Consoledisplays "E2"error code
Nospeed/RPM reading, Consoledisplays
"E3"error code
Consoleshuts off (enters sleep mode)
while in use
Checkdata cable integrity
Check data cable
Checkdata cable integrity
Check data cable
Checkmagnet position (requires shroud
CheckRPM Sensor (requires shroud
Checkdata cable integrity
Check data cable
ResetMachine (if equipped with reset
Checkmagnet position (Technician only-
requires shroud removal)
All wires in cable should be intact. If any
are cut or crimped, replace cable.
Insure cable is connected securely
and oriented properly. Small latch on
connector should line up and snap into
If tests reveal no other issues, Console
should be replaced.
All wires in cable should be intact. If any
are cut or crimped, replace cable.
Insure cable is connected securely
and oriented properly. Small latch on
connector should line up and snap into
Magnet should be in place on flywheel.
If no magnet is present, replace the
flywheel orthe entire base unit (if unable
to replace flywheel).
RPMsensor should be aligned with
magnet and connected to data cable.
Realignsensor if necessary. Replace if
there is anydamageto the sensor orthe
connecting wire.
All wires inthe cable should be intact. If
anyare cut or crimped, replace cable.
Insure cable is connected securely
and oriented properly. Small latch on
connector should line up and snap into
Unplugunit from electrical outlet for 3
minutes. Reconnect to outlet. After the
Consolepowers up, press "reset".
Magnet should be in place on flywheel.
If no magnet ispresent, replaceflywheel
or entire base unit.
CheckRPMSensor Contact Customer Care for further
Fan(if equipped) will notturn on or will
notturn off
Unit rocks/does notsit level
Checkdata cable integrity
All wires in cable should be intact. If any
are cut or crimped, replace cable.
Check data cable
Insure cable is connected securely
and oriented properly. Small latch on
connector should line up and snap into
ResetMachine (if equipped with reset
Unplugunit from electrical outlet for
3 minutes. Reconnect to outlet. After
Consolepowers up, press "reset".
Checkleveler adjustment Levelingfeet may be turned in or out to
level bike.
Checksurface under unit
Adjustment may not be able to
compensate for extremely uneven
surfaces. Move biketo level area.