Prepare espresso
Please take the time to study this fi lter holder machine. So far, no one
has ever been born a master barista. The diverse options for espresso
preparation require a certain amount of willingness to experiment.
During preparation, the pressure indicator shows under which pressure the
water is pressed through the coffee.
Too little pressure
Coffee ground too coarsely and/or not compressed in
the brewing fi lter suffi ciently.
Coffee is thin when running into the cup.
The espresso is very sour or fl avourless. The crema
hardly exists, is very light and not stable.
Remedy: Reduce the level of the degree of grinding pre-selection and/or
compress the ground coffee more forcefully in the brewing fi lter.
Druck optimal
Coffee is creamy when running into the cup.
The crema is dark gold.
You are doing ev erything right .
Zu viel Druck
Coffee ground too fi nely and/or compressed in the
brewing fi lter too tightly.
Coffee is only dripping out or not into the cup at all.
The espresso tastes bitter and the crema is very dark.
Remedy: Increase the level of the degree of grinding pre-selection and/
or compress the ground coffee less forcefully in the brewing fi lter.
Frothing milk
After switching on the machine, set the steam volume controller to
7 °C
Pour cold milk into the container.
As soon as the lamp on the steam volume controller lights up
constantly, pick up the container and guide the surface of the milk
to the steam nozzle.
Turn the controller to START and then adjust the steam volume. You
will hear the steam nozzle hissing.
Move the container gradually downwards slightly, so that the noz-
zle is held on the surface through the growth in volume.
As soon as the container becomes warm, hold the nozzle deeper
into the milk. The milk foam will then become fi ner.
If the container is too hot and/or there is suffi cient milk foam, turn
the steam volume controller back to PRE-HEAT. The milk should not
become hotter than approx. 60 °C, as the milk foam will otherwise
not remain stable.
Move the container aside and clean the nozzle with a damp cloth.
Align the steam nozzle for fl ushing.
Briefl y turn the steam volume controller to MAX.
Turn the steam volume controller to OFF. After this, the machine will
cool down the steam generator. Please note that steam and hot
water will end up in the drip tray through a hidden outlet valve.