Division setting of the Arpeggiator
and Note Repeat functions.
19. Pads: Use these velocity-sensitive pads to send MIDI Note On/Off messages or perform other MIDI
assignments (if using a preset or the User DAW). Hold SHIFT while pressing Pads 9–12 to reassign the
function of the Knobs in DAW Mode. Hold SHIFT while pressing Pads 13–16 to use the DAW
20. Pad Row Play: Press this button to play through the audio clips assigned to each pad in the
corresponding row of pads. Depending on the DAW, these buttons will have different functions.
21. Fader: Push this Fader up/down to perform the assigned controls. When operating with a DAW, the
assigned controls will be predetermined. When operating with a preset or the User DAW selected, the
controls can be edited.