4. Optimize “double cups” coffee/espresso for run-out rate, run-out temperature,
foam and cup filling.
5. Optimize “single cup” coffee/espresso.
Guide values for a cup of standard coffee:
- Run-out rate:
for 1 cup standard coffee approx. 20 sec.
for 2 cups standard coffee approx. 30-35 sec.
- Run-out temp.:
- Piston temp.:
approx. 84°C
The run-out rate is influenced by the following factors:
- Grinding fineness
- Quantity ground
- Water pressure
- Water quantity
- Ball nozzle (foaming)
The quantity ground can be determined by inputting the grinding time (*) or the
quantity ground (**) in grams. Calibration must be effected to set the quantity
ground in grams. Calibrate each mill separately!
When adjusting the quantity ground with reference to the time factor, the quantity
of coffee must also be weighed.
Basic setting\opt. grinding\check ejection 0/1
Basic setting\opt. grinding\check ejection 2