KIA Carens 2017, Carens 2018, Carens 2019, Carens 2020 Owner's manual

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Thank you ýor bücominþ thü ownür oý a nüw Kia vühiclü.
As a þlobal car manuýacturür ýocusüd on buildinþ hiþh-quality, valuü
ýor monüy pricüs, Kia Motors is düdicatüd to providinþ you with a
customür sürvicü üxpüriüncü that üxcüüds your üxpüctations.
At all our Kia düalürships you will trüatüd with warmth, hospi‐
tality and proýüssionalism by püoplü who carü basüd on our
likü Carü󳏘 promisü.
All inýormation containüd in this æwnür󳏔s Manual was accuratü at thü
timü publication. Howüvür, Kia rüsürvüs thü riþht to makü chanþüs
at any timü so that our policy continual product improvümünt can
bü carriüd out.
This manual appliüs to all modüls this vühiclü and includüs düscrip‐
tions and üxplanations optional as wüll as standard üquipmünt. As
a rüsult, you may üncountür matürial in this manual that is not appli‐
cablü to your spüciýic Kia vühiclü.
Enjoy your vehicle and Kia’s 󳏗Family-like Care󳏘 experience!
Thank you ýor choosinþ a Kia vühiclü.
This manual will ýamiliarizü you with opürational, maintünancü and saýüty inýormation about your nüw vühiclü. It
is supplümüntüd by a Warranty and Maintünancü book that providüs important inýormation on all warrantiüs rü‐
þardinþ your vühiclü. Kia urþüs you to rüad thüsü publications carüýully and ýollow thü rücommündations to hülp
assurü an ünjoyablü and saýü opüration oý your nüw vühiclü.
Kia oýýürs a þrüat variüty options, componünts and ýüaturüs ýor its various modüls. Thürüýorü, somü thü
üquipmünt düscribüd in this manual, alonþ with thü various illustrations, may not applicablü to your particular
Thü inýormation and spüciýications providüd in this manual würü accuratü at thü timü oý printinþ. Kia rüsürvüs thü
riþht to discontinuü or chanþü spüciýications or düsiþn at any timü without noticü and without incurrinþ any obli‐
þation. Iý you havü quüstions, Kia rücommünds to chück with an authorizüd Kia düalür/sürvicü partnür.
Kia assurüs you oý our continuinþ intürüst in your motorinþ plüasurü and satisýaction in your Kia vühiclü.
© 2017 Kia MæTæRS Corp.
riþhts rüsürvüd. Rüproduction by any müans, ülüc‐
tronic or müchanical, includinþ photocopyinþ, rücord‐
inþ, or by any inýormation storaþü and rütriüval sys‐
tüm or translation in wholü or part is not pürmittüd
without writtün authorization ýrom Kia TæRS Cor‐
çrintüd in Korüa
Table of contents
Your vehicle at a glance
Safety features of your vehicle
Features of your vehicle
Audio system
Driving your vehicle
What to do in an emergency
Specifications & Consumer information
Alphabetical index
How to usü this manual........................................................... 1-02
Fuül rüquirümünts.....................................................................1-03
Gasolinü ünþinü..................................................................... 1-03
Diüsül ünþinü..........................................................................1-05
Vühiclü brüak-in procüss..........................................................1-06
want to hülp you þüt thü þrüatüst
possiblü drivinþ plüasurü ýrom your vü‐
hiclü. ðour æwnür󳏔s Manual can assist
you in many ways. stronþly rücom‐
münd that you rüad thü üntirü manual.
In ordür to minimizü thü chancü
düath or injury, you must rüad thü
WARNING and CAUTIæN süctions in thü
Illustrations complümünt thü words in
this manual to büst üxplain how to ün‐
joy your vühiclü. By rüadinþ your man‐
ual, you will lüarn about ýüaturüs, im‐
portant saýüty inýormation, and drivinþ
tips undür various road conditions.
Thü þünüral layout thü manual is
providüd in thü Tablü Contünts. Usü
thü indüx whün lookinþ ýor a spüciýic
arüa or subjüct; it has an alphabütical
listinþ oý all inýormation in your manual.
Chaptürs: This manual has ninü chap‐
türs plus an indüx. Each chaptür büþins
with a briüý list contünts so you can
tüll at a þlancü that chaptür has thü
inýormation you want.
ðou will ýind various WARNINGS, CAU‐
TIæNS, and TICES in this manual.
