8Pot XXL setup instructions
Using your front instruction sheet, repeat the module set up instructions for the number of trays.
Allow your plants to establish for 7-10 days before turning system on
Plan views
and options
Suggested layouts
8Pot XXL System contents
• Pleasenotethatmultiplefabricpotsmayincreaseroomhumidityduetotheporosityoftheirexposedsurfaces.
• Potupyourplants,waterthrough,thenallowyourplantstoestablishinthepotsforaperiodof7to10daysbefore
turning your system on. This will encourage a stronger and healthier root system.
• Alwaysraiseyourreservoirtoaminimumof6”abovethehighestAQUAvalveandre-fillthereservoirwhenthereis
approximately a 1/3 of the solution left - NEVER ALLOW THE RESERVOIR TO RUN EMPTY.
• WithAQUAvalve5systemsmineralororganicfertilisersmaybefedviathereservoirandpipework.Organicfertilisers
filter each time the reservoir empties. Flush pipework with plain water every time the reservoir empties.
• CleanallsubstratefromthebottomandsidesofthepotsbeforeplacingintraystoensureAQUAvalvefunctionality.
• Alwaysusefreedrainingsubstrates,forexample:soil/perlite,coco/perlite,soil/claypebbles,coco/claypebbles,
rockwool/clay pebbles.
1 2 Fit PotSock over the
base of fabric pot
Water through pot and
allow to drain outside
the tray. Brush off debris.
Fill fabric pot with grow
media and pot up plants.
Place fabric pot into the tray.
Make sure it is CLEAN!
Place lid over AQUAvalve
compartment on the tray.
According to the size of your system connect your
3/8”/1/2” pipe to relevant fitting or tank...
6Remove AQUAvalve collar
Push 3/8” pipe through
collar and attach to
AQUAvalve nozzle
Rescrew collar - DON’T
overturn... when you
feel it grip STOP
Thread approx 12” of
3/8” pipe into the tray
through the grommet.
Wetting the pipe end with
cold water helps harden
it, aiding insertion.
The 1/4” Blanking Grommet
should come ready-fitted in
the hole in the front of the tray
If growing outdoors remove
this grommet. If growing
indoors keep this grommet
in place.
3The 3/8” grommet (with
hole) will need fitting into the
square section of the tray.
From the outside of the tray
push the 3/8” grommet into
the hole in the tray wall.
8Align the ‘half moon’
section on the rear of
the AQUAvalve with the
‘T’ section in the tray.
Firmly push the
AQUAvalve onto the ‘T’.
Remove any slack in the
3/8” pipe by drawing
excess out of the tray.
Cut 3/8”/1/2” pipe to
appropriate length
If using 9 gal pot only:
Fit adaptive ring to
rim of module tray
• 1x25galFlexiTank(‘withres.’option)
• 1x1/2”click-fitadapter&filter
• 8x1PotXXLtray,lid&3/8”grommet
• 8x1/4”blankinggrommet
• 8xXXLadaptivecollar(XXL9Only)
• 8x9galor13galfabricpot
• 4x1/2”-3/8”crossconnector
• 8xAQUAvalve5
• 13ftof1/2”pipe
• 13ftof3/8”pipe
• 8xrootcontrolPotSock
• 1x1/2”inlinetap
System requires minimum 25 gal reservoir