3.1 Explosion Safety Mobile
The PS3-BAX Personal Security Mobile (check for the Ex symbol on the Silver type plate on the back side)
is suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. (ATEX).
If you do not have this symbol on your mobile please skip this document.
The PS3-BAX mobile is made Explosion Safe under strict regulations, the technical method is known as “intrinsically safe”.
The ATEX version of the PS3-BA Personal Security Mobile (thus the PS3-BAX variant) is designed, approved and produced in
conformance with the rules laid down in the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU. If the Mobile is marked with the Ex logo it can be used
in areas at risk with potentially explosive atmospheres as described in the directive.
3.2 Explanation of the Product’s label
The product label is positioned, at the backside of the Mobile. Here all relevant data can be found that have to do with
manufacturer data, the type and level of explosion safety protection and product identificattion.
3.2.1 General product data (example)
► Manufacturer’s LOGO and complete address, including the website address;
► Product type identification: PS3-BAX, PS3-TXU, PS2-RXU or PS2-RXV
This are indications of the commercial parts that are included in the PS3-BAX assembly
The additional /76 and /75D-Atex are only examples to indicate the transmitter’s and
receiver’s working frequency and its ATEX state.
► SN: 810600: Serial number (e.g. 810600)
► WK1726 = Production date: (in this example; year 2017, week 26).
► HW 01/00: Hardware version 01 release 00
► Made in NL: Country of origin is NL: the Netherlands
► CE-mark: refers to the telecom directive 1999/5/EC and the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU.
The number (0344) refers to the identification number of the notified body (KEMA)
consulted for the approval and for the recognition of the required Quality Assurance System.
► The Ex logo indicates that it is an ATEX (explosion Safe) product.
► IP 65 Industrial protection 6 for dust (5 for water is irrelevant for ATEX)
3.2.2 ATEX related data on the label
► First of all there is the warning not to open or charge the product in hazardous area!
► Further, there are 2 lines that indicates the Protection Concept and Level of Protection:
The first line: II 2 G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb: (Gas classification)
► II The product group; intended for use in areas above-ground, not in mines
► 2G Level of protection (2 = High) for Gas, The level of protection is High: useable for zone 1 and 2
► Ex Ex marking refers to the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU
► ib ‘i’ stands for the protection concept: intrinsic safe, ‘b’ stands for the use in zone 21 and/or 22.
► IIC Explosion group (gases and hydrogen),
Class “C” indicates highest level, gases with low energy ignition are included.
► T4 Temperature class from T4 (<135°C) indicates the max exposed temperature of the product’s surface.
► Gb Equipment Protection Level (EPL) for Gas protection, b stands for zone 2
The second line: II 2 D Ex ib IIIC T50
C Db: (Dust classification)
► II The product group; intended for use in areas above-ground, not in mines
► 2D Level of protection (2 = High) for Dust, The level of protection is High: useable for zone 21 and 22
► Ex Ex marking refers to the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU
► ib ‘i’ stands for the protection concept: intrinsic safe, ‘b’ stands for the use in zone 21 and/or 22.
► IIIC Dust classification; Class “C” indicates highest level; flammable fibres, conductive- and non-conductive dust
are included.
► T50ºC Maximum surface temperature that may occur if the product has any defect.
► Db Product level (EPL) for Dust protection, b stands for zone 22
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