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Phone Power-up Cable – User Instructions
Cellebrite's "Phone Power-up Cable" is used to power up mobile
devices through a UFED or UFED TOUCH unit, during an extraction.
You will find it useful when:
Extracting data from a phone with a drained battery
Extracting data from a phone with a missing battery
Extracting data from a phone without a charger
Conducting a long extraction
The "Phone Power-up Cable" is made up of three joined cables:
a cable that ends in 2 negative
black clip and a positive red clip
1. Remove the battery from the
phone and locate the positive and
negative terminals in the battery
You can sometimes find them
according to markings on the
2. If the battery contacts are not
clearly marked on the phone, use
the markings on the battery to
mark the terminals.
Place or flip the battery and place
it along the edge of the battery