14. Outdoor Antenna Grounding
If an outsideantenna or cablesystemis connectedto the
product,be surethe antennaor cablesystemis grounded
soasto providesomeprotectionagainstvottagesurges
and bull,t-up static charges.Articte810 of the National
Electrical.Code(U.S.A.), ANSI/NFPA 70 provides
information with regardto propergroundingof the mast
and supportingstructure,groundingofthe l,ead-in wire to
an antenna dischargeunit, size of groundingconductors,
location of antenna-dischargeunit, connectionto
groundingelectrodes,and requirementsfor the grounding
Exampteof GroundingAccordingto NaUonat Etectrica[
Ground Clamp_ -_'_<._._
-_ Antenna Lead in Wire
• GrOUnding_uclor
(NEC Section 810-21)
Ground _amps
PowQr Service Grounding
Art 250, Pad H)
NEC- NationalE[ecLrica[Code
15. Lightning
Foraddedprotectionfor this product(receiver)during a
lightning storm, or when it is left unattendedand unused
for long periodsof time, unplugit from the wattoutlet and
disconnectthe antenna or cabte system.Thiswitt prevent
damageto the productdue to lightning and power-l,ine
16. Power lines
An outsideantennasystemshouldhot betocatedin the
vicinity of overheadpowertinesor other el,ectric Ught or
powercircuits,or whereit canfatt into suchpowerEnesor
circuits.Wheninstal'.l,ingan outsideantennasystem,
extremecareshould betaken to keepfromtouching such
powertinesor circuitsas contactwith them mightbe
Do not overtoadwatt outl,etsand extensioncordsas this
can resultin a riskof fire or electricshock.
18. Object and Liquid Entry
Neverpushobjectsof any kind into this productthrough
openingsas they maytouch dangerousvoltage points or
short-outpartsthat coul,dresultin a fire or el,ectricshock.
Neverspit[ l,iquidof anykind on the product.
19. Servicing
Donot attempt to servicethis productyourselfasopening
or removingcoversmay exposeyou to dangerousvoltage
or other hazards.Referartservicingto qualifiedservice
20. Damage Requiring Service
Unplugthis productfrom the watt outlet and referservic-
ing to qualified servicepersonnel,underthe fottowing
a. If the power-suppl.ycord or ptugis damaged.
b. If l,lquidhas beenspil,ted,or objectshavefaLl,eninto
the product.
c. If the product hasbeen exposedto rainor water.
d. If the productdoesnot operatenormal,l,yby fol,towing
the operatinginstructions. Adjustonly thosecontroLsthat
are coveredby the operatinginstructionsas an improper
adjustmentof other controLsmay resultin damageand will
often requireextensiveworkbya qual,ifiedtechnicianto
restorethe productto its normaloperation.
e. If the producthasbeendroppedor the cabinet has
been damaged.
f. If the productexhibits a distinct changein
21. Reptacement Parts
Whenreplacementparts are required,besurethe service
technicianhasused replacementpartsspecifiedby the
manufacturer or havethe samecharacteristicsasthe
original,part. Unauthorizedsubstitutionsmay resultin fire,
electricshock,or other hazards.
22. Safety Check
Upon comptetion of any serviceor repairsto this product,
askthe servicetechnician to performsafetychecksto
determinethat the productis in properoperating
23. Watt or CeiUng Mounting
The productshoul,dbe mountedto a wall,or ceiling onlyas
recommendedby the manufacturer.
24. Heat
The product shouldbe situatedawayfrom heat sources
suchas radiators,heat registers,stoves,or other products
(includingamplifiers) that produceheat.
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