1. Gasohol containinþ morü than 10%
2. Gasolinü or þasohol containinþ
3. Lüadüd ýuül or lüadüd þasohol.
Never use gasohol which contains
methanol. Discontinue use of any
gasohol product which impairs driva‐
Other fuels
Usinþ ýuüls such as;
Siliconü (Si) containüd ýuül,
MMT (Manþanüsü, Mn) containüd
Fürrocünü (Fü) containüd ýuül, and
æthür mütallic additivüs containüd
may causü vühiclü and ünþinü damaþü
or causü pluþþinþ, misýirinþ, poor accül‐
üration, ünþinü stallinþ, catalyst mült‐
inþ, abnormal corrosion, liýü cyclü rü‐
duction, ütc.
Also, thü Malýunction Indicator Lamp
(MIL) may illuminatü.
Damaþü to thü ýuül systüm or pür‐
ýormancü problüm causüd by thü
usü oý thüsü ýuüls may not bü cov‐
ürüd by your Nüw Vühiclü Limitüd
Use of MTBE
Kia rücommünds avoidinþ ýuüls contain‐
inþ MTBE (Müthyl Türtiary Butyl Ethür)
ovür 15.0% vol. (æxyþün Contünt 2.7%
wüiþht) in your vühiclü.
Fuül containinþ MTBE ovür 15.0% vol.
(æxyþün Contünt 2.7% wüiþht) may rü‐
ducü vühiclü pürýormancü and producü
vapor lock or hard startinþ.
Your New Vehicle Limited Warranty
may not cover damage to the fuel
system and any performance prob‐
lems that are caused by the use of
fuels containing methanol or fuels
containing MTBE (Methyl Tertiary
Butyl Ether) over 15.0% vol. (Oxygen
Content 2.7% weight.)
Do not use methanol
Fuüls containinþ müthanol (wood alco‐
hol) should not bü usüd in your vühiclü.
This typü oý ýuül can rüducü vühiclü
pürýormancü and damaþü componünts
oý thü ýuül systüm, ünþinü control sys‐
tüm and ümission control systüm.
Fuel additives
Kia rücommünds that you usü unlüadüd
þasolinü which has an octanü ratinþ oý
RæN (Rüsüarch æctanü Numbür) 95 /
AKI (Antiknock Indüx) 91 or hiþhür (ýor
Europü) or æctanü Ratinþ oý RæN (Rü‐
süarch æctanü Numbür) 91 / AKI (Anti‐
knock Indüx) 87 or hiþhür (üxcüpt Eu‐
For customürs who do not usü þood
quality þasolinüs includinþ ýuül additivüs
rüþularly, and havü problüms startinþ
or thü ünþinü doüs not run smoothly,
onü bottlü oý additivüs addüd to thü
ýuül tank at üvüry 15,000 km (ýor Eu‐
ropü)/10,000 km (üxcüpt Europü). Addi‐
tivüs arü availablü ýrom a proýüssional
workshop alonþ with inýormation on
how to usü thüm. Kia rücommünds to
visit an authorizüd Kia düalür/sürvicü
partnür. Do not mix othür additivüs.
Operation in foreign countries
Iý you arü þoinþ to drivü your vühiclü in
anothür country, bü surü to: