Medela Symphony ® Breast Pump
User Manual
1. Introduction
The Medela Symphony ® is a hospital-grade double-electric breast pump which
removes breast milk from lactating women suitable for consumption by infants and
children. The Medela Symphony ® features two-phase (or dual-phase) pumping, which
encourages the production of more milk by the body. Dual-phase pumping also reduces
pumping time through faster let-down and milk flow. It simulates a breastfeeding baby in
that it removes as much milk as a baby.
This user manual is an overview of the Medela Symphony ®, its purpose, warnings and
its parts and their functions. It also includes instructions on how to assemble and set up
the accessories for the Medela Symphony ®, how to care for the Medela Symphony ®
breast pump and how to clean and sterilize its parts. There is also a section on how to
troubleshoot common user problems with the Medela Symphony ®, as well as
frequently asked user questions.
As there are possible health and food safety implications in using the Medela Symphony
®, it is important to follow the directions of this manual, and to consult official sources,
including Medela Canada, Medela International, Le Leche League Canada, Health
Canada and the World Health Organization to protect the health of the woman and
2. Product Overview and Description
The Medela Symphony ® is a hospital-grade double-electric breast pump which
removes breastmilk from lactating women. The Medela Symphony ® can be used on
one or both breasts at once for more efficient removal of breast milk, and features two-
phase expression pumping, which simulates the motions of a breastfeeding infant. Two-
phase expression pumping is proven to reduce pumping time through faster let-down
and milk flow.
3. Why the Medela Symphony ® Breast Pump?
The Medela Symphony ® User Guide accompanies the Medela Symphony ® breast
pump. The breast pump is meant to initiate and maintain a milk supply, as well as