Dialogic ControlSwitch PRI Dial Tone User guide

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant. I have read the Dialogic ControlSwitch Dial Tone Support Feature Guide. This document describes how to configure the PRI dial tone feature for ControlSwitch, including settings, timers and debugging tips. I can help you understand how to enable or disable dial tone, set digit collection rules, and configure associated timers. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about this guide or the ControlSwitch’s PRI dial tone functionality.
  • How can I enable dial tone for a PRI-ETSI trunk group?
    What happens if digit collection fails or times out?
    What timers can be configured for the dial tone feature?
Dialogic® ControlSwitch
Dial tone Support for PRI
Feature Guide
Release 5.10.3
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Document History
Version #
Version Date
Update Description
June 2012
First Issue
March 2016
General Update
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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Purpose of this Document............................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. FEATURE OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Functional Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.5 Feature Description ...................................................................................................................................... 7
CONFIGURING THE FEATURE ........................................................................................................................ 9 2.
2.1 Enable/Disable Dial tone Feature on Trunk Group ...................................................................................... 9
2.2 Configure Digit Collection Rules on Trunk Group ........................................................................................ 9
2.3 Configuring Timers Associated with Dial Tone ........................................................................................... 10
DEBUGGING ................................................................................................................................................ 12 3.
3.1 Sample Call Trace ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Ethereal Trace ............................................................................................................................................ 13
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List of Figures
Figure 1: Functional Architecture .................................................................................................................7
Figure 2: Q.931 Configuration .................................................................................................................... 11
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1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of this Document
This document is intended to familiarize the reader with the ControlSwitch’s PRI Dial tone feature and
its configuration.
1.2 Glossary
For the purposes of this document the following abbreviations apply:
Control Switch
Data Collection
Media Gateway
Private Branch Exchange
Primary Rate Interface
Trunk Group
Extensible Markup Language
Table 1: Glossary
1.3 Contact Us
For a list of Dialogic locations and offices, please visit: https://www.dialogic.com/contact.aspx.
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2. Feature Overview
There are ControlSwitch (CS) deployments with PRI terminations on PBXs that are either not capable of
playing the dial tone or expect the switch to play it towards the PBX subscribers. CS provides the
solution for such cases by playing the dial tone when configured.
This document explains the feature and how to configure the dial tone in the CS.
1.4 Functional Architecture
Figure 1 depicts a sample PRI network deployment, using the CS, and the I-Gate 4000 PRO MG.
Figure 1: Functional Architecture
Network Entity
I-Gate Media GW
MG (I-Gate 4000 PRO or I-Gate EDGE), with TDM termination, towards the PBXs (for PRI
signaling and traffic).
PRI PBXs with ETSI PRI signaling towards ControlSwitch.
Dialogic ControlSwitch.
Table 2: Feature Components
1.5 Feature Description
The I-Gate-4000 MG plays tones towards the TDM endpoints per CS request. Playing a dial tone can be
enabled or disabled per TG based on the operators' decision. Based on ITU Q.931:
When CS receives SETUP message from the PRI network that contains no Called Party Number
parameter, and the TG ‘Play Dial Tone’ is enabled, dial tone is played towards the PRI user.
CS stops playing dial tone when at least one INFO message (with dialed digits) is received or the dial
tone timer expires in CS.
ControlSwitch collects the digits until “Sending Complete” Information Element (IE) is received in the PRI
INFO message or according to the rules configured in the DC XML scripts assigned on the trunk group.
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For PBXs that do not send “Sending Complete” IE in the PRI INFO messages, DC rules should be configured on the
trunk group in order for the feature to function as designed.
On successful digit collection completion, the call proceeds for routing/service execution. If the digit
collection fails/times out (rules configured on the Trunk group), ControlSwitch plays busy tone towards
PRI network/User, followed by releasing the call.
Dial tone Timer, Inter-Digit timer and the Digit collection rules (e.g. how many digits to collect) are
configurable in ControlSwitch, as shown in the following sections.
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Configuring the Feature 2.
This chapter describes the dial tone feature’s configuration.
2.1 Enable/Disable Dial tone Feature on Trunk Group
By default the dial tone feature is disabled.
To enable the dial tone, for a PRI-ETSI TG, select the TG Parameters tab, and set the Play Dial Tone
parameter to Yes (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual, section TG Parameters).
2.2 Configure Digit Collection Rules on Trunk Group
DC (Digit Collection) XML scripts are a set of rules that can be configured to achieve the customized
behavior on how many digits the CS should collect from the ingress PRI network, before routing.
Customers can specify how many digits to be collected depending on the digit prefix, min-length etc.
criteria. Customers can also customize inter-digit timer etc.
Digit collection rules become mandatory for cases that the feature is enabled (i.e. PBX expects ControlSwitch to
play the dial tone), and the PBX does not send “Sending Complete” IE in PRI INFO message.
