Hussong Mfg. Co, Inc. 12 Rev. 3 - January 2024
NDK-41-DV - PFS Report No. 22-838 Starng Serial Number: 23 N41DV00001 23
3.0 Framing
3.1 Appliance Placement Consideraons
Read all documentaon for your specic installaon and
design opons prior to appliance installaon.
WARNING: Due to high temperatures, the appliance
should be located out of trac and away from furniture
and draperies.
FIRE HAZARD: Do NOT install this appliance directly on
carpeng, vinyl, or any other combusble material other
than wood.
Note: Unless otherwise noted all clearances / images in this
manual are based o of nominal 2” x 4” framing being used.
• This appliance must be installed on a level surface ca-
pable of supporng the replace and venng. If possi-
ble, place the replace in a posion where the vent
terminates between two studs, eliminang the need
for any addional framing.
• This replace may be installed in a bedroom.
• Please be aware of the large amount of heat this re-
place will produce when determining a locaon.
3.2 Appliance Design Opons
This appliance oers several design opons for managing
the heat produced by this replace.
Note: When deciding on which design opon suites your
applicaon please review all secons throughout this
manual as dierent design opons have dierent framing,
facing, and nishing opons and requirements.
• Standard Installaon will be outlined in this manual in
secons marked ‘standard installaon’ and must be
followed if no design opons (Komfort Zone Kit) are to
be used. The replace chamber and ceiling minimum
height must be 76” (1930mm) for standard installa-
ons. Only the safety barriers shown in Figure 2.2 are
allowed for this installaon scenario.
• Komfort Zone Kit (KZK) oers the opon to redistribute
radiant heat through plenum(s). This opon allows for
combusble facing materials above the replace, heat
reducon for a TV above the replace, and lower man-
tel clearances. See secon 4.0, Heat Management on
page 21. If installing a Komfort Zone Kit (#KZK-038 or
#KZK-1510A), the framing requirements may be dier-
ent than the standard dimensions listed in this secon.
Please reference the manual included with your kit
before compleng all replace framing and other in-
stallaon consideraons. The replace chamber and
ceiling minimum height must be 82” (2083mm) for KZK
opons. Safety barriers shown in Figure 2.2 and Figure
2.3 are allowed for installaon when using an approved
Komfort Zone Kit. Safety barriers shown in Figure 2.3
are only allowed for use with an approved Kozy Zone
• Kozy Power Vent is a fan-powered mechanical dra
vent system (horizontal terminaons only) for use with
any of the design opons listed previously in this sec-
on (Standard or Komfrot Zone Kit). Reference the
#KPV manual for all system requirements. Ulizing the
Kozy Power Vent system will not change facing and
nishing requirements or safety barrier requirements
from the Standard or Komfort Zone Kit design opons.
3.3 Floor Support and Protecon
• Floor protecon in front of the replace is not required.
Combusble material may be used if installing a hearth ex-
tension. Consider the thickness of the hearth extension n-
ishing material if building a replace plaorm. The boom
of the replace must be level with nished hearth extension
for proper t of a safety barrier.
• If this appliance is to be installed directly on carpeng, le,
or other combusble material other than wood ooring, this
appliance shall be installed on a metal or wood panel ex-
tending the full width and depth of the appliance.
• If the appliance is to be installed above oor level, a solid,
connuous plaorm must be constructed below the appli-
3.4 Seng the Appliance
• This secon outlines informaon on seng the appliance in
the framed and starng the installaon process.
• Decide on your appliance installaon opon menoned in
Secon 3.2 before seng the appliance. Your framing re-
quirements, clearance to combusbles, and vent congura-
on will depend upon this decision.
IMPORTANT: If you are using a KZK appliance installaon opon
refer to Secon 4.0 for addional preparaon steps that must be
completed before seng the appliance in the framed opening.
General Procedure
Frame your opening based on your selected appliance in-
stallaon opon. Refer to Secon 3.8 for informaon for the
framed opening of the standard installaon opon. If you
are using a KZK installaon opon refer to the KZK manual
for framing.
Lay out the path for your vent run before installing appli-
We recommend installing the nishing trim kit. This pro-
vides a shadow box around the required safety barrier. Your
nishing material will bu up against the nishing trim. Re-
fer to Secon 5.2 for installaon of nishing trim kit. If you
are using the nishing trim kit, this must be installed before
the following steps.
Install the nailing anges on the appliance. Refer to Secon
3.6 for assembly and installaon. The nailing anges are
where you secure your appliance to the framed opening.
The framing will be ush with the appliance when it is in-
Assemble and install the top stand-o assembly. Refer to
Secon 3.5 for more informaon on the top stand-o as-
sembly. This stand-o assembly provides the necessary
thermal protecon of the header.
Place the replace inside the framed opening and secure
the appliance into the framing. The replace will be ush
with the framing. If you use the nishing trim kit, the trim
kit will sck past the framing as the nishing material will
bu up against the trim.
The next steps would involve installing the KZK (if applica-
ble), vent pipe, connect gas line, connect electrical wiring,
and nally nishing material.