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Genie Pool Thermostat, Engineering Mode
As detailed in the Installation Instructions, it is possible, with the aid of a special setup plug, to enter into
an Engineering mode on this control.
Engineering Mode
Turn the Heater OFF with the Panel Switch
Remove the Front Top Panel and the Electrical Chassis Cover, remove the knob and Pcb retainer.
Pull off the PCB connector for the Sensors and replace with the Special Connector. (See Fig. 2.0)
Turn the Heater back ON.
Select the Parameter required by pressing the button, alter by rotating the potentiometer, then power off.
Replace the Sensor Connector and power back on
NB. The following explanation uses Centigrade, if the control is setup for Fahrenheit the values will be
the equivelant.
1. bt1 or bt3. This sets the controls boilertype. bt1 is non-condensing, bt3 is condensing.
2. td0 and td1. This sets the display type, td0 is the default. td1 allows the temperatures of
the other sensors to be displayed to one decimal place.
Each press of the lock button moves the display to the next one.
a. Pool Temperature as normally displayed.. The Green LED will be alight.
b. Pool Temperature is dispayed to 0.1 degrees. The Green LED will be alight.
c. Heat Exchanger Flow Temperature. The Yellow LED will flash rapidly.
d. Heat Exchanger Combustion Temperature. The Red LED will flash rapidly.
Rotating the potentiometer will change the set temperature. Pressing and holding the
button whilst one of the temperatures is displayed will ‘lock/unlock’ it on the display for
continuous observation.
3. The proportional band. 0.0 to 7.9 degrees, the default is 1.0. This is the number of degrees
below setpoint modulation can start.
4. The DeltaT modulation point. 0 to 50 degrees, the default is 12. This also determines the
modulation charactersistic of the Heater. It is the temperature difference across the heat exchanger
where modulation will start.
Example: Default settings, 1 and 12. Required Pool temperature 30C.
At 28.9 pool temperature, no modulation in any circumstances
At 29.0 pool temperature and 10 degrees across the heat exchanger, no modulation.
At 29.0 poool temperature and 15 degrees across the heat exchanger, modulation.
If the propotional band is set to 0.0, there will be no modulation irrespective of the DeltaT setting.
If the DeltaT setting is 50, the Heater will always be in modulation.
It is recommended that the modulation points are not altered without consultation with the manufacturer.
Fig. 2.0