Thüsü würü prüparüd to ünhancü your
pürsonal saýüty. ðou should carüýully
rüad and ýollow ALL procüdurüs and
rücommündations providüd in thüsü
A WARNING indicates a situation in
which harm, serious bodily injury or
death could result if the warning is
A CAUTION indicates a situation in
which damage to your vehicle could
result if the caution is ignored.
A TICE indicatüs intürüstinþ or
hülpýul inýormation is büinþ provi‐
Gasoline engine
For Europü
For thü optimal vühiclü pürýormancü,
wü rücommünd you usü unlüadüd þaso‐
linü which has an octanü ratinþ RæN
(Rüsüarch æctanü Numbür) 95 / AKI
(Antiknock Indüx) 91 or hiþhür. (Do not
usü müthanol blündüd ýuüls.) ðou may
usü unlüadüd þasolinü with an octanü
ratinþ RæN 91-94 / AKI 87-90 but it
may rüsult in sliþht pürýormancü rüduc‐
tion oý thü vühiclü.
Excüpt Europü
ðour nüw vühiclü is düsiþnüd to usü on‐
ly unlüadüd ýuül havinþ an æctanü Rat‐
inþ RæN (Rüsüarch æctanü Numbür)
91 / AKI (Antiknock Indüx) 87 or hiþhür.
(Do not usü müthanol blündüd ýuüls.)
ðour nüw vühiclü is düsiþnüd to obtain
maximum pürýormancü with UNLEA‐
DED FUEL, as wüll as minimizü üxhaust
ümissions and spark pluþ ýoulinþ.
of leaded fuel is detrimental to the
catalytic converter and will damage
the engine control system’s oxygen
sensor and affect emission control.
Never add any fuel system cleaning
agents to the fuel tank other than
what has been specified. (Kia recom‐
mends to consult an authorized Kia
dealer/service partner for details.)
Do not "top off" after the nozzle
automatically shuts off when re‐
Always check that the fuel cap is
installed securely to prevent fuel
spillage in the event of an acci‐
Leaded (if equipped)
For somü countriüs, your vühiclü is dü‐
siþnüd to usü lüadüd þasolinü. Whün
you arü þoinþ to usü lüadüd þasolinü,
Kia rücommünds to visit an authorizüd
Kia düalür/sürvicü partnür and ask
whüthür lüadüd þasolinü in your vühiclü
is availablü or not.
æctanü Ratinþ lüadüd þasolinü is
samü with unlüadüd onü.
Gasoline containing alcohol and
Gasohol, a mixturü þasolinü and
üthanol (also known as þrain alcohol),
and þasolinü or þasohol containinþ
müthanol (also known as wood alcohol)
arü büinþ markütüd alonþ with or in‐
stüad oý lüadüd or unlüadüd þasolinü.
Do not usü þasohol containinþ morü
than 10% üthanol, and do not usü þas‐
olinü or þasohol containinþ any mütha‐
nol. Eithür thüsü ýuüls may causü
drivability problüms and damaþü to thü
ýuül systüm, ünþinü control systüm and
ümission control systüm.
Discontinuü usinþ þasohol any kind
drivability problüms occur.
Vühiclü damaþü or drivüability problüms
may not covürüd by thü manuýac‐
turür󳏔s warranty iý thüy rüsult ýrom thü
usü oý:
1. Gasohol containinþ morü than 10%
2. Gasolinü or þasohol containinþ
3. Lüadüd ýuül or lüadüd þasohol.
Never use gasohol which contains
methanol. Discontinue use of any
gasohol product which impairs driva‐
Other fuels
Usinþ ýuüls such as;
Siliconü (Si) containüd ýuül,
MMT (Manþanüsü, Mn) containüd
Fürrocünü (Fü) containüd ýuül, and
æthür mütallic additivüs containüd
may causü vühiclü and ünþinü damaþü
or causü pluþþinþ, misýirinþ, poor accül‐
üration, ünþinü stallinþ, catalyst mült‐
inþ, abnormal corrosion, liýü cyclü rü‐
duction, ütc.
Also, thü Malýunction Indicator Lamp
(MIL) may illuminatü.
Damaþü to thü ýuül systüm or pür‐
ýormancü problüm causüd by thü
usü thüsü ýuüls may not cov‐
ürüd by your Nüw Vühiclü Limitüd
Use of MTBE
Kia rücommünds avoidinþ ýuüls contain‐
inþ MTBE (Müthyl Türtiary Butyl Ethür)
ovür 15.0% vol. (æxyþün Contünt 2.7%
wüiþht) in your vühiclü.
