Kindly provide accurate information to select the appropriate product for the application.
Inaccurate information may lead to wrong product selection.
If unsure of the following details, please consult a person with adequate knowledge of plumbing and electrical installations.
Return this completed document to your contact at Easy Heat – Technical Support.
1. Is the pipe a feed line for a Safety Shower?
Note: Safety Showers must have a line sensing thermostat
Other (Please Specify): ________
2. What is the nominal diameter of the pipe?
1/4” 2”
3/8” 2½”
1/2” 3”
3/4” 3½”
1” 4”
1¼” Other
1½” (Please Specify): ______
3. What is the length of the pipe?
4. What material is the pipe made of?
Copper (Pipe)
Copper (Tube)
Other (Please specify): _____________
5. What is the substance or fluid inside the pipe?
1. Is this application for Freeze Protection (FP) or for Temperature Maintenance (TM)?
a. If for TM, what pipe temperature does the system need to maintain?
If FP, note that pipe is maintained at 40°F (5°C).
Temp: ________
2. What is the minimum ambient temperature? (Typically between -40F and 50F)
(i.e. What is the outdoor or room temperature where the pipe is located?)
3. What is the maximum ambient temperature?
4. What is the normal operating temperature of the pipe content?
5. What is the maximum exposure temperature or highest temperature the heating
cable will be exposed to?
6. What is the highest temperature the pipe will achieve?
7. What is the lowest possible temperature the pipe will be allowed to reach before
the heater is energized?
8. What type of thermostat is going to be used, ambient sensing or line sensing?
03-08-201703-09-2017Revision 3-9-2017
Easy Heat Pipe Tracing Questionnaire
TSHCS - PT01 Rev 0