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Your individual vehicle
When you ordered your BMW, you chose vari-
ous items of equipment. This Owner's Hand-
book describes all models and equipment
specifications which BMW offers within this
particular model line.
This explains why the Owner's Handbook may
also contain details of items which you have not
ordered. The differences can easily be identi-
fied by the asterisk
shown against optional
If your BMW contains equipment that is not
described in this Owner's Handbook, Supple-
mentary Owner's Handbooks will be supplied
and you are requested to study and comply with
On cars with right-hand drive, some of the
controls are arranged differently from
those shown in the pictures of this Owner's
Status at time of printing
The high safety and quality standards of BMW
vehicles are maintained by unceasing develop-
ment work on designs, equipment and acces-
sories. In rare instances, your car may therefore
differ from the information supplied in this
Owner's Handbook.
For your own safety
Maintenance and repair
The advanced technology behind this car,
for example the use of modern materials
and high-performance electronics, means that
specially adapted methods of maintenance and
repair are required. Always have the necessary
work on your BMW performed either by BMW
Service or by a workshop that operates to BMW
specifications and has suitably trained person-
nel. If such work is performed inexpertly, it could
result in consequential damage and thus con-
stitute a safety risk.<
Parts and accessories
BMW recommends using parts and
accessory products on this vehicle that
are specifically approved for this purpose by
You are recommended to consult BMW Service
for advice on Genuine BMW parts and accesso-
ries, other BMW-approved products and com-
petent advice on all related matters.
The safety and compatibility of these parts and
products in conjunction with BMW vehicles
have been checked by BMW. BMW accepts
product liability for them.
BMW cannot accept liability for parts or acces-
sory products of any kind which it has not
BMW is unable to assess each individual prod-
uct of outside origin as to its suitability for use
on BMW vehicles without safety risk. Nor can
suitability be assured if an official permit has
been issued for it in a specific country. Tests
performed for such permits cannot always
cover all operating conditions for BMW vehi-
cles, and some of them therefore are insuffi-
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