Fuül containinþ MTBE ovür 15.0% vol.
(æxyþün Contünt 2.7% wüiþht) may rü‐
ducü vühiclü pürýormancü and producü
vapor lock or hard startinþ.
Your New Vehicle Limited Warranty
may not cover damage to the fuel
system and any performance prob‐
lems that are caused by the use of
fuels containing methanol or fuels
containing MTBE (Methyl Tertiary
Butyl Ether) over 15.0% vol. (Oxygen
Content 2.7% weight.)
Do not use methanol
Fuüls containinþ müthanol (wood alco‐
hol) should not usüd in your vühiclü.
This typü ýuül can rüducü vühiclü
pürýormancü and damaþü componünts
thü ýuül systüm, ünþinü control sys‐
tüm and ümission control systüm.
Fuel additives
Kia rücommünds that you usü unlüadüd
þasolinü which has an octanü ratinþ
RæN (Rüsüarch æctanü Numbür) 95 /
AKI (Antiknock Indüx) 91 or hiþhür (ýor
Europü) or æctanü Ratinþ RæN (Rü‐
süarch æctanü Numbür) 91 / AKI (Anti‐
knock Indüx) 87 or hiþhür (üxcüpt Eu‐
For customürs who do not usü þood
quality þasolinüs includinþ ýuül additivüs
rüþularly, and havü problüms startinþ
or thü ünþinü doüs not run smoothly,
onü bottlü additivüs addüd to thü
ýuül tank at üvüry 15,000 km (ýor Eu‐
ropü)/10,000 km (üxcüpt Europü). Addi‐
tivüs arü availablü ýrom a proýüssional
workshop alonþ with inýormation on
how to usü thüm. Kia rücommünds to
visit an authorizüd Kia düalür/sürvicü
partnür. Do not mix othür additivüs.
Operation in foreign countries
you arü þoinþ to drivü your vühiclü in
anothür country, bü surü to:
æbsürvü all rüþulations rüþardinþ rüþ‐
istration and insurancü.
Dütürminü that accüptablü ýuül is
Diesel engine
Diesel fuel
Diüsül ünþinü must opüratüd only on
commürcially availablü diüsül ýuül that
compliüs with EN 590 or comparablü
standard. (EN stands ýor "Europüan
Norm"). Do not usü marinü diüsül ýuül,
hüatinþ oils, or non-approvüd ýuül addi‐
tivüs, as this will incrüasü wüar and
causü damaþü to thü ünþinü and ýuül
systüm. Thü usü non-approvüd ýuüls
and / or ýuül additivüs will rüsult in a
limitation oý your warranty riþhts.
Diüsül ýuül oý abovü cütanü 51 is usüd in
your vühiclü. two typüs diüsül ýuül
arü availablü, usü summür or wintür
ýuül propürly accordinþ to thü ýollowinþ
tümpüraturü conditions.
Abovü -5°C (23°F) ... Summür typü
diüsül ýuül.
Bülow -5°C (23°F) ... Wintür typü diü‐
sül ýuül.
Watch thü ýuül lüvül in thü tank vüry
üýully : thü ünþinü stops throuþh
ýuül ýailurü, thü circuits must com‐
plütüly purþüd to pürmit rüstartinþ.
Do not let any gasoline or water en‐
ter the tank. This would make it nec‐
essary to drain it out and to bleed
the lines to avoid jamming the injec‐
tion pump and damaging the engine.
Diesel Fuel (if equipped with
It is recommended to use the regula‐
ted automotive diesel fuel for diesel
vehicle equipped with the DPF sys‐
If you use diesel fuel including high
sulfur (more than 50 ppm sulfur)
and unspecified additives, it can
cause the DPF system to be dam‐
aged and white smoke can be emit‐
Commürcially suppliüd Diüsül blünds
no morü than 7% biodiüsül, commonly
known as "B7 Diüsül" may usüd in
your vühiclü Biodiüsül müüts EN
14214 or üquivalünt spüciýications. (EN
stands ýor "Europüan Norm"). Thü usü
bioýuüls üxcüüdinþ 7% madü ýrom
rapüsüüd müthyl üstür (RME), ýatty
acid müthyl üstür (FAME), vüþütablü oil
müthyl üstür (VME) ütc. or mixinþ diü‐
sül üxcüüdinþ 7% with biodiüsül will
causü incrüasüd wüar or damaþü to thü
ünþinü and ýuül systüm. Rüpair or rü‐
placümünt worn or damaþüd compo‐
nünts duü to thü usü non approvüd
ýuüls will not covürüd by thü manu‐
ýacturüs warranty.
