Astravan (January 2007)

Vauxhall Astravan (January 2007) Owner's manual

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©Copyright by Vauxhall Motors Ltd., England.
Reproduction or translation, in whole or in parts,
is not permitted without prior written consent from
Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
All rights as understood under the copyright laws are explicitly
reserved by Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this
manual are based on the latest production information
available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes at any time without
Edition: January 2007.
TS 1639-B-07
Operation, Safety and Maintenance
Owners Manual
Data specific to your vehicle
Please enter your vehicles data here to keep it easily accessible. This information is available under the section "Technical data" as well as
on the identification plate and in the Service Booklet.
De signation
Engine oil
Tyre pressure
T yre si ze wi th up to 3 pe ople wi th fu ll load
Su mmer tyres Fro nt Rear Fro n t Rear
Winter tyres Front Rear Fro n t Rear
Permissible Gross Vehicle
– EC kerbweight
Your Zafira
is an intelligent c om bination of forward-
looking technology, impressive safety,
environmental friendliness and economy.
It now lies with you to drive your vehicle
safely and ensure that it perform s
perfectly. This Owner’s Manual provides
you with all the necessary information to
that end.
Make sure your passengers are aware
of the possible risk of accident and injury
which may result from improper use of the
vehic le.
You must always comply with the specific
laws of the country that you are travelling
through. These laws may differ from the
information in this Owner’s Manual.
When this Manual refers to a workshop
visit, we recommend your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer.
All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers provide
first-class service at reasonable prices.
You will receive quick, reliable and
individual service.
Experienced mechanics, trained by
Vauxhall, work according to specific
Vauxhall instructions.
The Owner’s Ma nual should alwa ys be kept
in the vehicle: Ready to hand in the glove
Make use of the Owner’s
z The "In Brief" section will give you an
initial overview.
z The table of contents at the beginning of
the owner’s manual and within the
individual chapters will show you where
everything is.
z Its index will help you find what you
z It will familiarize you with the
sophisticated technology.
z It w ill increase your pleasure in your
z It will help you to handle your vehicle
The Owners Manual is designed to be
clearly laid-out and easily understood.
This symbol signifies:
6 continue reading on next page.
3 The asterisk signifies equipment not
fitted to all vehicles (model variants,
engine options, models specific to one
country, optional equipment, Genuine
Vauxhall Parts and Accessories).
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as
points of reference or indicate some action
to be performed.
Black arrows in the illustrations indicate a
reaction or a second action to be
Directional data, e.g. left or right, or front
or back, in the descriptions always relate to
the direction of travel.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable
Your Vauxhall Team
9 Wa rning
Text marked 9 Warning provides
information on risk of accident or injury.
Disregard of the instructions may lead
to injuries or endanger life. Inform your
passeng ers accordingly.
Commitment to customer
Our ai m: to keep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers
offer first-class service at competitive
prices. Experienced, factory-trained
technicians work according to factory
instructions. Your Authorised Repairer can
supply you with GENUINE VAU XHALL-
APPROVED PARTS, which have undergone
stringent quality and precision checks, and
of course useful and attractive
Our name is your guarantee!
For d eta ils of the
Va uxhall Authorised Rep airer Netw ork,
please ring this number; 0845 090 2044
In Brief ........................................................ 2
Locks, Doors, Windows ........................ .. 30
Seats, Interior ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ........... 49
Instrum ents, Controls ........................... .. 82
Lighting ..... .... ........................................ 105
Infotainment S ystem ............................ 112
Clim ate Control .................................... 114
Driving and Operation ......................... 131
Self-help, Vehicle Care ......................... 170
Service, Maintenance ........................... 198
Technical Data ..................................... 210
Index .......... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .................. 230
2In Brief
In Brief
To unlock and open the vehicle:
Press button q , pull door handle
6 Door locks – page 30,
Keys – page 30,
Electronic immobiliserpage 30,
Radio frequency remote control page 32,
Central locking system – page 37,
Anti-theft locking system 3 page 38,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 – page 42.
Unlock vehicle and open with
the Open&Start system 3:
Electronic key in vehicle
reception range,
Pull handle
6 Open&Start system 3 – page 33.
3In Brief
Unlock luggage compartment
and open:
Press button
q on t he remote
control, or for the Open&Start
system 3
place electronic key in the
vehicle reception range,
operate button bene ath handle
6 Ope n&S tart sy stem 3 page 33,
Radio frequency remote control page 32,
Central locking system page 37,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 page 42.
To adjust front seat:
Pull h andle , slide seat,
release handle
6 Seats – page 49,
Sea t position page 50.
Adjust front seat backrests:
Turn handwheel
Move seat backrest to suit seating position.
Do not lean on seat when adjusting.
6 Seats page 49,
Seat position – page 50,
Folding down the front passenger’s seat
page 57.
9 Warning
Important: Do not sit nearer than
10 inches (25 cm) from the steering
wheel, to perm it safe airba g deployment.
4In Brief
Adjusting front seat height 3:
Operate levers on outboard side
of seats
Lever pumping motion
6 Seatspage 49,
Seat position page 50.
To adjust front seat
inclination 3 :
Pull inner lever on front of seat,
adjust inclination, release lever,
engage seat in position
Adjust inclination by shifting body weight.
6 Seats – page 49,
Sea t position – page 50.
Adjusting height of head
restraints of front seat and
outboard seats in second row:
Press knob to release, adjust
height, engage
6 Head restraints page 51,
Adjust rear centre head restraint and third
seat row head restraints page 51,
Head restraint position page 51,
Removing the head restraint – page 52.
up: Seat higher
down: Seat lower
5In Brief
Putting on seat belt:
Pull out the seat belt smoothly,
pass it over your shoulder and
click into the belt buckle
The seat belt must not be twisted at any
point. The lap belt must lie snugly against
the body. The front seat backrests must not
be tilted back too far (recommended
maximum tilting angle approx. 25°).
To release belt, press red button on belt
6 Three-point seat belt – page 63,
Airbag system – page 69,
Seat position page 50.
Adjusting interior mirror:
Swivel mirror housing
Swivel lever on underside of mirror housing
to reduce dazzle at night.
6 Mirrors – page 46, automatically
dipping interior mirror – page 46.
Electrical exterior mirrors 3,
Four-way switch in driver’s door
Push right or left mirror switch: four-way
switch adjusts relevant mirror.
6 Mirrorspage 45,
Aspherical exterior mirror page 45,
Fold exterior mirror – page 45,
Heated exterior mirrors pages13, 116.
6In Brief
7In Brief
1 Side air vents .................................. 115
2 Front pa ssenger’s airbag . .... .......... 69
3 Centre air vents ............................. 115
4 Left heated seat 3 ........................ 116
Tyre deflation
monitoring system 3 ..... .... ............. 154
Tyre pressure
monitoring system 3 ...................... 155
Parking distance sensors 3 .......... 152
Haza rd warning lights ..............11 107
Central locking ..... .... ..... .... ...............39
SPORT mode 3 ............................... 150
Right heated seat 3 ...................... 116
5 Central information display for
time, date, outside temperature,
Infotainment system 3,
check control 3 .............................. 101
Trip computer 3 ......................... 93, 98
Electronic Climate Control 3 ..... ... 125
6 Turn signal, headlight flash,
dipped beam, main beam ......10, 105
Door-to-door lighting 3 ................. 108
Parking light .................................. 109
Cruise control 3 ............................. 151
Pa ge
7 Remote control on steering
wheel 3 ........................................... 112
8 Instruments . ..... .... ............................ 82
9 Horn ........ .... ..... .... ..... ........................ 11
Driver’s airbag ................................ 69
10 Windscreen wiper,
windscreen wash system,
headlight wash system 3 and
re ar window w ash
sy stem .................................11, 12, 102
11 Pa rk ing lights, dipped beam ........ 105
Instrument illumination ................. 109
Fog tail lig ht .... .... ........................... 107
Front fog lights 3 ........................... 106
Headlight range adjustment 3 .... 107
12 Bonnet release lev er ..................... 170
13 Starter switch
with immobiliser ....... .... .... ..... .... ..... ... 9
Sensor panel for emergency
op eration Op en&Start system 3 .... 17
14 Accelerator pedal .................. 141, 143
15 Brake pedal ........................... 141, 157
16 Clutch pedal 3 ............................... 141
17 Steering w heel a djustment ............... 9
18 Start/Stop button 3 .................. 17, 33
19 Ashtrays 3 ........................................ 79
20 Selector lever, manual
transmission .................................... 14
Easytronic 3 .................................... 14
Automatic transmission 3 ....... 14, 15
21 Climate control ............................ 114
22 Infotainment system 3 .................. 112
23 Glove compartment ... ..... .... ... 80, 117
8In Brief
Control indicators
O pen&S tart sy s tem 3,
see pages 35, 83.
