Ice Cube Trays (Non-dispenser Models)
Your refrigeratorcomesequippedwith ice cubetraysand a storagebin, To releasefrozen
cubes, holdthe trays upsidedownoverthe storage bin andtwist bothends.
Optional Automatic Ice Maker
Some modelsare designedsoan AutomaticIce Maker canbe easilyinstalled whenever
youwant it. Ordertheicemaker kitnumbershownon thelabelon thecabinet back. The kit
contains installationinstructions,water connectioninstructionsand other informationcon-
cerningthe ice makeroperation.
Automatic Ice Maker
The water inlettubingassembly requiredtocompletethe waterconnectionto the water
valve islocatedinthe crisperdrawer inabag. Connectthe icemakertothewater supplyas
instructedin theseparate instructions,furnishedwith the refrigerator.
Theautomaticicemakerisdesignedto furnishacontinualsupply oficecubes. Theamount
of iceproduceddependson thetemperaturein thefreezer sectionofyour refrigerator. The
co}der the freezer section, the more ice is produced. We suggest you start with your
refrigeratorandfreezercontrolsattheirmidsettings. }nmostcases,thisis satisfactory. Ifthe
door to the refrigeratoror freezer is opened frequently or temperatures in the kitchen are
abnormallyhigh,a colder settingmay be necessary.
Afteryourmodelhasbeeninstalledandthewatersupplyconnectedtotheice maker,it may
take8 to 12hoursbeforethe icemakerfurnishesanyusableicecubes. Thefirstoneor two
Theinitialharvestmay alsocontainimpuritiesfrom thenewwater supplypiping. Therefore,
all cubesfrom the firsttwo or threeharvests shouldbe discarded.
Under certain rare circumstances,ice cubes may be discolored, usually appearingwith a
green-bluishhue. The cause of this unusualdiscolorationis apparently a combinationof
factorssuchascertaincharacteristicsoflocalwaters,householdplumbingandthe accumu-
lationofcoppersaltsin an inactivewater supplyline whichfeeds the icemaker. Continued'_.-
consumptionof such discoloredice cubes may be injuriousto health. If such discoloration
is observed,discard the (cecubes and contact the dealer from whom the ice maker or
refrigeratorwas purchased.
Icecubesthat havebeeninthe icestoragefora considerablelengthoftime maypick upoff-
flavortaste, sticktogether,andgraduallybecomesmaller. Wesuggestthat these cubesbe
thrownaway. We alsosuggestusinganopen boxofbakingsodainthe refrigeratorforfood
odor absorption.
Certainsoundsmayaccompanythevariouscyclesofthe icemaker. Examplesare:(1) The
motormay havea slight hum, (2)the cubeswill rattleas theyfall intoan emptystorage bin,
and (3)thewatervalve mayclickor"buzz"occasionally. All ofthesesoundsare normaland
shouldbe ignored.
Note- Whendispensingicecubes, itis importantthat you useonlythe ice suppliedbythis
ice maker. Icefrom any othersourcecouldcause an icejam. If this happens,removeand
discardall icefrom the storagebin and any ice lodgedin the ice chute.