Play music by referring to the room or zone name in your
Nuvo app. For example, if you have a zone called “Living
Room”, try saying “Alexa, play dance mix in the living room.”
To start listening, just ask Alexa for what you want to
hear and where you want to hear it. You must specify
the name of the Nuvo speaker or zone in which you
want to listen. You can say things like, “Alexa, play
Indie Rock Radio from Pandora in the Kitchen.”
Here are some sample commands as well as an
explanation of how you should order things in your
command to get the best results. Please note that
commands that are not Nuvo-specific will play through
your Alexa device and not your Nuvo system. These
would be things like weather, flash briefs, traffic, etc.
“Alexa, play 90s hip hop from Pandora in the kitchen”
“Alexa, play meditation mix in the bathroom”
“Alexa, set volume to 40 on the deck”
“Alexa, skip song in the kitchen”
“Alexa, mute music in the living room”
“Alexa, resume music in the living room”
As you can see, your command must follow a certain
structure. First, you have to say ‘Alexa’ or the name you
have assigned to your device for a wake-up command.
The next step is the action that you would like to occur.
Actions available will depend on the service that you are
using at that time, but generally include the following list.
The last step in your command should be where you
would like something to happen. This should be the
name of the zone where you want music to play. If you
find that Alexa cannot easily understand the name of your
zone, please consider changing the name of your zone.
Please ensure that all of your Alexa smart home devices,
including your Nuvo zones,
have unique names. If two
devices or device and zones
have the same name, your
system will have conflicts
and not operate reliably.
FAQs continued...
* Please note that at this time you cannot initiate certain things
native to Nuvo Player via Alexa. This would include external line
inputs, Bluetooth input or music library content.
What are some of the
commands that I can
use with Alexa?
“Alexa, stop.”
“Alexa, resume.”
“Alexa, pause.”
“Alexa, next.”
“Alexa, skip track.”
“Alexa, skip.”
“Alexa, previous.”
“Alexa, loop [mode] on/off.”
“Alexa, shuffle on/off.”
“Alexa, thumbs up/down.”
(only on specific services)
“Alexa, I like this/I
don’t like this.”
“Alexa, turn it up.”
“Alexa, volume down.”
“Alexa, set the volume to
[0-100] in the Kitchen.”
“Alexa, mute the Kitchen.”
“Alexa, unmute
the Kitchen.”
“Alexa, what is
currently playing?”
“Alexa, what’s this?”