Below is a sample Digit Collection XML script, which configures the CS to collect at least 7 digits
minimum (up to a 10 digit maximum), and waits 5 seconds to collect more digits. At timeout, if
minimum 7 digits are collected, call proceeds with the routing. If the received dialed digits are less than
7, when the 5 second timer expires, then the script treats this as a digit collection failure, and the CS
sends the call to the ‘Busy’ tone treatment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE digit-rule SYSTEM "digitcollection.dtd">
<digit-rule rule-name="pri-basicdc">
<case min-length="10">
<exit digit-collection-complete="True"/>
<case min-length="7">
<exit new-min-length="7" timeout="5" digit-collection-
<exit new-min-length="7" timeout="5" digit-collection-
This Digit Collection (DC) rule behaves as following:
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On collecting 10 dialed digits or more, the DC script returns `True`, marks the Digit collection
completion as successful, and the call proceeds.
On collecting less than 7 dialed digits, the CS keeps collecting digits up to 7 digits with inter-
digit timeout of 5 secs.
DC script returns False, indicating the CCP to invoke the DC rule again after collecting 7
If inter-digit timer expires, it is treated as Digit Collection failure, and CS plays the Busy
Tone towards the PRI network/PBX user, indicating the insufficient digits received.
On collecting dialed digits of length 7 or more (less than 10), DC returns new min length as ‘7’
(already received) but comes back to DC if more digits are received (last argument ‘digit-
collection-complete’ is False).
If more digits are received, the DC rule is invoked again.
Else if the inter-digit timer expires, call proceeds further with routing since the min-digits
(in this case 7) are already received.
For further information, refer to the ControlSwitch product documentation on Digit Collection rules.
2.3 Configuring Timers Associated with Dial Tone
ControlSwitch operates the following timers at various stages of the dial tone service.
Dial tone Expiry Timer
‘Dialtone Expiry’ timer is started after playing the dial tone towards the PRI network/user. If 1 or more
digits are not received within this timer interval, the call is send to “Busy tone” treatment followed by
call release by ControlSwitch.
Default value of this timer is “90” seconds. The valid range for this timer value is 1-180
This timer can be customized by setting ‘DILATONE_EXPIRY_TIMER’ application parameter.
Please contact Dialogic Support team to change the value of this timer.
IDT-Guard timer
‘IDT Guard timer’ is the guard timer started by ControlSwitch after1st set of digits (1 or more) are
received from the PRI network/user in 1st PRI INFO message.
This guard timer is useful for cases when digit collection timers are not running in ControlSwitch for any
reason (e.g. DC rules not applied, CCP failover etc.)
Default value of this timer is “30” seconds. Valid range for this timer is 1-30 seconds.
This timer can be customized by setting ‘DIALTONE_IDT_GUARD_TIMER’ application
This timer must be longer than the “timeout” timers configured in the “Digit Collection” rules XML applied on the
trunk group.
Please contact Dialogic Support team to change the value of this timer.
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Busy Tone timer
Busy Tone’ timer is started after the call is sent to Busy tonetreatment (i.e., Busy tone is played
toward the PRI network/PBX user). At the expiry of this timer, the call is released by ControlSwitch.
Default value of this timer is “90” seconds. Valid range for this timer is 1-180 seconds.
This timer can be customized by setting ‘DIALTONE_BUSYTONE_TIMER’ application parameter.
Please contact Dialogic Support team to change the value of this timer.
Q.931 Protocol Timer 302
This timer is started in ControlSwitch after sending PRI “SETUP ACK” towards the PRI network/PBX.
This timer interferes with other dialtone service timers run in the ControlSwitch and requires tuning of
this timer value for proper functioning of “Dialtone” service functions such as “playing Dialtone” until
dialtone timer expiry, providing “Busy tone” treatment before call release etc.
This timer should be longer enough to allow for the other dial tone service functions to complete. For example, if
a dial tone plays for 90 seconds and at the end of dial tone expiry, a busy tone is played for another 90 seconds;
then the “302” timer shall play for at least 180 seconds.
Given the default values of ‘Dialtone service’ timers, the recommended value for 302 timer is 200 seconds.
This timer is set in the Media Gateway >> Q.931 configurations window.
Figure 2: Q.931 Configuration
The timer value is configured at the Media Gateway level, and applies to all PRI trunk groups that use this Media
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Debugging 3.
Call trace, Ethereal capture, etc. can be used to debug any problems related to this feature. The
following section captures sample call traces and ethereal traces for PRI and MGCP protocol messages
exchanged with PRI network and MGWs.
3.1 Sample Call Trace
If the feature is enabled, or if CCE received PRI SETUP with empty/no Called Party Number parameter,
then the dial tone is applied on the call. This can be verified by looking at MGCP RQNT message (shown
below) going from CCE towards MGW requesting MGW to play Dial Tone signal on TDM endpoint.
If the digit collection rule at PRI edge (CCE) times out (inter-digit timer expired in CCE), this results in the
call getting “Busy Tone” treatment.
The busy tone treatment can be verified by looking at MGCP RQNT messages as shown in fig below.
The requests to stop the tones (previously applied signal i.e. dial tone or busy tone) can be verified by
looking at MGCP RQNT message as shown below.
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3.2 Ethereal Trace
Sample MGCP message captures requesting dial tone, busy tone, etc., to be played on the endpoint.
MGCP RQNT message requesting ‘Dial tone’ to be played on the endpoint.
MGCP RQNT message requesting 'Busy Tone' to be played on the endpoint.
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MGCP RQNT requesting to stop the previously requested tones.