• The Today chart shows the hourly number
of detection and system events for the
current day.
• Color-coded bars are used to represent:
— Detection events such as motion,
ring, person, pet, vehicle, and package
detection events. Detection of package,
pet, and vehicle requires a Secure+ plan
subscription and is available only for
certain Wi-Fi camera models. For more
details about the Secure+ plans, go to App
Menu > Secure+ Plans.
— System events such as mode change,
If Do Not Disturb is enabled, you will
Swann Security in all modes regardless of the
individual device.
• The Past Week chart shows the daily
number of detection and system events
for the last 7 days (from current day).
• Color-coded bars are used to represent:
— Detection events such as motion,
ring, person, pet, vehicle, and package
detection events. Detection of package,
pet, and vehicle requires a Secure+ plan
subscription and is available only for
certain Wi-Fi camera models. For more
details about the Secure+ plans, go to App
Menu > Secure+ Plans.
— System events such as mode change,
• The Today Summary shows the
cumulative number of various detection
and system events and the total activities
(detection and system events combined)
for the current day.
number) to view a detailed timeline that
shows when today's events were detected
by your device/system along with a chart
of the hourly number of detections.
• If a recording associated with the event is
available, you can tap to directly open
the Playback tab screen to view the clip.
• The Past Week Summary shows the
cumulative number of various detection
and system events and the total activities
(detection and system events combined)
for the last 7 days (from the current day).
number) to view a detailed timeline that
shows when events in the past week were
detected by your device/system along with
a chart of the daily number of detections.
• If a recording associated with the event is
available, you can tap to directly open
the Playback tab screen to view the clip.
This detailed Activities report will enable you to quickly analyse the times of day your devices detect the most events, the frequency
of particular event types, or when mode changes were performed. With this data on hand, it becomes easy to make adjustments
to device-related detection sensitivity and mode settings where they are needed to improve the overall performance of your Swann
Security security system.