DVD+R 16x 4.7GB LightScribe 10pk Spindle
Reorder No: 43576
Surface: Lightscribe
Product Use: For use in 16x Lightscribe DVD drives.
Special Features: The new version 1.2 lightscribe DVD’s have a higher
sensitivity and can now be printed 30% faster than originally.
Barcode: 023942435761
EAN128: (02)00023942435761(37)0100(91)03
EAN14: 50023942435766
Carton Quantity: 100
Carton Dimensions: N/A
Disc Surface: Lightscribe
Units/Pallet: N/A
Sales Information: The newer, faster 16x lightscribe DVD’s can be printed
in 30% less time, this reduces the print time from 35 minutes to 21 minutes
in highest quality! To be able to use these a driver update may be needed.
This can be found on www.lightscribe.com