10 1.2
PLC-Xplorer Data Interface to SIGMATEK ibaPDA-Interface-Sigmatek-Xplorer
3.4 ConguraonandengineeringibaPDA
The engineering for ibaPDA is described in the following. If all system requirements are fullled,
ibaPDA displays the Sigmatek-Xplorer interface in the signal tree of the I/O Manager.
3.4.1 Interfacesengs
If the Xplorer interface is selected in the tree, you can see an overview of diagnoscs informa-
on on the congured connecons between ibaPDA and the controllers.
The interface has the following features and conguraon opons.
If enabled, all measured values of the SIGMATEK-CPU are set to zero as soon as the connecon
is lost. If this opon is disabled, ibaPDA will keep the last valid measured data in memory at the
me the connecon was lost.
If this opon is enabled, the aquision will start even if the SIGMATEK-CPU is not acessible. In-
stead of an error, a warning is indicated in the validaon dialog. If the system has been started
without a connecon to the controller, ibaPDA will periodically try to connect to the PLC.
Allow inaccessible symbols
Enable this opon if you wish to start acquision even if symbols are not accessible. The inac-
cessible symbols are issued as warnings in the validaon dialog.
This can only occur if the address book is not up-to-date.
If you do not enable this opon, measurement will not start when inaccessible symbols are
For each connecon, the table shows the connecon status, the current values for the update
me (current, real value, average, min. and max.) as well as the data size. In addion, you will
nd an error counter here for the individual connecons during the acquision.
See ì Connecon table, page 22.
If connecons to controllers have been established, all connecon specic acons are recorded
in a text le. Using this buon, you can open and check this le. In the le system on the hard
disk, you nd the log les of the ibaPDA server (…\ProgramData\iba\ibaPDA\Log).
The le name of the current log le is InterfaceLog.txt; the name of the archived log
les is InterfaceLog_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.txt.
Click this buon to reset the calculated mes and error counters in the table to 0.