Table of Contents
Introduction !
Care and Maintenance
Table of Contents 2,
1. Controls 3
1.1 Names of Parts 45
1.2 Connections 5
1.3 Jacks 7
2. Overview 8
2.1 Sound Sources 8
2.2 Structuring Rhythm Patterns 9
2.3 Commands 9
2.4 Selecting Commands 10
2.5 Entering aParameter 11
3. Tempo and MULTI Programming
Functions 12
3.1 Changing the Tempo (Method 1) 12
3.2 Changing the Tempo (Method 2) 13
3.3 MULTI Programming Functions 13
3.4 Accessing the MU LTI Programming
Functions 14 15
3.5 Changing the Parameter Value 16
3.6 Tempo/Multi Control Availability List .... 16
4. Playing aRhythm Pattern 17
4.1 Basic Command 17
4.2 Playing the Pattern 17
4.3 Changing the Pattern Number 18
4.4 Changing the Bar Number 18
5. Erasing aPattern 19
5.1 Types of Erasures 19
5.2 Erasing aPattern 19
5.3 Erasing aParticular Instrument 20
5.4 Erasing One Bar of aPattern 20
5.5 Erasing All Data 21
5.6 Checking Available Memory 21
6. Recording Rhythm Patterns 22
6.1 Recording Methods 22
6.2 REAL TIME REC. -Parameters ]22
6.3 REAL TIME REC. -Recording 23
6.4 STEP REC. -Parameters 24
6.5 STEP REC. -Recording 25
6.6 Using MULTI Programming During
Recording 26
6.7 Actual Recordings -Sample I26, 27
6.8 Actual Recordings —Sample II 28
7. Editing Patterns 29
7.1 REFAME Command 29, 30
7.2 SWING Command 31, 32
7.3 BAR PUNCH IN/OUT Command
—Description 33
7.4 BAR PUNCH IN/OUT Command
—Example 34
7.5 EXCHANGE Command 35
7.6 COPY Command 36
8. Playing Songs and Chains 37
8.1 Selecting aSong or Chain for Playback .... 37
8.2 Specifying the Starting Point 37
9. Erasing aSong or Chain 38
9.1 Types of Erasures 38
9.2 Erasing aParticular Song or Chain 38
9.3 Erasing All Songs or Chains 39
10. Songs and Chains —General 40
10.1 BUILD Commands 40
10.2 BUILD -Parameters 40
10.3 Example: Building aSong 41
10.4 Example: Editing aSong with BUILD .... 42
Songs and Chains
—Additional Commands 43
11.1 INSERT Commands 43
11.2 DELETE Commands 44, 45
11.3 LEVEL CHANGE Commands 46,47
11.4 TEMPO CHANGE Commands 47,48
11.5 REPEAT/JUMP Commands
—Description 49 50
11.6 REPEAT/JUMP Commands
-Example 51,52
11.7 COPY Commands 52
12. Editing aSong or Chain with the
12.1 OVERDUB Command -Description 53
12.2 OVERDUB Command -Example 54, 55
12.3 Erasing the OVERDUB Track 56
13. MIDI Operation 57
13.1 The MIDI Interface 57
13.2 Setting the MIDI IN Channel 57,58
13.3 Setting the MIDI OUT Channel 58,59
13.4 MIDI IN and MIDI OUT Commands '60
13.5 MIDI IN Key Numbers -Description .... 61
13.6 MIDI IN Key Numbers -Example .... 61, 62
13.7 MIDI OUT Key Numbers 63