1. Preheating (welding or tempering) reference value: You can set up a
reference to the actual electric current value, electric current exceed limit,
based on parameters set by the limits to the reference value as the standard.
2. I * Exceeding reference value: With regards to the current I* (* =1,2 or 3,
corresponding to the three process of preheating, welding and tempering
separately), it corresponds to the upper limit of its electric current’s reference
value, and when the actual electric current oversteps this limit, the welding
control system can an alarm, it is possible for this welding control system to
only raise an alarm and not discontinue the welding process, but is also
possible to break off the welding process, this function makes it possible to
bypass the motherboard S6 code switch settings.
3. I * reporting failed value: the measurement value of electric current values
correlating to the reference value has a lower limit of error, namely the
alarming failed value, and when the electric current measurement value
oversteps the limits, it will post the report, and it is now possible to stop
welding, and possible to not stop welding, and again start it again.
4. I * allowing a limit deficient value: regarding the electric current reference
value is possible to set one permitted deficient limit value, it is also a
percentage, between the permitted limit deficient value and the reported limit
deficient value, it is also possible to draw a setting: even deficient limit weld
count, namely it is possible to allow a continuous n-number spots located
between the allowed limit deficient and alarming limit deficient, if in excess of
n points after the alarm, and complete the welding process.
5. Linked limit deficient weld counts: when the actual electric current value falls
between the electric current alarm limit deficient and electric current allowed
limit deficient values, in that way to permit another welding one more time, if
the next weld still falls within in this range, further doesn’t overstep “even limit
deficient weld count” range, in that way it also can again weld one more time,
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