Engine oil pressure,
see page 83.
Brak e sy stem , clu t ch sy ste m 3,
see pages 84, 158, 205.
Airbag systems,
belt t ensioners,
see pages 64, 73, 84.
Electronic St abili ty Progra mme
) 3,
see pages 84, 148.
Seat bel t 3,
see pages 63, 84.
Door open,
see page 84.
Alternat or,
see page 84.
Coola nt temperat ure,
see pages 84, 204.
Engine electronics,
transmission electronics 3,
im mobili ser,
diesel fuel filter 3,
see pages 30, 85, 135, 140, 147.
Easytronic 3, start eng ine,
see pages 85, 131.
Interacti ve Dynam ic Driving
System 3 , Continuous Dam ping
Control (CDC ) 3, SPOR T
mode 3,
see pages 85, 150.
Engine oil l evel 3,
see pages 85, 202.
Exterior light s,
see pages 85, 105.
Pa rking distance sensors 3,
see pages 85, 152.
Turn sig nal lig ht s,
see pages 10, 85, 106.
Fuel level,
see pages 86, 88, 144.
Front fog lights 3 ,
see pages 86, 106.
Main beam,
see pages 10, 86, 105.
Fog tail li ght,
see pages 86, 107.
Winter programme of
automa tic tra nsm issi on 3 or
Easy tronic 3 ,
see pages 86, 133, 139.
SPORT m ode of automa tic
transmission 3 or Easytronic 3,
see pages 86, 133, 138.
Seat occupancy recognition 3,
see pages 74, 86.
Exhaust emission 3,
see pages 86, 147.
An ti -lo ck Bra ke Sy st em (A BS ),
see pages 86, 159.
Preheating system 3,
Diesel parti cle filter 3,
see page 86.
Deflation Detection System 3,
Tyre Pressur e Monitoring
System 3,
see pages 87, 154, 155.
Ad aptive Forwa rd Lighting
(AFL) 3,
see pages 87, 108.
Cruise control 3,
see pages 87, 151.
9In Brief
Steering column lock and
Turn key to position 1.
To release lock, rotate steering
wh eel a litt le
6 Start – page 16,
Electronic immobiliser – page 30,
Parking the vehicle – page 18.
Steering column lock and
ignition on vehicles with
Open&Start system
Ensure electronic key is in the
vehicle interior reception
area and press the Start/Stop
Release steering column lock by
moving steering wheel slightly
To start the vehicle, also operate brake or
clutch p edal.
To lock the steering wheel, switch ignition
off by pressing the Start/Stop button, open
driver’s door and engage steering w heel.
Do not allow vehicle to move whilst doing
6 Start – page 17,
Electronic immobiliserpage 30,
Parking the vehicle – page 18.
Steering wheel adjustment:
Swivel lever down,
adjust height and distance,
swivel lever up,
Do not adjust steering wheel unless vehicle
is stationary and steering c olumn lock has
been released .
6 Airbag system – page 69.
0 = Ignition off,
1 = Steering released, ignition off
2= Ignition on,
Diesel engines: preheating
3= Starting
10 In Brief
Turn light switch:
Press button:
6 Lighting – page 105,
Headlight control indicator page18.
He adligh t flash, main beam an d
dipped beam:
6 Dipped beam, headlight flash
page 105.
Switch on turn signals:
6 Turn signals – page 106.
7 =Off
8 = Parking lights
9 = Dipped beam or
main beam
AUTO = Automatic dipped
beam activation
> = Front fog lights 3
r = Fog tail light
=Pull stalk
steering wheel
Main beam = Stalk forwards
Dipped beam = Stalk forwards
again or to the
steering wheel
To the right = Stalk up
To the left = Stalk down
11In Brief
Hazard warning lights:
6 Hazard warning lights – page 107.
Activate horn:
j Press in centre of steering
6 Airbag system – page 69,
Remote control on the steering wheel 3
page 112.
Windscreen wiper:
Move stalk up gently
Press stalk down from position §:
Single swipe.
