
1. The d esign of th is pr od uct con tains sp ecial hard ware, ma ny
circuit s and components specially for safety purposes. For
con tinu ed prot ection , no chan g es sh ou ld b e ma de to the o rig inal
d esign unless a uth or ized in writin g by the ma nu fact ur er .
Replacem en t p ar ts m ust b e id ent ic al to thos e u sed in th e origin al
circu it s. S ervice sho uld b e p erformed by qu alif ied p ers onnel
on ly.
2. Alte ration s of t he design or cir cuitry of t he pr od ucts sh ould not be
made. Any design alterations or additions will void the
manu fact urer's warra nt y and will f urth er relieve t he manu factu rer
of r esp onsibility for per so na l injury or p rop erty d amag e result ing
th er efrom.
3. M an y e lectr ical an d m echanica l parts in th e pr od ucts have
special safety-related characteristics. T hese characteristics are
oft en no t e viden t f rom visua l insp ection n or ca n t he pro tect ion
aff orde d by th em nece ssarily be ob tain ed b y u sing rep lacemen t
compo ne nts ra ted f or hig he r voltage, watt ag e, etc. Rep lacemen t
p arts wh ic h ha ve th ese sp ecial s afet y ch ar act erist ics ar e
identified in the parts list of Servic e manual. El ec trical
components having su ch features are identified by shading
on the sche matics and by (!
! ) on the parts list in Service
manual. The us e of a sub stitu te rep la cemen t which do es n ot
h ave th e same saf ety ch ar act er ist ics as t he reco mmen de d
replac ement part shown in the p arts list of S er vice man ual m ay
cause shock, fire, or other hazards.
4. Do n't short between the LIVE side ground and ISOL ATED
(NEUTRAL) side ground or EARTH side ground when
Some model's power circuit is partly different in the GND. The
diff erenc e of the G ND is sho wn b y th e LIV E : ( ") side GND, the
ISO LATE D(NEUTRAL) : (#) side G ND and EARTH : ($) side
GND. Do n't shor t b et ween the LIV E sid e GND an d
n ever mea sure wit h a m ea sur ing a ppa ratus (oscillo scop e etc.)
th e LI VE sid e GND an d IS OLA TED(NE UTRAL ) side G ND or
EARTH sid e GND at the s ame time.
If above note will not be kept, a fuse or any parts will be broken.
5. If any repair has been made to the chassis, it is recommended
th at t he B1 set ting shou ld b e ch ecke d or adju ste d (See
6. The high voltage app lie d t o th e pictu re tu be mu st con form wit h
th at sp ecified in S ervice man ual. E xcessive h igh vo lt ag e ca n
cau se an incre ase in X-Ray emission , arcing an d possib le
component damage, therefore operation under excessive high
voltage conditions should be kept to a minimum, or should be
preve nt ed. If s ever e arc ing occurs, remove t he AC power
immed iately an d de termine th e ca use b y visua l insp ect ion
(in corr ect installat ion, cracke d or melted high vo lt age harn ess,
p oor so ld ering, et c.). To maint ain the p rope r min imu m le vel of
sof t X-Ray emission, c omp on en ts in the high voltag e circuitry
including t he pict ure tu be must b e t he e xact rep laceme nts or
alte rnat ives ap prove d b y th e ma nuf act urer of th e c omplet e
prod uct.
7. Do n ot c hec k high volt ag e b y dr awing an arc. Use a high volt ag e
meter or a hig h v oltage prob e wit h a V TVM. Discha rg e th e
picture tube before attempting meter connection, by connecting
a clip le ad to the grou nd f rame a nd c onn ecting th e oth er end of
the lead through a 10kΩ 2W resisto r to the an od e b utt on .
8. W hen se rvice is requ ire d, obser ve th e origina l lea d dr ess. E xtra
prec aut ion sh ould b e g ive n t o assure corr ect lea d dress in th e
high voltag e circuit a rea. W here a s hort circuit h as occu rre d,
th ose comp on ent s that indicate evidence of ove rhea ting sho uld
b e re place d. A lways u se th e ma nuf act urer's rep lacemen t
9. Isolation Check
(Safety for Electrical Shock Hazard)
Af ter re-ass emb lin g the p r odu ct, always perf orm an isolat ion
ch eck on the expo sed metal p ar ts of t he cabin et ( a nte nn a
ter minals, video /au dio inpu t and ou tpu t t ermin als, Con trol kn obs,
metal cabin et, scr ewhe ad s, ea r ph one jack, con tr ol shaf ts, etc.)
to be su re th e p r odu ct is s af e t o o pe rate withou t d an ger of
elect rical shoc k.
(1) Dielectric Strength Test
The iso lation be tween the A C prima ry circu it an d all metal p arts
exp ose d t o th e us er, p articularly an y exp os ed met al part h aving a
return p ath to t he chass is sho uld withs tan d a volt age of 3 000 V
AC (r.m.s.) for a period of one second.
(. . . . W it hstand a vo lt ag e of 1 10 0V A C ( r .m. s.) t o an ap plianc e
rated up to 12 0V , an d 3 00 0V AC ( r .m. s.) to an ap plian ce r at ed
200V or more, for a period of one second.)
This method of test requires a t est equipment n ot generally found
in t he servic e trad e.
(2) Leakage Current Check
Plug th e A C lin e c ord d irect ly into th e A C ou tlet (d o n ot use a lin e
isolatio n tr ansf or m er du ring this ch eck.) . Usin g a " Lea kag e
Current Tester", me asure th e lea kag e cu rre nt f rom each exp osed
metal p art of the cabine t, p art icu larly any e xpos ed metal p ar t
h aving a re turn pa th to t he ch assis , t o a kn own go od ea rt h
grou nd (wa ter pip e, e tc.) . Any leaka ge curr en t must not e xceed
0.5mA AC (r.m.s.).
However, in tropic al ar ea , th is must no t exce ed 0.2 mA AC
" Alte rnate Che ck Met hod
Plug th e A C lin e c ord d irect ly into th e A C ou tlet (d o n ot use a lin e
isolatio n tr an sfor m er during t his check.) . Use an AC vo lt me ter
h aving 100 0 oh ms per volt or m or e sens it ivity in th e fo llowing
mann er. Con nec t a 1 500Ω 10W res ist or para lle le d b y a 0 .1 5µF
AC-type c apa cit or bet ween an expo sed met al pa rt a nd a kno wn
g ood ear th gro un d (water pipe , etc.). Meas ure th e A C vo lt ag e
across th e res ist or with the AC vo ltmeter. Move th e resistor
con nec tion to e ach exp ose d metal part, p art icular ly a ny exp osed
metal p art havin g a r etu rn pat h to t he ch assis, an d m easu re th e
AC voltage ac ro ss the res ist or. No w, re verse th e plu g in th e AC
ou tlet and re pe at eac h mea suremen t. Any volt ag e measu re d
must not exc eed 0.75V AC (r.m.s.). This c orresponds to 0 .5mA
AC (r.m.s.).
However, in tropica l are a, this must not exceed 0.3V AC ( r.m. s.).
This corresponds to 0.2mA AC (r.m.s.).
0.15μF AC-T YPE
1500 Ω 10W
(HAVING 1000 Ω/V,