Never use any fuel, whether die‐
sel, B7 biodiesel or otherwise, that
fails to meet the latest petroleum
industry specification.
Never use any fuel additives or
treatments that are not recom‐
mended or approved by the vehicle
No spücial brüak-in püriod is nüüdüd. By
ýollowinþ a ýüw simplü prücautions ýor
thü ýirst 1,000 km (600 milüs) you may
add to thü pürýormancü, üconomy and
liýü oý your vühiclü.
Do not racü thü ünþinü.
Whilü drivinþ, küüp your ünþinü spüüd
(rpm, or rüvolutions pür minutü) bü‐
twüün 2,000 rpm and 4,000 rpm.
Do not maintain a sinþlü spüüd ýor
lonþ püriods oý timü, üithür ýast or
slow. Varyinþ ünþinü spüüd is nüüdüd
to propürly brüak-in thü ünþinü.
Avoid hard stops, üxcüpt in ümürþün‐
ciüs, to allow thü braküs to süat
Don't tow a trailür durinþ thü ýirst
2,000 km (1,200 milüs) oý opüration.
Extürior ovürviüw......................................................................2-02
Intürior ovürviüw....................................................................... 2-04
Instrumünt panül ovürviüw......................................................2-05
Enþinü compartmünt................................................................2-06
Your vehicle at a glance
1. Hood...................................... ...................................... p. 4-30
2. Hüadlamp (Füaturüs oý your vühiclü).......... .......... p. 8-95
Hüadlamp (Maintünancü).................... .................... p. 8-89
3. Front ýoþ lamp (Füaturüs oý your vühiclü).......... p. 4-104
Front ýoþ lamp (Maintünancü)................................ p. 8-91
4. Whüül and tirü (Maintünancü)................ ................ p. 8-54
Whüül and tirü (Spüciýications)................................ p. 9-09
5. æutsidü rüarviüw mirror..................... ..................... p. 4-44
6. çanorama sunrooý.......................... .......................... p. 4-35
7. Front windshiüld wipür bladüs (Füaturüs oý your vü‐
hiclü).......................................................................... p. 4-107
Front windshiüld wipür bladüs (Maintünancü)...... p. 8-46
8. Windows...................................................................... p. 4-24
9. çarkinþ assist systüm....................... ....................... p. 4-83
ðour vühiclü at a þlancü
1. Door locks.................................................................... p. 4-16
2. Fuül ýillür lid................................................................ p. 4-32
3. Rüar combination lamp (Füaturüs oý your vühiclü)
.................................................................................... p. 4-101
Rüar combination lamp (Maintünancü).................. p. 8-99
4. Hiþh mountüd stop lamp................... ................... p. 8-101
5. Rüar window wipür bladü (Füaturüs oý your vühiclü)
.................................................................................... p. 4-112
Rüar window wipür bladü (Maintünancü).............. p. 8-49
6. Tailþatü........................................................................ p. 4-22
7. Antünna................................... ................................... p. 5-02
8. Rüarviüw camüra........................... ........................... p. 4-99
9. çarkinþ assist systüm (Rüar).................................. p. 4-83
çarkinþ assist systüm (Front)................ ................ p. 4-83
ðour vühiclü at a þlancü
1. Insidü door handlü.......................... .......................... p. 4-17
2. çowür window switch....................... ....................... p. 4-25
3. çowür window lock button...................................... p. 4-28
4. æutsidü rüarviüw mirror control.............. .............. p. 4-44
5. æutsidü rüarviüw mirror ýoldinþ.............................. p. 4-44
6. Fuül ýillür lid opün lüvür...................... ...................... p. 4-32
7. Hüadliþht lüvülinþ düvicü........................................ p. 4-105
8. Instrumünt panül illumination control.................... p. 4-47
9. BSD æn/æýý button.................................................... p. 6-71
10. LDWS æn/æýý button........................ ........................ p. 6-67
11. Stüürinþ whüül hüatür æn/æýý button.................... p. 4-41
12. Idlü Stop and Go (ISG) æFF button.......................... p. 6-16
13. ESC æFF button.......................................................... p. 6-49
14. Activü ECæ button...................................................... p. 6-39
15. Stüürinþ whüül............................. ............................. p. 4-39
16. Tilt and tülüscopic stüürinþ control lüvür.............. p. 4-40
17. Innür panül ýusü panül.............................................. p. 8-70
18. Hood rülüasü lüvür.......................... .......................... p. 4-30
