10 Introduction
1 RADIO (BAND) ..................... 28
Activate radio or change
waveband .............................. 28
2 CD/AUX ................................ 50
Start CD/MP3/WMA
replay or change audio
source ................................... 50
3 Search backward .................. 28
Radio: search backward ....... 28
CD/MP3/WMA: skip track
backward ............................... 46
4 CONFIG ................................ 24
Open settings menu .............. 24
5 Search forward ...................... 28
Radio: search forward ........... 28
CD/MP3/WMA: skip track
forward .................................. 46
6 m knob .................................. 14
Press: switch on/off .............. 14
Infotainment system ............. 14
Turn: adjust volume .............. 14
7 Radio station buttons 1...6 ... 29
Long press: save station ....... 29
Short press: select station ....29
8 TP ......................................... 37
Activate or deactivate
radio traffic service ................ 37
If Infotainment system
switched off: display time
and date ................................ 37
9 INFO ....................................... 6
Radio: information on the
currently played station ......... 28
information on the
currently inserted CD ............ 46
10 AS (1/2) ................................. 29
Automatic memory levels
(preset radio stations) ........... 29
Short press: select
autostore list .......................... 29
Long press: save stations
automatically ......................... 29
11 FAV (1/2/3) ............................ 30
Lists of favourites (preset
radio stations) ....................... 30
12 CD ejection ........................... 46
13 Multifunction knob ................. 16
Turn: mark menu options
or set numeric values ........... 16
Press: select/activate the
marked option; confirm set
value; switch function on/off .. 16
14 CD slot .................................. 46
15 BACK .................................... 16
Menu: one level back ............ 16
Input: delete last character
or entire entry ........................ 16
16 TONE .................................... 21
Tone settings ........................ 21
17 PHONE ............................... 119
Open telephone main menu 132
Activate/deactivate mute ....... 14