Installation Preparations
Installation necessities
All of the pertinent information you need to prepare for your HC3 system professional service engagements
and installation.
What to Expect on Installation Day
Your assigned installation specialist will contact you at the previously scheduled date and time with the
provided contact number to walk you through the HC3 system installation.
The installation will start with physical access to the HC3 nodes in order to congure the node IPs and
initialize the nodes as a single HC3 system. Once the nodes are initialized the HC3 web interface will be
available through a web browser and the remainder of the installation will be handled through an online
meeting provided by the installation specialist.
The installation specialist will walk you through the rst-time congurations for the HC3 system, the available
features and tools in the HC3 web interface, and rst-time HC3 VM creation if a Windows Operating System
ISO le is provided. They will also answer any remaining questions you may have regarding your new HC3
system solution.
Mixed Nodes and Single Node Systems
Scale Computing nodes are designed to mix and match in almost all situations for the ideal solution of
storage and compute power. In this section you will nd some general best practices and considerations for
mixing different series of nodes in a single system. See the latest HyperCore Support Matrix for complete
information on supported system congurations here.
• Each storage pool (SSD and HDD) of a single node addition to an existing HC3 system must not be
larger than the original system’s storage pool capacity for SSD and HDD respectively.
• Keep your virtual machine (VM) memory (RAM) needs in mind when mixing nodes; ensure you always
have enough free RAM available for any single node of VMs to failover to other nodes, particularly large-
RAM VMs. Adding a single node with a larger RAM footprint than the other nodes in the cluster could
create some undesirable scenarios for failover and rolling software upgrades. Add in pairs when adding
larger RAM footprint nodes into the system.
• Different node series offer different drive speeds with SSD, SAS, and SATA offerings. Mixing high capacity
7200 RPM drives with low capacity 10k or 15k drives within the same storage pool is not advisable. A
NOTE: If you have made the decision to self-install the HC3 system, please contact ScaleCare
Support once the system is initialized for a system health check, any applicable software
updates, and to make sure that the system is properly registered to your account.
Choosing to self-install may delay your deployment in the event of any issues. ScaleCare
Support reserves the right to take the necessary corrective actions on the system post
self-install on a rst-come, rst-serve basis with preference given to previously scheduled
installation customers.