A 3/4’. U.L.-listed strain relief
must be provided at the
’ junctron box.
It is the personal
w responsibilrty and ObliQOtlOn
of the customer to contact 0
qualified electrician to assure that
the electrical installation is odeauote
and in conformance with the
Notronol Electrrcol Code ANSVNFPA
70.lotest edition, and 011 loco1 codes
ond ordrnonces,
’ Copies of the standord listed may
be obtained from,
National tire Protection Associoiion
Battery March Park
Quincy, Massachusetts 02169
A wiring diagrom is rncluded
n in the Tech-sheet (located
behind the oir grille) with
self-cleaning ovens. For other
models, the wiring diOQram IS
located on the back, right-hand srde
of the oven.
Electrical around is rewired on this
Electrical Shock
Do Not connecl appliance to
ele-olrtcal supply untrl opplronce
IS permanenlly grounded.
’ Disconnect power to the junclion
box before making the electrrcol
This appliance musl be
connecled to o grounded,
melallrc, permanent wiring
system, or a groundrng
conductor should be connected
lo the groundrng termrnol or lead
on the opplmnce.
Failure to follow lhese ~nslrucr~ons
could result rn o fire, personal
rnrury. or elecrrrcal shock.
This oppl~ance IS manufactured with
the neutral White) power supply
wire and a cobrnet-connected
grounding wire (green) twisted
Connect the appliance cable to the
junction box through the 3/4’,
U.L.-listed strain relief. Complete the
electrical connectron according to
local codes ond ordinances.
A. Where local codes permit...
Connecting the cabinet-grounding
conductor to the neutral (white)
junctron box wire:
I. Connect togetherthree wires: the
green (or bore) and white appliance
cable wires with the neutral (whrte)
wire in the junction box.
2. Connect the two black wires, then
the two red wires. (See Figure 1 )
6. Where local codes Do Not
Connecting the cabinet-groundrng
conductor to the neutral White)
junction box wrre’
I. Separote the green (or bore) and
whrte appliance cable wires.
2. Connect the white appliance
cable wire with the neutral (white)
wire in the junction box
3. Connect the two block wires,
then connect the two red wires.
(See Figure 2 )
4. Connect the Qroundlng wire to 0
grounded wrre Inthe junciion box
or to o grounded, copper. cold
water pipe’. cODPer
““IS mm
Figure 3
Grounded cold
voter pipe
(remove pain1 elc.)
NO. *
5. A separate. copper grounding
wrre (No. 18 mrnrmum) must be
connected too grounded. cold
water pipe by means of o clamp
and then to the external QrOUndlnQ
connector screw.
Do Nol ground to
a gos supply pipe of hot water pipe.
Do Not connect to the electrical
supply until appliance is
permanently grounded
’ Grounded cold w,+e, DID~ muzr have
metal cont,nu~~ to electrical ground and no, metal contlnu~~ to electrical ground and no,
be Interrupted by plostlc. rubber 0, o,har be Interrupted by plostlc. rubber 0, o,har
elettrlcol i”sulo+l” elettrlcol i”sulo+l” cO”“ecfo,S such OS cO”“ecfo,S such OS
hoses. m~ngr. WCS hoses. mlngr. WCS R R err or gaskers C,“ciud,“g err or gaskers C,“ciud,“g
WOtel meter or pump) A”” ele‘trlca, WOtel meter or pump) A”” ele‘trlca,
lmuloting connector shoula be ,“mped. OS lmuloting connector shoula be ,“mped. OS
shown. With 0 len th of NO 4 COPWF vnre shown. With 0 len th of NO 4 COPWF vnre
~n~s~d~ clampe ~n~s~d~ clampe 8 8 to bore me,ol 01 bofh to bore me,ol 01 bofh
C. If connecting to a four-wire C. If connecting to a four-wire
electrical system... electrical system...
Do Not connect the cabinet- Do Not connect the cabinet-
QrOUndlng conductor to the neutral QrOUndlng conductor to the neutral
(white) wrre In the junction box. (white) wrre In the junction box.
Cob,* from
power lupply
Separate the green (or bore) and
white applronce cable wires.
2. Connect the whrte oppllonce
cable wire to the neutral (whrte)
wire in the junction box
3. Connect the two black wares: then
connect the two red wires. (See
Figure 4.)
4. Connect the green opplrance
cable wire to the Qreen grounding
wire in the junction box
Now start...
With oven in kitchen...
Remove Shipping materials.
w tape and protective film from
Do Not remove the shipping
base al this time.
Remove the rocks and
n other parts from Inside the
oven. Remove the air grille taped to
the top or side of the oven.
Upper oven door:
n the screws on each side of
the inner panel of the oven door
Insert a nail (or on equivalent. 5/32”
drometer item) into the hole in each
of the hinges. Close the door OS far
as possible. Lift the oven door off of
the hinges. Set oside.
tower oven door:
Open the oven
door to the broil ‘stop- position and
lift door Upwards to remove. Set
oven door aside.
Panel B