1-1. NOTES
Supra Owner's Manual_U (from Mar. '21 Prod.)
assistance during driving, for
instance driver assistance sys-
tems. Furthermore, control units
facilitate comfort or infotainment
Information about stored or
exchanged data can be
requested from the manufac-
turer of the vehicle, in a sepa-
rate booklet, for example.
Each vehicle is marked with a
unique vehicle identification
number. Depending on the
country, the vehicle owner can
be identified with the vehicle
identification number, license
plate and corresponding authori-
ties. In addition, there are other
options to track data collected in
the vehicle to the driver or vehi-
cle owner, e.g. via the Toyota
Supra Connect account that is
Control units process data to
operate the vehicle.
For example, this includes:
• Status messages for the vehi-
cle and its Customize compo-
nents, e.g., wheel rotational
speed, wheel speed, deceler-
ation, transverse acceleration,
engaged safety belt indicator.
• Ambient conditions, e.g., tem-
perature, rain sensor signals.
The processed data is only pro-
cessed in the vehicle itself and
generally volatile. The data is
not stored beyond the operating
Electronic components, e.g.
control units and ignition keys,
contain components for storing
technical information. Informa-
tion about the vehicle condition,
component usage, mainte-
nance requirements or faults
can be stored temporarily or
This information generally
records the state of a compo-
nent, a module, a system, or the
environment, for instance:
• Operating states of system
components, e.g., fill levels,
tire inflation pressure, battery
• Malfunctions and faults in
important system compo-
nents, for instance lights and
• Responses by the vehicle to
special situations such as air-
bag deployment or engage-
ment of the driving stability
control systems.
• Information on vehicle-dam-
aging events.
The data is required to perform
the control unit functions. Fur-
thermore, it also serves to rec-
ognize and correct malfunctions,
and helps the vehicle manufac-
Personal reference
Operating data in the vehi-