To convert application and/or adjust from NG to LPG
The range is set for use with Natural Gas (NG). The factory setting is indicated on
the serial plate. When set for Natural Gas operation, the pressure regulator will
regulate the gas to 4” water column pressure. When set for Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)
operation, the pressure regulator will regulate the pressure to 11” water column.
Natural Gas to Liquid Propane Gas Conversion
The conversion kit must be installed by qualified service agency.
WARNING: Please ensure before beginning converting the appliance that the gas
supply is shut o and the electrical connection is disconnected. Failure to do can
result in injury or property damage.
Determine the combination of top burners that are featured on your range.
Identify the parts you need from this kit to complete the L.P. conversion.
When burners are converted from natural to L.P. the BTU ratings are as follows:
“This conversion kit shall be installed by a qualified service agency in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions and all applicable codes and requirements of the
authority having jurisdiction. If the information in these instructions is not followed
exactly, a fire, explosion or production of carbon monoxide may result in property
damage, personal injury or loss of life. The qualified service agency is responsible for
the proper installation of this kit. The installation is not proper and complete until the
operation of the converted appliances is checked as specified in the manufacturer’s
instructions supplied with the kit.”
Rear Left Burner 9,000 BTU L.P. Gas [1.0mm]
Rear Mid Burner 9,000 BTU L.P. Gas [0.90mm]
Rear Right Burner 12,000 BTU L.P. Gas [1.0mm]
Front Left Burner 15,000 BTU L.P. Gas [1.16mm]
Front Mid Burner 6,000 BTU L.P. Gas [0.74mm]
Triple Crown Burner 20,000 BTU L.P. Gas [0.89*2+0.53mm]
Broil Burner 10,000 BTU L.P. Gas [0.94mm]
Oven Burner 22,000 BTU L.P. Gas [1.40mm]