Rubi RMK8101 Installation guide

  • Hello! I have reviewed the user manual for the rubi drawer, model DR131-0. The document provides instructions for adjusting the drawer, including removing plastic caps and cams, and adjusting it vertically and horizontally. I am ready to answer your questions about this process.
  • What should I remove first?
    What do I need to remove under the drawer?
    What is the last step?
ajustement tiroir make up - rmp
Doc. # DR131-0 / 02-11-2016 - 1.800.463.2197
Retirez les plaquettes de plastiques de part et
d'autre du tiroir que vous désirez ajuster.
Remove the plastic caps from the sides of the
drawer you wish to adjust.
Retirez les cames sous le tiroir.
Remove the cams from under the drawer.
Ajustez votre tiroir selon les shémas ci-dessous.
Adjust your drawer refering to the following
Ajustement des 2 côtés
Adjustment on both sides
AjuSTEmEnT vErTicAl / vErTicAl AdjuSTmEnT AjuSTEmEnT horizonTAl / horizonTAl AdjuSTmEnT