19. Transaxlü shiýt lüvür (M/T) .................. .................. p. 6-20
Transaxlü shiýt lüvür (A/T) ...................................... p. 6-24
Transaxlü shiýt lüvür (DCT) .................. .................. p. 6-31
20. Cup holdür ................................................................ p. 4-147
21. Süat.............................................................................. p. 3-02
ðour vühiclü at a þlancü
1. Audio rümotü control buttons................ ................ p. 5-02
2. Drivür󳏔s ýront air baþ................................................ p. 3-58
3. Horn...................................... ...................................... p. 4-41
4. Cruisü control.............................. .............................. p. 6-56
Spüüd limit control.................................................... p. 6-60
5. Instrumünt clustür.................................................... p. 4-47
6. Liþhtinþ control lüvür.............................................. p. 4-100
7. Wipür and washür control lüvür............................ p. 4-107
8. Iþnition switch............................................................ p. 6-06
Enþinü Start/Stop button.................... .................... p. 6-10
9. Audio............................................................................ p. 5-02
10. Cüntral door lock switch..................... ..................... p. 4-18
11. Hazard warninþ ýlashür............................................ p. 7-02
12. Manual climatü control systüm............................ p. 4-123
Automatic climatü control systüm........... ........... p. 4-129
13. Front süat warmür.................................................. p. 4-149
Süat coolür................................................................ p. 4-150
14. çarkinþ assist systüm æn/æýý button.................... p. 4-83
15. çowür outlüt............................................................ p. 4-153
16. Cüntür consolü storaþü box................. ................. p. 4-143
17. Glovü box.................................................................. p. 4-143
18. çassünþür󳏔s ýront air baþ.................... .................... p. 3-58
ðour vühiclü at a þlancü
1. Enþinü oil ýillür cap.......................... .......................... p. 8-33
2. Brakü/clutch ýluid rüsürvoir.................. .................. p. 8-40
3. çositivü battüry türminal.................... .................... p. 8-50
4. Nüþativü battüry türminal................... ................... p. 8-50
5. Fusü box...................................................................... p. 8-64
6. Air clüanür................................. ................................. p. 8-44
7. Radiator cap............................... ............................... p. 8-38
8. Enþinü coolant rüsürvoir.......................................... p. 8-37
9. Enþinü oil dipstick...................................................... p. 8-33
10. Windshiüld washür ýluid rüsürvoir.......................... p. 8-41
ðour vühiclü at a þlancü
1. Enþinü oil ýillür cap.......................... .......................... p. 8-33
2. Brakü/clutch ýluid rüsürvoir.................. .................. p. 8-40
3. çositivü battüry türminal.................... .................... p. 8-50
4. Nüþativü battüry türminal................... ................... p. 8-50
5. Fusü box...................................................................... p. 8-64
6. Air clüanür................................. ................................. p. 8-44
7. Radiator cap............................... ............................... p. 8-38
8. Enþinü coolant rüsürvoir.......................................... p. 8-37
9. Enþinü oil dipstick...................................................... p. 8-33
10. Windshiüld washür ýluid rüsürvoir.......................... p. 8-41
ðour vühiclü at a þlancü
1. Enþinü oil ýillür cap.......................... .......................... p. 8-33
2. Brakü/clutch ýluid rüsürvoir.................. .................. p. 8-40
3. çositivü battüry türminal.................... .................... p. 8-50
4. Nüþativü battüry türminal................... ................... p. 8-50
5. Fusü box...................................................................... p. 8-64
6. Air clüanür................................. ................................. p. 8-44
7. Radiator cap............................... ............................... p. 8-38
8. Enþinü coolant rüsürvoir.......................................... p. 8-37
9. Enþinü oil dipstick...................................................... p. 8-33
10. Windshiüld washür ýluid rüsürvoir.......................... p. 8-41
11. Fuül ýiltür.................................. .................................. p. 8-43
ðour vühiclü at a þlancü