opt o,s
Thelight abovethe selectedpad will beON toindicate which OPTIONhasbeen selected.
POWER Forusewith heavilysoiledand/ordried-on,baked-onsoils.Thisoption
PRESOAKMUSTbe selectedPRIORtostartingthecycle. Thisoption adds 16
minutes to the cycle time.
HI TEMP RINSE Turnsontheheaterin all prerinseandfinal rinsecyclesto help prevent
spottingondishware.ThisoptionmaybeturnedONor OFFduringthe
HEATEDDRY Shutsoffthe dryingheatoptions.Dishesairdrynaturallyandenergyis
OFF saved.Youcanpropthedooropenafterthe lightgoesON nexttothe
word CLEANwhichappearsin the STATUSdisplayfor fasterdrying.
HEATEDDRY Turnsthe heateronfor fast drying.This cyclewill extendthetime
ON toyour washcycleby 30minutes.NOTE:Cannotbeselectedwith
LOCK WhentheLOCKpadistouchedtwicewithin3seconds,allpadsbecome
Oryoucanlockthecontrols"afteryouhavestarteda cycleorselectedDELAY
Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher by touching pads
with this option selected.
Tounlockthedishwasherafterit hasbeenlocked,touchtheLOCKpadtwice
within3seconds.ThelightabovetheLOCKpadwill beoff.
Youcan delaythestart ofa washcyclefor upto 8hours.Pressandhold
theBELAY STARTpadto choosethe numberof hoursyouwantto delay
thestartof thecycle.Themachinewill countdownandstart automatically
atthe correcttime. NOTE:Ifyouforget to lockthedoora remindersignal
will beepuntilyou doso.
Tochangea cycleafter washingstarts,touchthe START/RESETpadto
cancelthe cycle.After water is pumpedoutandmotorstops,you can
reprogramand restartthedishwasher.
Close the door until it locks into place and touch the START/RESETpadto
begin the (T(le. There is a time delay between stalt-up and water fill soyou
will not hear aW wash action fight awW.
The tTcle is complete when the light is 0Nnext to the word CLEANin the
NOTE."The dishwasher remembers your last wcle so you don't have to
reprogram each time. %qmn the dishwasher isloaded and door latch is
in the locked position, the conuol panel lights will be ONand displ W the
last settings you selected.
If you don't want to change aW of the settings, simply t(mch the
START/RESETpadto begin the (Tcle.
Also, ifapowert_dlmeoccurs, NORMALand HEATEDORYx_illautomatically
beprogrammed. Makeanynew selectionsand louch the START/RESET
pad Iobegin the cycle.