Your vehicle is an intelligent synthesis of
advanced technology, proven safety,
environmental friendliness and economy.
It now lies with you to drive your vehicle
safely and ensure that it perform s
perfectly. This Owner’s Manual provides
you with all the necessary information to
that end.
Make sure your passengers a re aware of
the possible risk of accident and injury
which may result from improper use of the
You m ust always comply w ith the specific
laws of the country in which you are
driving. These laws may differ from the
information in this Ow ner’s Manual.
When this Manual refers to a workshop
visit, we recommend your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer.
All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers provide
first-class service at reasonable prices.
Experienced mechanics trained by
Vauxhall work acc ording to specific
Vauxhall instructions.
The custom er literature p ack, consisting of
Owner’s Manual, infotainm ent system
instructions and the Service and Warranty
Booklet should always be kept in the
vehicle: ready to hand in the glove
Make use of the Owner’s Manual
z The "In brief" section will give you an
initial overview.
z The table of contents at the beginning
of the Owner’s M anual and within the
individual chapters will show y ou where
everything is.
z Its index will help you find what you
z Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve
as points of reference or indicate som e
action to be performed.
z Black arrows in the illustrations indicate
a reaction or a second a ction to b e
z This Owner’s Manual refers to right-hand
drive vehicles. Operation in left-hand
drive vehicles is similar.
z The Owner’s M anual makes reference
to internal engine designations. The
associated sales desig nations are
found in the section "Technical data".
z Directional data , e.g. left or right, or
front or back, in the descriptions always
relate to the direction of travel.
6 Continue reading on next page.
E quipment m arked with 3 is not found in
all vehicles (model variants, engine range,
national variants, special equipment,
Vauxhall genuine parts and accessories).
Page references are indicated with 3,
which means "see page".
9 Danger, 9 Warning, Caution
Thank you for choosing a Vauxhall.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable
Your Vauxhall Team
9 Danger
Text marked 9 Danger provides
inform ation on p ossible fatal injury.
Disregard of the instructions m ay
e nd anger life.
9 Warning
Text marked 9 Warning provides
information on risk of accident or injury.
Disregard of the instructions ma y lead to
injury .
Text marked Caution provides
inform ation on p ossible d amage to the
ve h icle. Disre gard of the ins tructions
ma y lead to vehicle da mage.