6 Windscreen wiper – page 102,
Adjustable wipe interval3 page 103,
Further informationpages 197, 206.
On = Press ¨
Off = Press
¨ again
§ =Off
$ = timed interval wipe
% =Slow
& =Fast
12 In Brief
Automatic wiping with rain
sensor 3 :
Move stalk up gently
6 Windscreen wiper – page 102,
Further informationpages 197, 206.
Operating windscreen and
headlight wash systems 3:
Pull stalk towards steering
6 Windscreen wa sh system and headlight
wash system page103,
Further inform ation – pages 197, 207.
Activate rear window wiper and
wash system:
6 Rear window wiper and wash system
page 104,
Further information– pages 197, 206.
$ = Automatic wiping with
rain sensor
§ =Off
Wiper on = Stalk forwards
Wiper off = Stalk forwards
Washing = Push the stalk
forw ards an d
then hold
13In Brief
Heated rear window,
heated exterior mirrors:
6 Climate control – page 114,
heated rear window – page 116.
Clearing fogged or icy window s:
Air distribution on l,
Rotary knob for temperature
and air volume to the right;
Air conditioning system
But ton n must also be pushed;
Automatic air conditioning
Press buttons
n and V ,
Move rotary knob for
temperature to the right,
air quantity to A;
Electronic Climate Control
Press button
6 Electronic Climate Control (ECC) 3
page 114.
Set automatic mode of
Electronic Climate Control
Press AUTO button,
select temperature with rotary
open air vents
6 Electronic Climate Control (ECC) 3
see page 125.
On = Press Ü
Off = Press Ü again
14 In Brief
Manual transmission:
Reverse: with the vehicle stationary, wait
3 seconds after declutching and then pull
up the button on the selector lever and
enga ge the gear.
If the gear does not engage, set the lever in
neutral, release the clutch pedal and
depress again; then repeat gear selection.
Easytron ic 3:
The sele ctor le ver must alway s be mov ed in
the appropriate direction as far as it will
go. Upon release, it automatically returns
to the centre position. Pay heed to the
gear/mode indicator in the transmission
The footbrake must be depressed when
6 Ea sytronic 3 pag e 131.
Automatic transmission 3:
P or N must be engaged when starting.
To leave P or N, switch on ignition, d epress
footbrake and press button on selector
N = Idling
o =Driving position
+ = Higher gear
-=Lower gear
A/M = Switch between
Automatic and Manual
R=Reverse gear (with
selector lever lock)
P=Park position
R = Reverse gear
D = Automatic gear
3 = 1st to 3rd gear
2 = 1st and 2nd gear
1=1st gear
15In Brief
Press button on selector lever to engage
P or R.
6 Automatic transmission 3 page 136.
Automatic transmission
with ActiveSelect 3:
Selector lever in D to the left:
Manual mode
P or N must be engag ed w hen starting.
To le ave P or N, switch on ignition, depress
footbrake and press button on selector
Press button on selector lever to engage
P or R.
6 Automatic tra nsmission 3page 136.
P only when the vehicle is stationary,
apply handbra ke first
R only when the vehicle is stationary
P=Park position
R=Reverse gear
D = Automatic gear
+ = Higher gear
-=Lower gear
P only when the vehicle is stationary,
apply hand brake first
R only when the vehicle is stationary
16 In Brief
Before starting-off, check:
z Tyre pressure and tyre condition
see pages 159, 220.
z Engine oil level and fluid levels in engine
compartment – see pages 202 to 207.
z All windows, mirrors, exterior lighting
and num ber p la tes are free from dirt,
snow and ice and are operational.
z No ob jects are placed in front of the rear
wind ow, on the instrument panel or in
the area in which the airbags inflate.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
correctly adjusted.
z Bra ke op eration.
Start engine:
Operate clutch and brake,
automatic transmission
to P or N,
Easytron ic
3: operate brake,
do not accelerate,
Petrol engine: turn key to 3;
Diesel engine: turn key to 2,
when control indicator
! goes
, turn key to 3;
Release key when engine is
Before restarting or switching off
the engine, turn key back to 0.
To switch on the ignition, only turn the key
to 2.
6 Electronic immobiliser – page 30,
Diesel fuel system – page 203.
Preheating system only switches on at low
outside temperatures.