6.21 Distance menu 2, ODO/Trip 2/Time 2/Avs 2 ......... 48
6.22 Gear display menu, ODO/Trip 1/Gear.................... 49
6.23 Fuel and external temperature menu, FUEL.......... 51
6.24 Mapping menu, ENGINE MAP............................. 52
6.25 Next service menu, DISTANCE TO Next Service .... 53
6.26 Overview of RACE mode...................................... 54
6.27 Remaining laps menu, LAPSTOGO ...................... 55
6.28 Maximum lap speed menu, TOPSPEED................ 56
6.29 Gear display menu, LastLap/RaceTrip/Gear........... 58
6.30 Fuel and external temperature menu, FUEL.......... 59
6.31 Mapping menu, ENGINE MAP............................. 60
6.32 Lap times menu, LAP/BESTLAP/LapTime............. 61
6.33 Maximum speed menu, LAP/BESTLAP/
TopSpeed.......................................................... 62
6.34 Total distance in Race mode menu, RACEODO ..... 63
6.35 Overview of SET‑UP mode .................................. 64
6.36 SET‑UP menu.................................................... 66
6.37 Mode menu, CHANGE MODE.............................. 67
6.38 Time menu, SET CLOCK..................................... 68
6.39 SETTINGS menu................................................ 69
6.40 Shift warning lamp menu, SHIFT RPMS............... 70
6.41 LAP button blank time, LAP BLANK TIME
menu................................................................ 71
6.42 Number of laps menu, SET NUM LAPS................ 72
6.43 Fuel reserve display menu, TRIP F RESET............ 73
6.44 UNITS menu ..................................................... 75
6.45 Kilometers/miles menu, SET KM/MILES............... 76
6.46 Temperature display menu, SET °C/°F.................. 77
6.47 Fuel consumption menu (liters),
SET FUEL CONS ............................................... 78
6.48 Fuel consumption menu (gallons),
SET GAL US/UK ................................................ 79
6.49 Additional functions menu, OPTIONS .................. 80
6.50 Quick shifter menu, OPTION QKSHIFT ................ 81
6.51 External temperature display menu,
OPTION OUTTEMP ............................................ 82
6.52 Tire pressure monitor menu, OPTION TPMS ......... 83
6.53 Table of functions .............................................. 84
6.54 Table of conditions and menu activation .............. 88
6.55 Adjusting the mapping of the engine electronics
ENGINE MAP .................................................... 92
6.56 Displaying lap times........................................... 93
6.57 Displaying maximum speed................................. 93
6.58 Setting ROAD or RACE mode .............................. 94
6.59 Setting the clock with SET CLOCK....................... 95
6.60 Adjusting the shift speed RPM1/2 ....................... 95
6.61 Setting the blank time of the LAP button
LAP BLANK TIME.............................................. 97
6.62 Setting the number of laps SET NUM LAPS ......... 98
6.63 Setting the fuel reserve display TRIP F RESET...... 99
6.64 Setting the kilometers/miles SET KM/MILES ...... 100
6.65 Setting the temperature unit SET °C/°F.............. 101
6.66 Setting the unit of fuel consumption (liters)
SET FUEL CONS ............................................. 102
6.67 Unit of fuel consumption (gallons)
SET GAL US/UK .............................................. 103
6.68 Switching the external temperature display
on/off.............................................................. 104
6.69 Opening the filler cap....................................... 105
6.70 Closing the filler cap ........................................ 107