Safety Precautions .......................... 3
Before Operation ............................ 7
Introduction .................................... 8
Symbots Used in this Manua] ........8
Features ........................................ 8
Electrical Safety ............................ 9
Electrical Data............................... 9
Temporary Use of an
Adapter ..................................... ! 1
Temporary Use of an
Extens4onCord ............................ 11
Installation .................................... 12
Window Requiremen_ ............. 13
Size ....................................... ! 3
Select the best location .......... 13
Prepat-ation of Chassis ............... 14
Unit _nstallation ............................ 15
Operating Instructions ............... 1/
Iocation and Funrtion
of Lontrols .................................... t7
Re.J_e Cent_,_ Ope'_L_ons ....................... ] 8
Re_ote C¢_t'_F_, , ...................... l 9
Additional tea[u_e_ ....................... 20
Air Direction .............................. 20
Drain Pipe ................................ 20
Maintenance and Service ............ 2l
Air Filter ................................. 2t
Cleaning the Air Conditioner .....2I
How to Remove the
Front Grille ...................................
Common Problems and
Solutions ....................................... 23
Troubleshooting ....................... 24
Wrde the model a,nd serlat nu,rnbers here'
Model #
Serial #
You carl tindlthem on a label on 1he skJe el Ihe p._odud_
De_!ler's Name
Date P_rchased
ImStap.le your receipt to this page in the event you need=it
tr'_plrJve date ,-_fpur,-ha.ee or frJr warranty isque£.
Inside you will find many helpful h_nts on how to use and
m,aintain your air condnhonet propedy Just a httle p_event,we
.care on your ;)art can save you a _jreal deal o_ hme a,nd
money ovel [hc IltO of youl air corldthoncr_
Yeulll find many answe[s to common problems in the chart
of troubleshooting tips. ff you review ou[ ch_t_tof
Troubleshooting, Tips first, you :may not need to ca_l for
servif:e at all
• Con,tact an Authorized Service Center for repair o;r
maintenan, ce of thins ,unit. Calll 1-877-755-7932 to
locate the nearest ASC.
•This air conditioner is not mte_nded for use by young
children or inva!lids without supervision.
-¥o,u,ng children, should be supervised _o ensure that
they do not play with the air conditioner.
• If the power cord requires replacement, Ihave an
Authorized= Servicer install an exact replacement part.
• Inslallation work must be performed in accordance
with the Nation, all Electric Code Iby q,ual_fied and
authori_zed personn,el on_ly.
2 Room Air ,Conditioner