the output jacks with no processing. Use the Active/Bypass
switch when setting the Dual Levelar’s output level to
achieve unity (no boost or cut) gain. Unity gain is achieved
when the active level is the same as the bypassed level.
LLiimmiitt// CCoommpp SSwwiittcchh
In its “out” position, the Dual Levelar’s compression ratio is
an active 2.3:1 ratio. This means that for every 2.3dB over
the threshold the input signal rises, the Dual Levelar’s out-
put will change by 1dB. This is a very mild and musical
compression ratio which is ideal for smoothing all types of
In its “in” position, the Dual Levelar’s compression ratio is
greater than 6:1. This is typically called “soft limiting” as it
allows only a 1dB change in signal level for any signal
reaching over 6dB over the set threshold. This setting is
ideal for applications where exceeding a set level is not
desirable (mixing, popping bass, etc.).
AAuuttoo//FFaasstt SSwwiittcchh
The position of the Auto/Fast switch selects the release
characteristics of the Dual Levelar. The “out” position
allows the Dual Levelar to recover quickly once the signal
falls below the threshold. The “in” position allows the Dual
Levelar to adjust itself depending on the characteristics of
the signal being processed (sometimes called “program
dependent”). Use the “fast” setting when the signal has
repetitive, consistent characteristics (kick drum, snare,
vocals, etc.). Use the “auto” setting when the signal has
varying characteristics (long decaying notes alternating with
quick notes, mix material, etc.).
OOuuttppuutt CCoonnttrrooll
The Output control sets the output gain of the Dual
Levelar. When the control is fully counterclockwise, the
output level of the Dual Levelar is attenuated by -83dB
(off). Turning the control clockwise adds gain (sometimes
called “make-up” gain). Since levels can be decreased when
compression is applied, the Dual Levelar has the ability to
CCoonnttrroollss,, SSwwiittcchheess aanndd IInnddiiccaattoorrss
The Dual Levelar is powered by an internal power supply.
The Power switch and indicator LED are located on the
front panel. If the attached power cord ever becomes dam-
aged, discontinue use until you can have it repaired or
Like all tube equipment, the Dual Levelar must be allowed
to warm up before use. Upon power up you will see all the
LEDs light, then turn off. This is normal and the Dual
Levelar is ready for use once the LEDs have turned off. The
12ax7 tubes will reach normal operating temperature with-
in one to three minutes.
During this warm up period you may experience variations
due to the THD of the tubes stabilizing. Again, this is nor-
mal and the Dual Levelar will provide consistent results
once this warm up period is over.
TThhrreesshhoolldd CCoonnttrrooll
The Threshold control sets the point at which the Dual
Levelar will act on a signal. Turning this control counter-
clockwise lowers the threshold (adding more compression
to a signal). Turning this control clockwise raises the
Setting the Threshold control is dependent on the input
signal. The output from a guitar might be -20dB to -10dB,
where the level from an insert on a console might be -10dB
to +10dB. The easiest way to set the threshold control is to
start with the control fully clockwise. Slowly turn the con-
trol counter-clockwise (lowering threshold) until you see
the Threshold LED light. Now adjust the control (either
lower or higher) until you have the amount of compression
you desire.
AAccttiivvee//BByyppaassss SSwwiittcchh
The Active/Bypass switch must be pressed “in” for the Dual
Levelar to process a signal. In its “out” position, the Dual
Levelar is bypassed and signal runs from the input jacks to